0.1.0 • Published 4 years ago

@studiobear/gatsby-theme-blog-ionic v0.1.0

Weekly downloads
Last release
4 years ago


This is a gatsby theme which acts as a base for themes requiring typescript and storybook. Feel free to fork this repository and make changes which suit your needs. Alternatively, you can pull this directly into a yarn workspace and use it as a local package without having to publish to NPM. How you use this is entirely up to your needs (you could even remove the theme elements and just use this as a starter with ts and storybook). This repo is minimal and unopinionated so does not direct you on how to build your site other than setting up Typescript and Storybook.


cd my-yarn-workspace-project   //for yarn workspace only
gatsby new gatsby-theme-my-theme https://github.com/danspratling/gatsby-theme-typescript-storybook

In your site

On the command line run

yarn add gatsby-theme-my-theme
//Add @* at the end if you are using yarn workspaces and want to run the theme locally


module.exports = {
  __experimentalThemes: [`gatsby-theme-my-theme`]

You can also add this directly using yarn add gatsby-theme-typescript-storybook but this theme is extremely minimal, acting more like a theme starter so forking and adding to it is recommended

After that, you can just use this like any other theme.