1.4.2 • Published 25 days ago

@stratusjs/calendar v1.4.2

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Last release
25 days ago


AngularJS Calendar component and iCAL service to be used as an add on to StratusJS. Makes use of fullcalendar and iCAL


Stratus HTML Components enabled

  • <stratus-calendar></stratus-calendar>

TODO Wiki Page

Frameworks & Libraries


Either Yarn install

  • yarn add @stratusjs/calendar

Or NPM install

  • npm install @stratusjs/calendar

And include the the library paths into your stratus config.js such as

boot.configuration.paths = {
  // Calendar Package
  '@stratusjs/calendar/*': boot.deployment + '@stratusjs/calendar/src/*' + boot.suffix,

  // Components (Until upgraded to Angular 8+)
  'stratus.components.calendar': boot.deployment + '@stratusjs/calendar/src/calendar' + boot.suffix,

  // Required dependencies (Until Auto Dependency Injection is complete)
   ical: boot.deployment + 'ical.js/build/ical' + boot.suffix,
  '@fullcalendar/core': boot.deployment + '@fullcalendar/core/main' + boot.suffix,
  '@fullcalendar/moment': boot.deployment + '@fullcalendar/moment/main' + boot.suffix,
  '@fullcalendar/moment-timezone': boot.deployment + '@fullcalendar/moment-timezone/main' + boot.suffix,
  '@fullcalendar/daygrid': boot.deployment + '@fullcalendar/daygrid/main' + boot.suffix,
  '@fullcalendar/timegrid': boot.deployment + '@fullcalendar/timegrid/main' + boot.suffix,
  '@fullcalendar/list': boot.deployment + '@fullcalendar/list/main' + boot.suffix,


The following dependencies will be installed


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