0.1.0-rc2 • Published 6 years ago

@spankdev/spankbank v0.1.0-rc2

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6 years ago


The SpankBank is an algorithmic central bank that powers the two-token SpankChain economic system.

  1. SPANK is a staking token which can be deposited with the SpankBank to earn newly minted BOOTY.

  2. BOOTY is low-volatility fee credit good for $1 worth of SpankChain services.

SpankChain will collect fees for using the camsite, payment hub, advertising network, and other services in BOOTY. The fees are sent to the SpankBank where they are counted and burned.

The SpankBank has a 30 day billing period. At the beginning of each new period, if the total BOOTY supply is under the target supply (20x the total fees collected in the previous period), new BOOTY is minted to reach the target supply and distributed proportionally to all SPANK stakers.

In the future, we plan to add features to incentivize decentralized moderation of the SpankChain platform, rewarding BOOTY to those who help maintain its integrity. We also plan to add mechanisms that will incentivize maintaining the $1 BOOTY peg.


SPANK holders can stake their SPANK tokens with the SpankBank for up to 12 (30 day) periods by calling the stake function. BOOTY fees can be paid to the SpankBank by anyone by calling the sendFees function. When a new period starts, anyone can mint BOOTY for the previous period by calling the mintBooty function. Once BOOTY has been minted for a previous period, the stakers for that period can call the claimBooty function to claim their BOOTY. In order to be eligible to receive BOOTY, during each staking period stakers have to check in with the SpankBank by calling the checkIn function. Stakers can optionally extend their stake for additional periods when checking in. When a staker's stake has expired, they can withdraw their staked SPANK using the withdrawStake function.

If stakers want to only partially extend their stake (e.g. extend only 50% of their stake by an additional month, not all of it) or to transfer some of their stake to a new address (e.g. for security reasons) they can do so by calling the splitStake function.

If stakers want to close the SpankBank and be able to withdraw early (e.g. in case of catastrophic bug or planned upgrade), they can call the voteToClose function. If stakers accounting for more than 50% of the staked SPANK call voteToClose in the same period, the SpankBank will immediately transition to a "closed" state and allow stakers to withdraw early.

Data Structures

Global Constants

uint256 public periodLength; - time length of each period in seconds (30 days = 2592000 seconds)

uint256 public maxPeriods; - maximum number of staking periods (12)

HumanStandardToken public spankToken; - the SPANK token contract reference

MintableToken public bootyToken; - the BOOTY token contract reference


Stakers are rewarded with extra BOOTY for staking for additional periods. The SpankPoints for each staker are calculated as the amount of SPANK staked multiplied by the staking factor. The staking factor ranges from 100% if staking for the maximum length of 12 periods, to 45% for staking the minimum length of 1 period.

  // 1 -> 45%
  // 2 -> 50%
  // ...
  // 12 -> 100%
  mapping(uint256 => uint256) pointsTable;

In order to earn the maximum BOOTY, a staker would need to stake for 12 periods, and then opt to extend their stake by 1 period during every check in.

If a staker stakes for 12 periods but doesn't opt to extend their stake during check ins, they would receive 100% of the BOOTY for the first period, 95% for the second period, and so forth until they receive 45% during the final period.

Internal Accounting

uint256 public currentPeriod = 0; - the current period number

uint256 public totalSpankStaked; - the total SPANK staked across all stakers

bool public isClosed; - true if voteToClose has passed, allows early withdrawals


The Staker struct stores all releveant data for each staker, and is saved in the stakers mapping by the staker's address.

    struct Staker {
        uint256 spankStaked; // the amount of spank staked
        uint256 startingPeriod; // the period this staker started staking
        uint256 endingPeriod; // the period after which this stake expires
        mapping(uint256 => uint256) spankPoints; // the spankPoints per period
        mapping(uint256 => bool) didClaimBooty; // true if staker claimed BOOTY for that period
        mapping(uint256 => bool) votedToClose; // true if staker voted to close for
        that period
        address delegateKey; // address used to call checkIn and claimBooty
        address bootyBase; // destination address to receive BOOTY

  mapping(address => Staker) public stakers;

The staker.spankPoints mapping stores the staker's spank points for each period. The staker.didClaimBooty mapping tracks whether or not the staker has claimed their BOOTY for each period.


