1.0.0 • Published 12 months ago

@subframe7536/image v1.0.0

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12 months ago


a subset of forked napi-rs/image

Transform and optimize images library.

See Examples for usage.

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This library support encode/decode these formats:

RawPixelsRGBA 8 bits pixels
JPEGBaseline and progressiveBaseline JPEG
PNGAll supported color typesSame as decoding
BMPRgb8, Rgba8, Gray8, GrayA8

See index.d.ts for API reference.

New from Constructor

import { Transformer } from '@subframe7536/image'

const transformer = new Transformer(input)

New from RGBA RawPixels

import { Transformer } from '@subframe7536/image'
import { decode } from 'blurhash'

// Uint8ClampedArray
const pixels = decode('LEHV6nWB2yk8pyo0adR*.7kCMdnj', 32, 32)
const transformer = Transformer.fromRgbaPixels(pixels, 32, 32)


metadata(withExif?: boolean | undefined | null, signal?: AbortSignal | undefined | null): Promise<Metadata>

export interface Metadata {
  width: number
  height: number
  exif?: Record<string, string> | undefined | null
  orientation?: number | undefined | null
  format: string
  colorType: JsColorType

export const enum JsColorType {
  /** Pixel is 8-bit luminance */
  L8 = 0,
  /** Pixel is 8-bit luminance with an alpha channel */
  La8 = 1,
  /** Pixel contains 8-bit R, G and B channels */
  Rgb8 = 2,
  /** Pixel is 8-bit RGB with an alpha channel */
  Rgba8 = 3,
  /** Pixel is 16-bit luminance */
  L16 = 4,
  /** Pixel is 16-bit luminance with an alpha channel */
  La16 = 5,
  /** Pixel is 16-bit RGB */
  Rgb16 = 6,
  /** Pixel is 16-bit RGBA */
  Rgba16 = 7,
  /** Pixel is 32-bit float RGB */
  Rgb32F = 8,
  /** Pixel is 32-bit float RGBA */
  Rgba32F = 9


import { promises as fs } from 'fs'

import { Transformer } from '@subframe7536/image'

const WITH_EXIF_JPG = await fs.readFile('with-exif.jpg')

const decoder = new Transformer(WITH_EXIF_JPG)
const metadata = await decoder.metadata(true)

The metadata will be

  colorType: 2,
  exif: {
    Orientation: 'Unknown (5)',
    'Resolution Unit': 'in',
    'This image has an Exif SubIFD': '90',
    'X Resolution': '72 pixels per in',
    'Y Resolution': '72 pixels per in',
  format: 'jpeg',
  height: 450,
  orientation: 5,
  width: 600,

Transform Image format

import { promises as fs } from 'fs'

import { Transformer } from '@subframe7536/image'

const PNG = await fs.readFile('./un-optimized.png')

const webp = await new Transformer(PNG).webp()

await fs.writeFile('optimized.webp)


The quality factor quality_factor ranges from 0 to 100 and controls the loss and quality during compression.

The value 0 corresponds to low quality and small output sizes, whereas 100 is the highest quality and largest output size.


Default is 90

webp(qualityFactor: number, signal?: AbortSignal | undefined | null): Promise<Buffer>
webpSync(qualityFactor: number): Buffer
/// Encode lossless webp image
webpLossless(signal?: AbortSignal | undefined | null): Promise<Buffer>
webpLosslessSync(): Buffer



export interface PngEncodeOptions {
  /** Default is `CompressionType::Default` */
  compressionType?: CompressionType | undefined | null
  /** Default is `FilterType::NoFilter` */
  filterType?: FilterType | undefined | null
export const enum CompressionType {
  /** Default compression level */
  Default = 0,
  /** Fast, minimal compression */
  Fast = 1,
  /** High compression level */
  Best = 2,
  /** Huffman coding compression */
  Huffman = 3,
  /** Run-length encoding compression */
  Rle = 4,
export const enum FilterType {
   * No processing done, best used for low bit depth greyscale or data with a
   * low color count
  NoFilter = 0,
  /** Filters based on previous pixel in the same scanline */
  Sub = 1,
  /** Filters based on the scanline above */
  Up = 2,
  /** Filters based on the average of left and right neighbor pixels */
  Avg = 3,
  /** Algorithm that takes into account the left, upper left, and above pixels */
  Paeth = 4,
   * Uses a heuristic to select one of the preceding filters for each
   * scanline rather than one filter for the entire image
  Adaptive = 5,
png(options?: PngEncodeOptions | undefined | null, signal?: AbortSignal | undefined | null): Promise<Buffer>
pngSync(options?: PngEncodeOptions | undefined | null): Buffer


/** default `quality` is 90 */
jpeg(quality?: number | undefined | null, signal?: AbortSignal | undefined | null): Promise<Buffer>
/** default `quality` is 90 */
jpegSync(quality?: number | undefined | null): Buffer


bmp(signal?: AbortSignal | undefined | null): Promise<Buffer>
bmpSync(): Buffer

Manipulate Image


Rotate the image with exif orientation, if the input image contains no exif information, this API will have no effect.

