0.2.1 • Published 2 months ago

@stdlib/complex-float64 v0.2.1

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128-bit complex number.


npm install @stdlib/complex-float64


var Complex128 = require( '@stdlib/complex-float64' );

Complex128( real, imag )

128-bit complex number constructor, where real and imag are the real and imaginary components, respectively.

var z = new Complex128( 5.0, 3.0 );
// returns <Complex128>



Size (in bytes) of each component.

var nbytes = Complex128.BYTES_PER_ELEMENT;
// returns 8


Size (in bytes) of each component.

var z = new Complex128( 5.0, 3.0 );

var nbytes = z.BYTES_PER_ELEMENT;
// returns 8


Length (in bytes) of a complex number.

var z = new Complex128( 5.0, 3.0 );

var nbytes = z.byteLength;
// returns 16


A Complex128 instance has the following properties...


A read-only property returning the real component.

var z = new Complex128( 5.0, 3.0 );

var re = z.re;
// returns 5.0


A read-only property returning the imaginary component.

var z = new Complex128( 5.0, -3.0 );

var im = z.im;
// returns -3.0


Accessor Methods

These methods do not mutate a Complex128 instance and, instead, return a complex number representation.


Returns a string representation of a Complex128 instance.

var z = new Complex128( 5.0, 3.0 );
var str = z.toString();
// returns '5 + 3i'

z = new Complex128( -5.0, -3.0 );
str = z.toString();
// returns '-5 - 3i'


Returns a JSON representation of a Complex128 instance. JSON.stringify() implicitly calls this method when stringifying a Complex128 instance.

var z = new Complex128( 5.0, -3.0 );

var o = z.toJSON();
    "type": "Complex128",
    "re": 5.0,
    "im": -3.0

To revive a Complex128 number from a JSON string, see @stdlib/complex/reviver-float64.


  • Both the real and imaginary components are stored as double-precision floating-point numbers.


var Complex128 = require( '@stdlib/complex-float64' );

var z = new Complex128( 3.0, -2.0 );

console.log( 'type: %s', typeof z );
// => 'type: object'

console.log( 'str: %s', z );
// => 'str: 3 - 2i'

console.log( 'real: %d', z.re );
// => 'real: 3'

console.log( 'imag: %d', z.im );
// => 'imag: -2'

console.log( 'JSON: %s', JSON.stringify( z ) );
// => 'JSON: {"type":"Complex128","re":3,"im":-2}'



#include "stdlib/complex/float64.h"


An opaque type definition for a double-precision complex floating-point number.

stdlib_complex128_t z = stdlib_complex128( 5.0, 2.0 );


An opaque type definition for a union for accessing the real and imaginary parts of a double-precision complex floating-point number.

double real( const stdlib_complex128_t z ) {
    stdlib_complex128_parts_t v;

    // Assign a double-precision complex floating-point number:
    v.value = z;

    // Extract the real component:
    double re = v.parts[ 0 ];

    return re;

// ...

// Create a complex number:
stdlib_complex128_t z = stdlib_complex128( 5.0, 2.0 );

// ...

// Access the real component:
double re = real( z );
// returns 5.0

The union has the following members:

  • value: stdlib_complex128_t double-precision complex floating-point number.

  • parts: double[] array having the following elements:

    • 0: double real component.
    • 1: double imaginary component.

stdlib_complex128( real, imag )

Returns a double-precision complex floating-point number.

stdlib_complex128_t z = stdlib_complex128( 5.0, 2.0 );

The function accepts the following arguments:

  • real: [in] double real component.
  • imag: [in] double imaginary component.
stdlib_complex128_t stdlib_complex128( const double real, const double imag );

stdlib_complex128_from_float32( real )

Converts a single-precision floating-point number to a double-precision complex floating-point number.

stdlib_complex128_t z = stdlib_complex128_from_float32( 5.0f );

The function accepts the following arguments:

  • real: [in] float real component.
stdlib_complex128_t stdlib_complex128_from_float32( const float real );

stdlib_complex128_from_float64( real )

Converts a double-precision floating-point number to a double-precision complex floating-point number.

stdlib_complex128_t z = stdlib_complex128_from_float64( 5.0 );

The function accepts the following arguments:

  • real: [in] double real component.
stdlib_complex128_t stdlib_complex128_from_float64( const double real );

stdlib_complex128_from_complex64( z )

Converts a single-precision complex floating-point number to a double-precision complex floating-point number.