The Period struct stores all releveant data for each period, and is saved in the periods mapping by the period number.

    struct Period {
        uint256 bootyFees; // the amount of BOOTY collected in fees
        uint256 totalSpankPoints; // the total spankPoints of all stakers
        uint256 bootyMinted; // the amount of BOOTY minted
        bool mintingComplete; // true if BOOTY has already been minted for this period
        uint256 startTime; // the starting unix timestamp in seconds
        uint256 endTime; // the ending unix timestamp in seconds
        uint256 closingVotes; // the total votes to close this period

  mapping(uint256 => Period) public periods;

The data for each period is set in the following order:

  1. The totalSpankPoints are tallied during the previous period, as each staker calls the stake or checkIn functions.
  2. The startTime and endTime are set when the period starts, when the updatePeriod function is called.
  3. The bootyFees are tallied during the period, as the sendFees function is called.
  4. The closingVotes are tallied during the period, as stakers call voteToClose.
  5. Once the period is over, bootyMinted and mintingComplete are set when the mintBooty function is called during the next period.


SpankBank Constructor

  1. Saves the passed in periodLength and maxPeriods as global constants.
  2. Builds and saves the SPANK token reference from the passed in spankAddress.
  3. Deploys the BOOTY token contract and mints initialBootySupply BOOTY tokens.
  4. Transfers all newly minted BOOTY to the msg.sender.
  5. Immediately starts the first period (period 0) at startTime = now.
  6. Set the endTime of the first period to 30 days from now.
  7. Initialize the pointsTable with hard coded values.
    constructor (
        uint256 _periodLength,
        uint256 _maxPeriods,
        address spankAddress,
        uint256 initialBootySupply,
        string bootyTokenName,
        uint8 bootyDecimalUnits,
        string bootySymbol
    )   public {
        periodLength = _periodLength;
        maxPeriods = _maxPeriods;
        spankToken = HumanStandardToken(spankAddress);
        bootyToken = new MintAndBurnToken(bootyTokenName, bootyDecimalUnits, bootySymbol);
        bootyToken.mint(this, initialBootySupply);

        uint256 startTime = now;

        periods[currentPeriod].startTime = startTime;
        periods[currentPeriod].endTime = SafeMath.add(startTime, periodLength);

        bootyToken.transfer(msg.sender, initialBootySupply);

        // initialize points table
        pointsTable[0] = 0;
        pointsTable[1] = 45;
        pointsTable[2] = 50;
        pointsTable[3] = 55;
        pointsTable[4] = 60;
        pointsTable[5] = 65;
        pointsTable[6] = 70;
        pointsTable[7] = 75;
        pointsTable[8] = 80;
        pointsTable[9] = 85;
        pointsTable[10] = 90;
        pointsTable[11] = 95;
        pointsTable[12] = 100;

        emit SpankBankCreated(_periodLength, _maxPeriods, spankAddress, initialBootySupply, bootyTokenName, bootyDecimalUnits, bootySymbol);

Bootstrapping BOOTY

The initial BOOTY balance is sent to the msg.sender to be distributed to all period 0 stakers through a token airdrop. The airdrop will take place at the end of period 0 (30 days from SpankBank deployment) and will be based on each staker's spankPoints for period 1.


In order to make sure all interactions with the SpankBank take place during the correct period, the updatePeriod function is called at the beginning of every state-updating function.

So long as the current time (now) is greater than the endTime of the current period (meaning the period is over), the currentPeriod is incremented by one and then the startTime and the endTime for the next Period are set as well.

    function updatePeriod() public {
        while (now >= periods[currentPeriod].endTime) {
            Period memory prevPeriod = periods[currentPeriod];
            emit PeriodEvent(

            currentPeriod += 1;
            periods[currentPeriod].startTime = prevPeriod.endTime;
            periods[currentPeriod].endTime = SafeMath.add(prevPeriod.endTime, periodLength);

The reason this is done using a while loop is just in case an entire period passes without any SpankBank interactions taking place. This is extremely unlikely and would mean no fees were paid not a single staker checked in, but we wanted to protect against that scenario anyways.

One scenario the updatePeriod function does not protect against is if enough periods pass without any SpankBank interactions that in order to catch up to the current period the while loop has to run enough times that its execution uses more gas than the gas limit of a single block. The updatePeriod function uses 21272 gas so at the current 8M gas limit it would take 31 years of not interacting with the SpankBank for this to happen.


