1.0.0 • Published 2 years ago

@solidstate/abdk-math-extensions v1.0.0

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2 years ago

SolidState Extensions for ABDK Libraries

SolidState extensions for the abdk-libraries-solidity package. Developed as a part of the Premia Finance smart contracts. SolidState, Premia, and this package are not affiliated with ABDK.


Install the package as well as the required ABDK package as development dependencies:

yarn add --dev @solidstate/abdk-math-extensions abdk-libraries-solidity


Install dependencies via Yarn:

yarn install

Setup Husky to format code on commit:

yarn prepare

Compile contracts via Hardhat:

yarn run hardhat compile

The Hardhat environment relies on the following environment variables. The dotenv package will attempt to read them from the .env file, if it is present.

REPORT_GASif true, a gas report will be generated after running tests


By default, Hardhat uses the Hardhat Network in-process. Two additional networks, mainnet and testnet are available, and their behavior is determined by the configuration of environment variables.


Test contracts via Hardhat:

yarn run hardhat test

Activate gas usage reporting by setting the REPORT_GAS environment variable to "true":

REPORT_GAS=true yarn run hardhat test

Generate a code coverage report using solidity-coverage:

yarn run hardhat coverage