5.3.0 • Published 3 years ago

@spryker-lerna/run v5.3.0

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3 years ago


Run an npm script in each package that contains that script

Install lerna for access to the lerna CLI.


$ lerna run <script> -- [..args] # runs npm run my-script in all packages that have it
$ lerna run test
$ lerna run build

# watch all packages and transpile on change, streaming prefixed output
$ lerna run --parallel watch

Run an npm script in each package that contains that script. A double-dash (--) is necessary to pass dashed arguments to the script execution.


lerna run accepts all filter flags.

$ lerna run --scope my-component test

--npm-client <client>

Must be an executable that knows how to run npm lifecycle scripts. The default --npm-client is npm.

$ lerna run build --npm-client=yarn

May also be configured in lerna.json:

  "command": {
    "run": {
      "npmClient": "yarn"


Stream output from child processes immediately, prefixed with the originating package name. This allows output from different packages to be interleaved.

$ lerna run watch --stream


Similar to --stream, but completely disregards concurrency and topological sorting, running a given command or script immediately in all matching packages with prefixed streaming output. This is the preferred flag for long-running processes such as npm run watch run over many packages.

$ lerna run watch --parallel

Note: It is advised to constrain the scope of this command when using the --parallel flag, as spawning dozens of subprocesses may be harmful to your shell's equanimity (or maximum file descriptor limit, for example). YMMV


# Run an npm script in all packages that contain it, ignoring non-zero (error) exit codes
$ lerna run --no-bail test

By default, lerna run will exit with an error if any script run returns a non-zero exit code. Pass --no-bail to disable this behavior, running the script in all packages that contain it regardless of exit code.


Disable package name prefixing when output is streaming (--stream or --parallel). This option can be useful when piping results to other processes, such as editor plugins.


Profiles the script executions and produces a performance profile which can be analyzed using DevTools in a Chromium-based browser (direct url: devtools://devtools/bundled/devtools_app.html). The profile shows a timeline of the script executions where each execution is assigned to an open slot. The number of slots is determined by the --concurrency option and the number of open slots is determined by --concurrency minus the number of ongoing operations. The end result is a visualization of the parallel execution of your scripts.

The default location of the performance profile output is at the root of your project.

$ lerna run build --profile

Note: Lerna will only profile when topological sorting is enabled (i.e. without --parallel and --no-sort).

--profile-location <location>

You can provide a custom location for the performance profile output. The path provided will be resolved relative to the current working directory.

$ lerna run build --profile --profile-location=logs/profile/

useNx (experimental)

Enables integration with Nx. Setting "useNx": true in lerna.json will tell Lerna to delegate running tasks to Nx instead of using p-map and p-queue. This only works if Nx is installed and nx.json is present.

Example of nx.json:

  "extends": "nx/presets/npm.json",
  "tasksRunnerOptions": {
    "default": {
      "runner": "nx/tasks-runners/default",
      "options": {
        "cacheableOperations": ["build"]