Used to open a new staking position with spankAmount SPANK tokens for a length of stakePeriods periods.

  1. Updates the period.
  2. Saves the staker data.
  3. Transfers SPANK from the staker to the SpankBank.
  4. Calculates and saves the staker.spankPoints for the next period.
  5. Adds the staker.spankpoints to the totalSpankPoints for the next period.
  6. Updates the totalSpankStaked.
  7. Updates the stakerByDelegateKey lookup table.

Note: In order to improve the UX of staking, we allow the user to combine calling the approve function on the SPANK contract and the stake function on this contract by calling the approveAndCall function on the SPANK contract with the staking parameters. The approveAndCall forwards a payload with the staking parameters to the receiveApproval function on the SpankBank, which then stakes as usual. To allow for either way of staking, we execute the main staking logic inside the doStake function and call it from both stake and receiveApproval.

    function stake(
        uint256 spankAmount,
        uint256 stakePeriods,
        address delegateKey,
        address bootyBase
    ) SpankBankIsOpen public {
        doStake(msg.sender, spankAmount, stakePeriods, delegateKey, bootyBase);

    function doStake(
        address stakerAddress,
        uint256 spankAmount,
        uint256 stakePeriods,
        address delegateKey,
        address bootyBase
    ) internal {
        require(stakePeriods > 0 && stakePeriods <= maxPeriods, "stake not between zero and maxPeriods"); // stake 1-12 (max) periods
        require(spankAmount > 0, "stake is 0"); // stake must be greater than 0

        // the staker must not have an active staking position
        require(stakers[stakerAddress].startingPeriod == 0, "staker already exists");

        // transfer SPANK to this contract - assumes sender has already "allowed" the spankAmount
        require(spankToken.transferFrom(stakerAddress, this, spankAmount));

        stakers[stakerAddress] = Staker(spankAmount, currentPeriod + 1, currentPeriod + stakePeriods, delegateKey, bootyBase);

        _updateNextPeriodPoints(stakerAddress, stakePeriods);

        totalSpankStaked = SafeMath.add(totalSpankStaked, spankAmount);

        require(delegateKey != address(0), "delegateKey does not exist");
        require(bootyBase != address(0), "bootyBase does not exist");
        require(stakerByDelegateKey[delegateKey] == address(0), "delegateKey already used");
        stakerByDelegateKey[delegateKey] = stakerAddress;

        emit StakeEvent(
            currentPeriod + 1,
            stakers[stakerAddress].spankPoints[currentPeriod + 1],


As mentioned above, the receiveApproval function receives staking parameters as a payload from the approveAndCall function on the SPANK token contract when the staker wants to stake in a single transction. This is the default pattern supported by the SpankBank Explorer UI.

    function receiveApproval(address from, uint256 amount, address tokenContract, bytes extraData) SpankBankIsOpen public returns (bool success) {
        address delegateKeyFromBytes = extraData.toAddress(12);
        address bootyBaseFromBytes = extraData.toAddress(44);
        uint256 periodFromBytes = extraData.toUint(64);

        emit ReceiveApprovalEvent(from, tokenContract);

        doStake(from, amount, periodFromBytes, delegateKeyFromBytes, bootyBaseFromBytes);
        return true;

Convenience vs. Security: delegateKey and bootyBase

We expect that stakers will have varying preferences for security vs. convenience, and so we designed the SpankBank to allow stakers to optionally split up responsibilities across multiple accounts. The delegateKey is used to checkIn and claimBooty every month, and the bootyBase is where the claimed BOOTY will be deposited. The account originally used to stake (the staker.address) must be used to splitStake, withdrawStake, voteToClose, updateDelegateKey, and updateBootyBase.

Should stakers maximally prefer convenience, they can use the same address for all three and never think about this again. Should stakers maximally prefer security, they could use a multi-sig wallet or hardware wallet to stake, keep that account in cold storage and secure, and only use it as needed (e.g. 1 year later to withdraw). They could then use a second account as the delegateKey, which they would keep hot and only use once a month to checkIn and claimBooty, and use a third account as their bootyBase. Splitting up these accounts makes it so that hackers would need to take over both the delegateKey and the bootyBase in order to steal a staker's BOOTY for the period, at which point the staker could call updateDelegateKey and updateBootyBase to regain control.

The most important security risk around having a delegateKey hacked is that it can be used to checkIn and potentially increase the staking period to the maximum, which can not be undone.

