1.0.1-beta.1 • Published 6 months ago

@stark-test/accessibility-cli v1.0.1-beta.1

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6 months ago

Stark accessibility CLI

Stark's accessibility tooling brought to a cli. By the developers, for the developers!


$ npm install -g @stark-test/accessibility-cli
$ stark-accessibility COMMAND
running command...
$ stark-accessibility (--version)
@stark-test/accessibility-cli/1.0.1-beta.1 linux-x64 node-v18.20.4
$ stark-accessibility --help [COMMAND]
  $ stark-accessibility COMMAND


stark-accessibility config install

installs browserchrome alongside the cli.

  $ stark-accessibility config install [--json]

  --json  Format output as json.

  installs browser[chrome] alongside the cli.

  $ stark-accessibility config install

stark-accessibility help [COMMANDS]

Display help for stark-accessibility.

  $ stark-accessibility help [COMMANDS] [-n]

  COMMANDS  Command to show help for.

  -n, --nested-commands  Include all nested commands in the output.

  Display help for stark-accessibility.

See code: @oclif/plugin-help

stark-accessibility scan

scans a given resource(s) for accessibility issues, optionally sends reports to your stark account

  $ stark-accessibility scan --authentication-mode none|basic|page -U <value> [--json]
    [--authentication-password <value>] [--authentication-username <value>] [--authentication-page-url <value>]
    [--authentication-page-selectors <value>] [--disable-ferryman] [-M <value>] [--puppeteer-timeout <value>]
    [--puppeteer-wait-until load|domcontentloaded|networkidle0|networkidle2] [--reuse-page] [-S auto|on|off]
    [--scan-delay <value>] [--skip-errors] [--stealth-mode] [-V <value>]

  -M, --min-score=<value>             Exits the cli with exit code 1 if score is below given percentage
  -S, --sandbox-mode=<option>         [default: auto] Determine sandbox mode for browser
                                      <options: auto|on|off>
  -U, --url=<value>...                (required) Scan the given urls for accessibility issues. You can pass in a --url
                                      multiple times.
  -V, --viewport=<value>              [default: 800x600] Set browser to a specific window size. Defaults to '800x600'
  --authentication-mode=<option>      (required) [default: none] Specify what kind of authentication is required before
                                      navigating to the given urls
                                      <options: none|basic|page>
  --disable-ferryman                  Uses ferryman layer of rule-engine
  --puppeteer-timeout=<value>         [default: 30000] Navigation timeout for puppeteer
  --puppeteer-wait-until=<option>...  [default: load] Wait until params for puppeteer
                                      <options: load|domcontentloaded|networkidle0|networkidle2>
  --reuse-page                        Use the same page for scanning all urls. Defaults to false.
  --scan-delay=<value>                [default: 100] Delay scan after page has been navigated to in MS
  --skip-errors                       Continue to scanning the next url if an error occurs
  --stealth-mode                      Run puppeteer in stealth mode

  --authentication-page-selectors=<value>  Specify selectors for page authentication separated by a semicolon in the
                                           format [username;password;button]
  --authentication-page-url=<value>        Specify url for authentication. Pass this along with
  --authentication-password=<value>        Specify password for authentication. A --authentication-mode needs to be
                                           setup first.
  --authentication-username=<value>        Specify username for authentication. A --authentication-mode needs to be
                                           setup first.

  --json  Format output as json.

  scans a given resource(s) for accessibility issues, optionally sends reports to your stark account

  $ stark-accessibility scan

  -M, --min-score=<value>  Exits the cli with exit code 1 if score is below given percentage

    Given a value [0-100], the cli will exit with an error code (1) if the score is lesser.         Score is the
    percentage of passed checks over total checks. The default value is 0

  -S, --sandbox-mode=auto|on|off  Determine sandbox mode for browser

    Specify if browser should run in sandbox. Auto mode disables sandbox only when in a container environment.
    [on/off] forces sandbox mode to be [on/off]


    Specify what kind of authentication is required before navigating to the given urls

    Specify authentication mode for accessing the given set of urls. Choose between basic and page mode. Basic mode does
    basic navigation and is the fastest.       Page mode will navigate to a login page url every time before the given


    Specify selectors for page authentication separated by a semicolon in the format [username;password;button]

    Specify the selectors to interact with during page mode authentication. You need to set username with
    --authentication-username and password with password with --authentication-password flags       and set

  --authentication-page-url=<value>  Specify url for authentication. Pass this along with --authentication-mode=page.

    Specify the page to authenticate before navigating to any page. You need to set username with
    --authentication-username and password with password with --authentication-password flags       and set


    Specify password for authentication. A --authentication-mode needs to be setup first.

    Specify the password along with username with --authentication-username flag and --authentication-mode


    Specify username for authentication. A --authentication-mode needs to be setup first.

    Specify the username along with password with --authentication-password flag and --authentication-mode

  --disable-ferryman  Uses ferryman layer of rule-engine

    Ferryman, introduced from rule-engine@0.8.x returns results normalised by frameworks and removes redundant data

  --puppeteer-timeout=<value>  Navigation timeout for puppeteer

    Timeout in milliseconds before puppeteer fails

  --puppeteer-wait-until=load|domcontentloaded|networkidle0|networkidle2...  Wait until params for puppeteer

    Wait until a browser event is completed

  --reuse-page  Use the same page for scanning all urls. Defaults to false.

    Keep using a single page to scan all urls. This can be beneficial in cases when the logged in session only stays on
    a page. This can cause issues if       the scans are dependent on having navigated to a clean page. A new page is
    used by default. Cookies are still preserved.

  --scan-delay=<value>  Delay scan after page has been navigated to in MS

    Integer delay in ms to run the scanner on a loaded page. Add a delay to just be sure all elements are available

  --skip-errors  Continue to scanning the next url if an error occurs

    Setting skip-errors to true will continue scanning the next url in the list of urls. If there is only one url
    or if all scans errored out, the cli will run to a successful completion

  --stealth-mode  Run puppeteer in stealth mode

    Enables puppeteer-extra which attempts to runs puppeteer in a mode where websites can't detect that this is a bot