0.0.1 • Published 5 years ago

@studiobear/svelte-system-ui v0.0.1

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5 years ago

Svelte + System UI

Built with Svelte + Styled System + Goober + TypographyJS + SvDX(Svelte-flavored MDX — coming soon!)

Notice: Not stable and under heavy development

Svelte is a UI development framework for creating boilerplate-free components that compile down to fast, virtual-DOM-free vanilla js and is truly reactive.

System UI is an evolving standard for creating consistent, interoperable UIs. It is the underlying foundation to many UI-themeing libraries such as Styled System, Rebass, ThemeUI, and more. The main implementation of System UI is through Styled System.

The motivation of this library is to bring the culture developing the standard of consistent, interoperable UIs — a.k.a. themeing — to Svelte. Svelte is still a young framework with many standards for managing complexity yet to be defined. However, there is no reason that Svelte cannot become a contributing member to this conversation.


  • Styled System: Styled System is a collection of utility functions for forming style props based on a global theme object defining typographic and layout properties. An evolved alternative being explored is xstyled. While these libraries were built with React in mind, they are really CSS utilies that require binding to components via CSS-in-JS solutions. Bringing us to...
  • Goober: a less than 1kb CSS-in-JS implementation (toting in comparison ~16/11kb respectively of styled-components/emotion. In this library, Goober's css function is used to parse and apply the style props formed by Styled System.
  • Typography.js: Typography is difficult and the nuances of applying good typography exasperate the already-brittle system of themes and CSS. TypographyJS works as a seperate themeing layer that can be integrated with Styled System to apply such typographic nuances to the greater theme.
  • SvDX (coming soon): Svelte-flavored MDX. MDX? MDX allows writing JSX (known for its use in React, but is a general syntax extension to JS) in Markdown documents. Long story short, as Markdown is easy, it can be made even more powerful by allowing Svelte-components to be as easily embedded as JSX.

Using Svelte System UI

Getting started

The Theme

Themes are just JS objects and ideally, if you already have an existing theme from React using Theme-UI, then you can bring over your theme as is or get a preset.

Example Theme Object:

export default {
  colors: {
    text: '#333',
    background: '#fff',
    primary: '#639',
    secondary: '#ff6347',
  fonts: {
    body: 'system-ui, sans-serif',
    heading: 'system-ui, sans-serif',
    monospace: 'Menlo, monospace',
  fontWeights: {
    body: 400,
    heading: 700,
    bold: 700,
  lineHeights: {
    body: 1.5,
    heading: 1.125,
  fontSizes: [12, 14, 16, 20, 24, 32, 48, 64, 72],

Using your theme

Use styled from svelte-system-ui in a svelte action like so: use:styled. It expects an array in the form [$$props, $theme] note the $ sign in front of your imported theme to (automatically subscribe / unsubscribe to changes automatically!)

// Box.svelte
  import { styled } from 'svelte-styled-system';
  import { theme } from './theme.js';

<div use:styled={[$$props, $theme]}>

That's all! Your are ready to use all css property names + shorthand props as attribute on your component! See https://styled-system.com/api for more documentation.

// App.svelte
  import Box from './Box.svelte';

  p={["space.s", "space.m", "space.l"]}
  bg="color.primary" color="color.secondary"
  <h3>Using styled-system in svelte!</h3>
  <p>Resize me to see my responsive padding in action</p>

How does the value resolution work?

  1. The attribute name will get mapped to the css property name. You can specify it either in camelCase (textAlign) or kebab-case (text-align). So, if you know css by heart, you already know 99% of your component's props.

  2. if the value is a string, svelte-styled-system first assumes it might be a keypath to your theme object. It uses (dlv) under the hood. If the path can not be resolved, the the resolution will fallback to the input value. (input: textAlign="center" => center can not be found in the theme so the output is just text-align: center;)

  color: {
    primary: "dodgerblue", // path: color.primary
  // path: scale.0 => 0
  // path: scale.1 => 0.5rem
  // path: scale.2 => 1rem
  scale: ["0", "0.5rem", "1rem"]
  1. if the value is an array then svelte-styled-system will create a media query for each breakpoint and will resolve the separate values just as described before. padding: [0, "space.m", "space.l"]:
  • will create padding: 0; (raw value) for theme.breakpoints[0]
  • will create padding: 1rem; (space.m) for theme.breakpoints[1]
  • will create padding: 2rem; (space.l) for theme.breakpoints[2]

Currently available shorthand properties:

For commonly used css properties there are shortcuts to make your code even less verbose.

Example: my="space.m" => margin-top: 1rem; margin-bottom: 1rem;

As with all other properties you can use the responsive Array notation as well! A complete list of shorthand props is available in the (chakra-ui docs)https://chakra-ui.com/style-props or at (src/constants.js)src/constants.js

Note: Shorthand path resolutions ("theme keys") are not supported yet. So you always have to specify the full object path:

// react styled-system:
<MyComponent bg="primary" />

// svelte-styled-system:
<MyComponent bg="color.primary" />


This library was heavily inspired by svelte-styled-system(@manuschillerdev). At time of discovery, svelte-styled-system was annotated as a proof-of-concept for bringing in the concepts of styled-system and doing it in as small of a package as possible. SSUI vears away from this by choosing to directly integrate with the styled-system ecosystem, at the cost of size optimization, yet increase compatibality with themes builts for mainly React-based projects.


5 years ago