Other Considerations

Staking only goes into effect for the next period. If a staker stakes during period 1, that will give them spankpoints for period 2, and in period 3 they will be able to claim ther share of the BOOTY minted as a result of fees sent during period 2.

If a staker only stakes for 1 period, they will not be able to checkIn and extend their stake. It will expire after the next period and they will be forced to withdraw and re-stake if they wish to stake again using the same SPANK. Because staking only goes into effect in the next period, they would be effectively missing every other period.

The SpankBank does not delete stakers after they withdraw, and so stakers who stake, withdraw, and attempt to stake again from the same account will find themselves getting contract errors. Each new stake is required to come from a fresh account.


Used to send bootyAmount BOOTY tokens in fees to the SpankBank, which are then counted and burned.

  1. Updates the period.
  2. Transfers bootyAmount BOOTY from the sender to the SpankBank.
  3. Burns the BOOTY.
  4. Adds the bootyAmount to the period.bootyFees for the current period.
    function sendFees(uint256 bootyAmount) SpankBankIsOpen public {

        require(bootyAmount > 0, "fee is zero"); // fees must be greater than 0
        require(bootyToken.transferFrom(msg.sender, this, bootyAmount));


        uint256 currentBootyFees = periods[currentPeriod].bootyFees;
        currentBootyFees = SafeMath.add(bootyAmount, currentBootyFees);
        periods[currentPeriod].bootyFees = currentBootyFees;

        emit SendFeesEvent(msg.sender, bootyAmount);


Used to mint new BOOTY based on the total fees from the previous period.

  1. Updates the period.
  2. Sets period.mintingComplete = true to prevent double minting for a period.
  3. If the targetBootySupply (20x bootyFees) is less than the total BOOTY supply, mints enough BOOTY to reach the targetBootySupply.
  4. Saves the amount of BOOTY minted to period.bootyMinted.
    function mintBooty() SpankBankIsOpen public {

        // can't mint BOOTY during period 0 - would result in integer underflow
        require(currentPeriod > 0, "current period is zero");

        Period storage period = periods[currentPeriod - 1];
        require(!period.mintingComplete, "minting already complete"); // cant mint BOOTY twice

        period.mintingComplete = true;

        uint256 targetBootySupply = SafeMath.mul(period.bootyFees, 20);
        uint256 totalBootySupply = bootyToken.totalSupply();

        if (targetBootySupply > totalBootySupply) {
            uint256 bootyMinted = targetBootySupply - totalBootySupply;
            bootyToken.mint(this, bootyMinted);
            period.bootyMinted = bootyMinted;
            emit MintBootyEvent(targetBootySupply, totalBootySupply);

Newly minted BOOTY is owned by the SpankBank contract until it is claimed.

If mintBooty is skipped for a period, the impact would be that the stakers for that period would not receive their BOOTY, which would especially hurt stakers that are exiting after that period. Overall, the impact would be minimal, as any reduction in the total BOOTY supply would be made up when mintBooty was called during the next period.


Used by stakers to withdraw their share of the BOOTY minted for a previous period.

  1. Updates the period.
  2. Sets the staker.didClaimBooty = true to prevent double BOOTY claims for a period.
  3. Calculates the staker's share of the BOOTY minted for the period and transfers it from the SpankBank to the staker.
    function claimBooty(uint256 claimPeriod) public {

        Period memory period = periods[claimPeriod];
        require(period.mintingComplete, "booty not minted");

        address stakerAddress = stakerByDelegateKey[msg.sender];

        Staker storage staker = stakers[stakerAddress];

        require(!staker.didClaimBooty[claimPeriod], "staker already claimed"); // can only claim booty once

        uint256 stakerSpankPoints = staker.spankPoints[claimPeriod];
        require(stakerSpankPoints > 0, "staker has no points"); // only stakers can claim

        staker.didClaimBooty[claimPeriod] = true;

        uint256 bootyMinted = period.bootyMinted;
        uint256 totalSpankPoints = period.totalSpankPoints;

        uint256 bootyOwed = SafeMath.div(SafeMath.mul(stakerSpankPoints, bootyMinted), totalSpankPoints);

        require(bootyToken.transfer(staker.bootyBase, bootyOwed));

        emit ClaimBootyEvent(stakerAddress, claimPeriod, bootyOwed);

Because claimBooty accepts a period to retrieve BOOTY for, it allows for stakers to be lazy and store their BOOTY with the SpankBank indefinitely until they are ready to withdraw.


