1.0.0-rc.17 • Published 6 years ago

@srsly/webpack v1.0.0-rc.17

Weekly downloads
Last release
6 years ago


  1. Make sure you have installed nvm (https://github.com/creationix/nvm) to manage your node version
  2. If you have installed nvm, type nvm use to use the defined node version from .nvmrc. If your project does not have a .nvmrc file, create one!
  3. make sure you have yarn installed on your machine
  4. run yarn from your project root to install your project dependencies

Install @srsly/webpack package

Run yarn add --dev @srsly/webpack to install the webpack config as dev dependency.



  1. Create index.js in theme/src
  2. Create postcss.config.js, tsconfig.json, build.config.json and .stylelintrc on your project root

Existing Project

  1. Migrate installed dependencies from theme/package.json to the package.json no your root dir.
  2. Delete theme/package.json, theme/package-lock.json, theme/gulpfile.js, theme/yarn.lock, theme/.sass-cache, theme/node_modules, src/config/* and js/vendor


module.exports = {
	plugins: {
		'autoprefixer': {}


module.exports = {
    "entries": [
    "dist": 'theme/dist',
    "copyImage": {
        "from": "theme/src/img",
        "to": "theme/dist/img"
    "favicon": {
        "title": "SRSLY Web Project",
        "background": "red",
        "icons": {
            "android": true,
            "appleIcon": true,
            "appleStartup": true,
            "coast": false,
            "favicons": true,
            "firefox": true,
            "opengraph": false,
            "twitter": false,
            "yandex": false,
            "windows": false


Create a tsconfig.json file in your project's root with the following content to extend from our typescript base config.

    "extends": "./node_modules/@srsly/webpack/tsconfig.json",


Create .stylelintrc and extend from our base config.

    "extends": "./node_modules/@srsly/webpack/.stylelintrc"


Load needed bootstrap modules from from node_modules.

@import "~bootstrap/scss/functions";
@import "~bootstrap/scss/variables";
@import "~bootstrap/scss/mixins";

... more modules

Add scripts to your package.json

Add the following scripts to your package.json

  "scripts": {
    "dev": "yarn run srsly watch,
    "build": "yarn run srsly build",
    "lint:scss": "stylelint \"theme/**/*.scss\" --syntax scss",
    "lint:scss:fix": "stylelint \"theme/**/*.scss\" --fix --syntax scss",
    "prettier:check": "prettier 'theme/src/**/*.ts' --list-different",
    "prettier:fix": "prettier 'theme/src/**/*.ts' --write",
    "test": "yarn run lint:scss && yarn run prettier:check"



  • Use yarn run srsly --help so see all commands.

Installing New Dependencies

  • Use yarn add <package> to install a package from npm used as production dependency
  • Use yarn add --dev <package> to install a package from npm used as dev dependency

Development Mode

type yarn run dev to start a webpack server with HMR and source maps.

Production Mode

type yarn run build to build your assets for production. you can inspect your dependencies with yarn run build:analyze

Linting & Testing

Check your project with yarn run test

Stylelint for SCSS (https://stylelint.io/)

  • Lint files: yarn run lint:scss
  • Lint files and fix (if possible): yarn run lint:scss:fix

Prettier for Typescript (https://prettier.io/)

  • Check files yarn run prettier:check
  • Fix files yarn run prettier:fix

Publishing new versions

use npm publish to publish a new version of this config to npm. Please follow semver https://semver.org.


Srsly CLI

  • Bootstrap Command to create tsconfig.json, build.config.js, etc..


  • Refactoring Codebase

Version Checker

  • Advanced features like autoupdate version, show installed and remote version, etc.