2.0.2 • Published 12 months ago
@spurreiter/wstun v2.0.2
WSTUN - Tunnels and Reverse Tunnels over WebSocket
An improved fork of https://github.com/MDSLab/wstun.
- Refactored to use ESM
- Linted and Typed
Table of Contents
A set of Node.js tools to establish TCP tunnels (or TCP reverse tunnels) over WebSocket connections for circumventing the problem of directly connect to hosts behind a strict firewall or without public IP. It also supports WebSocket Secure (wss) connections.
npm install @spurreiter/wstun
Forward WS Tunnel
host remote
+--------+ +--------+ +---------+
| :9000 |----wstun--->| :4000 | | :3000 |
====>| client |=====tcp====>| server |=====>| service |
:9000 | |----wstun--->| | | |
+--------+ +--------+ +---------+
Instantiation of a forward tunnel server
import { Server } from '@spurreiter/wstun'
// start with TLS
const server = new Server({
tlsOptions: {
key: 'path-to-private-key',
cert: 'path-to-public-cert'
// listening port where websocket gets connected
const port = 4000
// destination host and port (optional)
const dstAddr = ''
server.start(port, dstAddr)
Implementation of a forward tunnel client
import { Client } from '@spurreiter/wstun'
const client = new Client({
tlsOptions: {
ca: 'path-to-public-cert' // for self signed certs
// is the port on the localhost on which the tunneled service will be reachable
const localPort = 9000
const wsHostUrl = new URL('wss://remote:4000')
client.start(localPort, wsHostUrl)
Reverse WS Tunnel
host remote
+--------+ +--------+ +---------+
| :8000 |<---wstun----| | | :3000 |
=====>| server |=====tcp====>| client |=====>| service |
:9000 | |<---wstun----| | | |
+--------+ +--------+ +---------+
Instantiation of a reverse tunnel server
import { ServerReverse } from '@spurreiter/wstun'
// start with TLS
const serverRev = new ServerReverse({
tlsOptions: {
key: 'path-to-private-key',
cert: 'path-to-public-cert'
// listening port where websocket is connected
const port = 8000
Implementation of a reverse tunnel client
import { ClientReverse } from '@spurreiter/wstun'
const clientRev = new ClientReverse({
tlsOptions: {
ca: 'path-to-public-cert' // for self signed certs
// is the port on the localhost on which the tunneled service will be reachable
const tunnelPort = 9000
const wsHostUrl = new URL('wss://host:8000')
const remoteAddr = ''
clientRev.start(tunnelPort, wsHostUrl, remoteAddr)
Tunnels and reverse tunnels over WebSocket.
wstun [options]
-s|--server port run as server, specify listening port
-r|--reverse run server in reverse tunneling mode
-t|--tunnel [localport:]host:port
run as tunnel client, specify [localport:]host:port
-a|--allow file.json server accepts only the requests coming from
authorized clients. Specify the path to the file
containing authorized clients. Must be a .json
file with:
[{id: <uuid>, destinations: [<string>]}, {..}]
-u|--uuid string specify the bearer auth of the client
|--local tunnel server listens only on local host
"" instead of all hosts "".
|--reconnect [number] reconnect server or client after connection errors.
Optionally specify the number of ms to restart.
|--key filename path to private key certificate
|--cert filename path to public key certificate
|--ca filename certification authority
(forward tunnel server)
wstun -t -s 4000 --key s.key --cert s.crt
(forward tunnel client)
wstun -t 9000 --ca s.crt wss://host:4000
(reverse tunnel server)
wstun -s 8000 --key s.key --cert s.crt
(reverse tunnel client)
wstun.js -r -t 9000: --ca s.crt wss://host:8000
Logging system
wstun uses debug-level for logging.
To log to a file use, e.g.
npm i -g @spurreiter/wstun
NODE_ENV=production wstun -s 8000 2> /var/log/wstun.log