Used by stakers to establish their eligibility for receiving BOOTY for the next period. Can also optionally extend the staker's endingPeriod.

  1. Updates the period.
  2. If an updatedEndingPeriod is provided, updates staker.endingPeriod.
  3. Calculates and saves the staker.spankPoints for the next period.
  4. Adds the staker.spankpoints to the totalSpankPoints for the next period and saves it.
    function checkIn(uint256 updatedEndingPeriod) SpankBankIsOpen public {

        address stakerAddress =  stakerByDelegateKey[msg.sender];

        Staker storage staker = stakers[stakerAddress];

        require(staker.spankStaked > 0, "staker stake is zero");
        require(currentPeriod < staker.endingPeriod, "staker expired");
        require(staker.spankPoints[currentPeriod+1] == 0, "staker has points for next period");

        // If updatedEndingPeriod is 0, don't update the ending period
        if (updatedEndingPeriod > 0) {
            require(updatedEndingPeriod > staker.endingPeriod, "updatedEndingPeriod less than or equal to staker endingPeriod");
            require(updatedEndingPeriod <= currentPeriod + maxPeriods, "updatedEndingPeriod greater than currentPeriod and maxPeriods");
            staker.endingPeriod = updatedEndingPeriod;

        uint256 stakePeriods = staker.endingPeriod - currentPeriod;

        _updateNextPeriodPoints(stakerAddress, stakePeriods);

        emit CheckInEvent(stakerAddress, currentPeriod + 1, staker.spankPoints[currentPeriod + 1], staker.endingPeriod);

If 0 is provided for updatedEndingPeriod, the staker.endingPeriod stays the same.

If a staker fails to check in for a period, they will not be able to receive any BOOTY minted for that period. Failing to check in for one period does not, however, prevent the staker from checking in for subsequent periods.

The motivation for requiring check ins was to avoid requiring iterating over an array of stakers in order to calculate the totalSpankPoints at the time of minting. At best, this would be expensive for whoever calls mintBooty, and at worst, it presents an incentive for a malicious actor to create many small staking positions to make iterating over them even more expensive. This would either force us to enforce minimum stake SPANK amounts or rewrite mintBooty to be able to be called over several transactions so that the gas cost exceeding the block gas limit doesn't prevent the function from being called.

Another reason for requiring check ins is to address the possibility of stakers losing their keys or going permanently offline (e.g. death), in which case we would prefer their share of newly minted BOOTY to be distributed to the remaining stakers.


Used by stakers to withdraw their staked SPANK after their stake's endingPeriod has passed or after the SpankBank has been closed via voteToClose.

  1. Updates the period.
  2. Sets the staker.spankStaked = 0 to prevent withdrawing excess SPANK.
  3. Transfers the staked SPANK to the staker.
    function withdrawStake() public {

        Staker storage staker = stakers[msg.sender];
        require(staker.spankStaked > 0, "staker has no stake");

        require(isClosed || currentPeriod > staker.endingPeriod, "currentPeriod less than endingPeriod or spankbank closed");

        uint256 spankToWithdraw = staker.spankStaked;

        totalSpankStaked = SafeMath.sub(totalSpankStaked, staker.spankStaked);
        staker.spankStaked = 0;

        spankToken.transfer(msg.sender, spankToWithdraw);

        emit WithdrawStakeEvent(msg.sender, spankToWithdraw);


Used by stakers to transfer spankAmount of their staked SPANK (up to 100%) to the provided newAddress. Can only be called before the staker checks in for a period.

  1. Updates the period.
  2. Subtracts the spankAmount to split from staker.spankStaked.
  3. Create and save a new Staker with the transferred spankAmount and the same startingPeriod and endingPeriod as the original staker.
    function splitStake(
        address newAddress,
        address newDelegateKey,
        address newBootyBase,
        uint256 spankAmount
    ) public {

        require(newAddress != address(0), "newAddress is zero");
        require(newDelegateKey != address(0), "delegateKey is zero");
        require(newBootyBase != address(0), "bootyBase is zero");
        require(stakerByDelegateKey[newDelegateKey] == address(0), "delegateKey in use");

        require(spankAmount > 0, "spankAmount is zero");