#include "stdlib/complex/float32.h"

stdlib_complex64_t z1 = stdlib_complex64( 5.0f, 3.0f );
stdlib_complex128_t z2 = stdlib_complex128_from_complex64( z1 );

The function accepts the following arguments:

  • z: [in] stdlib_complex64_t single-precision complex floating-point number.
stdlib_complex128_t stdlib_complex128_from_complex64( const stdlib_complex64_t z );

stdlib_complex128_from_complex128( z )

Converts (copies) a double-precision complex floating-point number to a double-precision complex floating-point number.

stdlib_complex128_t z1 = stdlib_complex128( 5.0, 3.0 );
stdlib_complex128_t z2 = stdlib_complex128_from_complex128( z1 );

The function accepts the following arguments:

  • z: [in] stdlib_complex128_t double-precision complex floating-point number.
stdlib_complex128_t stdlib_complex128_from_complex128( const stdlib_complex128_t z );

stdlib_complex128_from_int8( real )

Converts a signed 8-bit integer to a double-precision complex floating-point number.

stdlib_complex128_t z = stdlib_complex128_from_int8( 5 );

The function accepts the following arguments:

  • real: [in] int8_t real component.
stdlib_complex128_t stdlib_complex128_from_int8( const int8_t real );

stdlib_complex128_from_uint8( real )

Converts an unsigned 8-bit integer to a double-precision complex floating-point number.

stdlib_complex128_t z = stdlib_complex128_from_uint8( 5 );

The function accepts the following arguments:

  • real: [in] uint8_t real component.
stdlib_complex128_t stdlib_complex128_from_uint8( const uint8_t real );

stdlib_complex128_from_int16( real )

Converts a signed 16-bit integer to a double-precision complex floating-point number.

stdlib_complex128_t z = stdlib_complex128_from_int16( 5 );

The function accepts the following arguments:

  • real: [in] int16_t real component.
stdlib_complex128_t stdlib_complex128_from_int16( const int16_t real );

stdlib_complex128_from_uint16( real )

Converts an unsigned 16-bit integer to a double-precision complex floating-point number.

stdlib_complex128_t z = stdlib_complex128_from_uint16( 5 );

The function accepts the following arguments:

  • real: [in] uint16_t real component.
stdlib_complex128_t stdlib_complex128_from_uint16( const uint16_t real );

stdlib_complex128_from_int32( real )

Converts a signed 32-bit integer to a double-precision complex floating-point number.

stdlib_complex128_t z = stdlib_complex128_from_int32( 5 );

The function accepts the following arguments:

  • real: [in] int32_t real component.
stdlib_complex128_t stdlib_complex128_from_int32( const int32_t real );

stdlib_complex128_from_uint32( real )

Converts an unsigned 32-bit integer to a double-precision complex floating-point number.

stdlib_complex128_t z = stdlib_complex128_from_uint32( 5 );

The function accepts the following arguments:

  • real: [in] uint32_t real component.
stdlib_complex128_t stdlib_complex128_from_uint32( const uint32_t real );

stdlib_complex128_to_complex64( z )

Converts a double-precision complex floating-point number to a single-precision complex floating-point number.

#include "stdlib/complex/float32.h"

stdlib_complex128_t z1 = stdlib_complex128( 5.0, 3.0 );
stdlib_complex64_t z2 = stdlib_complex128_to_complex64( z1 );

The function accepts the following arguments:

  • z: [in] stdlib_complex64_t double-precision complex floating-point number.
stdlib_complex64_t stdlib_complex128_to_complex64( const stdlib_complex128_t z );


#include "stdlib/complex/float64.h"
#include <stdint.h>
#include <stdio.h>

* Return the real component of a double-precision complex floating-point number.
* @param z    complex number
* @return     real component
static double real( const stdlib_complex128_t z ) {
    stdlib_complex128_parts_t v;

    // Assign a double-precision complex floating-point number:
    v.value = z;

    // Extract the real component:
    double re = v.parts[ 0 ];

    return re;

* Return the imaginary component of a double-precision complex floating-point number.
* @param z    complex number
* @return     imaginary component
static double imag( const stdlib_complex128_t z ) {
    stdlib_complex128_parts_t v;

    // Assign a double-precision complex floating-point number:
    v.value = z;

    // Extract the imaginary component:
    double im = v.parts[ 1 ];

    return im;

int main( void ) {
    const stdlib_complex128_t x[] = {
        stdlib_complex128( 5.0, 2.0 ),
        stdlib_complex128( -2.0, 1.0 ),
        stdlib_complex128( 0.0, -0.0 ),
        stdlib_complex128( 0.0/0.0, 0.0/0.0 )

    stdlib_complex128_t v;
    int i;
    for ( i = 0; i < 4; i++ ) {
        v = x[ i ];
        printf( "%lf + %lfi\n", real( v ), imag( v ) );

See Also


This package is part of stdlib, a standard library for JavaScript and Node.js, with an emphasis on numerical and scientific computing. The library provides a collection of robust, high performance libraries for mathematics, statistics, streams, utilities, and more.

For more information on the project, filing bug reports and feature requests, and guidance on how to develop stdlib, see the main project repository.






Copyright © 2016-2024. The Stdlib Authors.


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