2.0.0 • Published 4 years ago

@stdjs/cache v2.0.0

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4 years ago

STDJS - Cache

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Cache Adapter with Async/Promise for Javascript(& Typescript).

There are a lot of cache libraries. Even older libraries may not support Promise. I've gathered most cache libraries into one interface.


npm install @stdjs/cache --save

Support Cache

  • local
  • memcached
    • npm install memcached --save (in typescript npm install @types/memcached -D)
  • ioredis
    • npm install ioredis --save
  • redis
    • npm install redis --save (in typescript npm install @types/redis -D)
  • lru-cache
    • npm install lru-cache --save (in typescript npm install @types/lru-cache -D)


export interface Connector {
  connect(): Cache

export interface Cache {
  close(): Promise<boolean>
  get<T>(key: string, defaultValue?: T): Promise<T | undefined>
  set<T>(key: string, value: T, ttl?: number): Promise<boolean> // ttl unit is `seconds`
  has(key: string): Promise<boolean>
  delete(key: string): Promise<boolean>
  clear(): Promise<boolean>


You can create as follows:

(Please refer to the Config section for config.)

const cache = require("@stdjs/cache")
const storage = cache.createCache(/* Connector */)

// or
import { createCache } from "@stdjs/cache"
const storage = createCache(/* Connector */)

Create Local Cache

const storage = createCache()

Create Memcached Cache

Memcached's ttl has a maximum value of 30 days. Even if you do not specify ttl, it is automatically set to 30 days.

import { createCache } from "@stdjs/cache" 
import { MemcachedConnector } from '@stdjs/cache/lib/driver/memcached'

const storage = createCache(new MemcachedConnector({
  // https://www.npmjs.com/package/memcached#server-locations
  location, // like, "", ["", ""] ...

  // https://www.npmjs.com/package/memcached#options

Create Redis Cache

import { createCache } from "@stdjs/cache" 
import { RedisConnector } from '@stdjs/cache/lib/driver/redis'

const storage = createCache(new RedisConnector({

Create IORedis Cache

import { createCache } from "@stdjs/cache" 
import { IORedisConnector } from '@stdjs/cache/lib/driver/ioredis'

const storage = createCache(new IORedisConnector({

Create Lru Cache

import { createCache } from "@stdjs/cache" 
import { LruCacheConnector } from '@stdjs/cache/lib/driver/lru-cache'

const storage = createCache(new LruCacheConnector({