        Staker storage staker = stakers[msg.sender];
        require(currentPeriod < staker.endingPeriod, "staker expired");
        require(spankAmount <= staker.spankStaked, "spankAmount greater than stake");
        require(staker.spankPoints[currentPeriod+1] == 0, "staker has points for next period");

        staker.spankStaked = SafeMath.sub(staker.spankStaked, spankAmount);

        stakers[newAddress] = Staker(spankAmount, staker.startingPeriod, staker.endingPeriod, newDelegateKey, newBootyBase);

        stakerByDelegateKey[newDelegateKey] = newAddress;

        emit SplitStakeEvent(msg.sender, newAddress, newDelegateKey, newBootyBase, spankAmount);

The motivation for splitStake is primarily to allow stakers to be able to decide to extend less than their total stake when they check in. Without splitStake, stakers would be forced during every check in to have to decide to either extend their entire stake or not. If a staker wanted to, for example, extend 90% of their stake but let 10% gradually expire, they wouldn't be able to. They would have to decide to either extend 100% of their stake or let 100% of their stake gradually expire.

To get around this limitation, stakers would likely split their stakes up to be controlled by multiple addresses, so they could decide whether or not to extend each staking position independently. This would make staking more annoying and require unnecessary upfront planning. The splitStake function gives stakers more flexibility in deciding how much of their stake to extend over time, and reduces friction from the initial staking.


Used by stakers to close the SpankBank and be able to withdraw early (e.g. in case of catastrophic bug or planned upgrade). If stakers accounting for more than 50% of the staked SPANK call voteToClose in the same period, the SpankBank will immediately transition to a "closed" state and allow stakers to withdraw early.

  1. Updates the period.
  2. Adds staker.spankStaked to period.closingVotes.
  3. If period.closingVotes is over 50% of the totalSpankStaked, sets isClosed to true.
    function voteToClose() public {

        Staker storage staker = stakers[msg.sender];

        require(staker.spankStaked > 0, "stake is zero");
        require(currentPeriod < staker.endingPeriod , "staker expired");
        require(staker.votedToClose[currentPeriod] == false, "stake already voted");
        require(isClosed == false, "SpankBank already closed");

        uint256 closingVotes = periods[currentPeriod].closingVotes;
        closingVotes = SafeMath.add(closingVotes, staker.spankStaked);
        periods[currentPeriod].closingVotes = closingVotes;

        staker.votedToClose[currentPeriod] = true;

        uint256 closingTrigger = SafeMath.div(totalSpankStaked, 2);
        if (closingVotes > closingTrigger) {
            isClosed = true;

        emit VoteToCloseEvent(msg.sender, currentPeriod);

Upgrading the SpankBank

We have decided to forego attempting to make the SpankBank directly upgradeable onchain because of the additional complexity and foresight required today to make the present SpankBank forward compatible with the next version. Instead, when it is time to upgrade SpankChain will deploy a new SpankBank smart contract and the stakers will be able to voteToClose the old SpankBank, withdraw their SPANK, and optionally re-stake in the new SpankBank.


Used by a staker to update the delegateKey account which they use to checkIn and claimBooty.

  1. Updates the period.
  2. Resets the value of stakerByDelegateKey for the previous delegateKey to the default zero address.
  3. Sets staker.delegateKey to the new delegateKey.
  4. Sets the value of stakerByDelegateKey for the new delegateKey to the staker.address.
    function updateDelegateKey(address newDelegateKey) public {
        require(newDelegateKey != address(0), "delegateKey is zero");
        require(stakerByDelegateKey[newDelegateKey] == address(0), "delegateKey already exists");

        Staker storage staker = stakers[msg.sender];
        require(staker.startingPeriod > 0, "staker starting period is zero");

        stakerByDelegateKey[staker.delegateKey] = address(0);
        staker.delegateKey = newDelegateKey;
        stakerByDelegateKey[newDelegateKey] = msg.sender;

        emit UpdateDelegateKeyEvent(msg.sender);


Used by a staker to update the bootyBase account at which they receive the BOOTY they claim.

    function updateBootyBase(address newBootyBase) public {
        Staker storage staker = stakers[msg.sender];
        require(staker.startingPeriod > 0, "staker starting period is zero");

        staker.bootyBase = newBootyBase;

        emit UpdateBootyBaseEvent(msg.sender);

Testing + Development

For testing instructions, see test/Readme.md


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