 * Rotate with exif orientation
 * If the orientation param is not null,
 * the new orientation value will override the exif orientation value
rotate(): this


This image has orientation value 5 in exif:

Without rotate:

import { promises as fs } from 'fs'

import { Transformer } from '@subframe7536/image'

const WITH_EXIF_JPG = await fs.readFile('with-exif.jpg')

const imageOutputWithoutRotateWebp = await new Transformer(WITH_EXIF).resize(450 / 2).webp(75)

writeFileSync('output-exif.no-rotate.image.webp', imageOutputWithoutRotateWebp)

With rotate:

import { promises as fs } from 'fs'

import { Transformer } from '@subframe7536/image'

const WITH_EXIF_JPG = await fs.readFile('with-exif.jpg')

const imageOutputWebp = await new Transformer(WITH_EXIF)
  .resize(450 / 2)

console.timeEnd('@subframe7536/image webp')

writeFileSync('output-exif.image.webp', imageOutputWebp)


 * Return a grayscale version of this image.
 * Returns `Luma` images in most cases. However, for `f32` images,
 * this will return a greyscale `Rgb/Rgba` image instead.
grayscale(): this


Invert the colors of this image.

invert(): this


 * Resize this image using the specified filter algorithm.
 * The image is scaled to the maximum possible size that fits
 * within the bounds specified by `width` and `height`.
resize(width: number, height?: number | undefined | null, filterType?: ResizeFilterType | undefined | null): this

export const enum ResizeFilterType {
  /** Nearest Neighbor */
  Nearest = 0,
  /** Linear Filter */
  Triangle = 1,
  /** Cubic Filter */
  CatmullRom = 2,
  /** Gaussian Filter */
  Gaussian = 3,
  /** Lanczos with window 3 */
  Lanczos3 = 4


 * Overlay an image at a given coordinate (x, y)
overlay(onTop: Buffer, x: number, y: number): this
import { writeFileSync } from 'fs'

import { Transformer } from '@subframe7536/image'

const imageOutputPng = await new Transformer(PNG).overlay(PNG, 200, 200).png()

writeFileSync('output-overlay-png.png', imageOutputPng)


To test the different sampling filters on a real example, you can find two examples called scaledown and scaleup in the examples directory of the crate source code.

Here is a 3.58 MiB test image that has been scaled down to 300x225 px:


Time required to create each of the examples above, tested on an Intel i7-4770 CPU with Rust 1.37 in release mode:


Performs a Gaussian blur on this image. sigma` is a measure of how much to blur by.

blur(sigma: number): this


Performs an unsharpen mask on this image. sigma is the amount to blur the image by. threshold is a control of how much to sharpen.

See https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Unsharp_masking#Digital_unsharp_masking

unsharpen(sigma: number, threshold: number): this


Filters this image with the specified 3x3 kernel. Error will thrown if the kernel length is not 9.

filter3x3(kernel: Array<number>): this


Adjust the contrast of this image. contrast is the amount to adjust the contrast by. Negative values decrease the contrast and positive values increase the contrast.

adjustContrast(contrast: number): this


Brighten the pixels of this image. value is the amount to brighten each pixel by. Negative values decrease the brightness and positive values increase it.

brighten(brightness: number): this


Hue rotate the supplied image. value is the degrees to rotate each pixel by. 0 and 360 do nothing, the rest rotates by the given degree value. just like the css webkit filter hue-rotate(180)

huerotate(hue: number): this

Optimize PNG

Lossless compression

Lossless optimize PNG powered by oxipng.


export interface PNGLosslessOptions {
   * Attempt to fix errors when decoding the input file rather than returning an Err.
   * Default: `false`
  fixErrors?: boolean | undefined | null
   * Write to output even if there was no improvement in compression.
   * Default: `false`
  force?: boolean | undefined | null
  /** Which filters to try on the file (0-5) */
  filter?: Array<number> | undefined | null
   * Whether to attempt bit depth reduction
   * Default: `true`
  bitDepthReduction?: boolean | undefined | null
   * Whether to attempt color type reduction
   * Default: `true`
  colorTypeReduction?: boolean | undefined | null
   * Whether to attempt palette reduction
   * Default: `true`
  paletteReduction?: boolean | undefined | null
   * Whether to attempt grayscale reduction
   * Default: `true`
  grayscaleReduction?: boolean | undefined | null
   * Whether to perform IDAT recoding
   * If any type of reduction is performed, IDAT recoding will be performed regardless of this setting
   * Default: `true`
  idatRecoding?: boolean | undefined | null
  /** Whether to remove ***All non-critical headers*** on PNG */
  strip?: boolean | undefined | null
  /** Whether to use heuristics to pick the best filter and compression */
  useHeuristics?: boolean | undefined | null
export function losslessCompressPng(
  input: Buffer,
  options?: PNGLosslessOptions | undefined | null,
  signal?: AbortSignal | undefined | null,
): Promise<Buffer>
export function losslessCompressPngSync(input: Buffer, options?: PNGLosslessOptions | undefined | null): Buffer

Lossy compression

Powered by pngquant, converts RGBA images to palette-based 8-bit indexed images, including alpha component.


export interface PngQuantOptions {
  /** default is 70 */
  minQuality?: number | undefined | null
  /** default is 99 */
  maxQuality?: number | undefined | null
   * 1- 10
   * Faster speeds generate images of lower quality, but may be useful for real-time generation of images.
   * default: 5
  speed?: number | undefined | null
   * Number of least significant bits to ignore.
   * Useful for generating palettes for VGA, 15-bit textures, or other retro platforms.
  posterization?: number | undefined | null
export function pngQuantize(
  input: Buffer,
  options?: PngQuantOptions | undefined | null,
  signal?: AbortSignal | undefined | null,
): Promise<Buffer>
export function pngQuantizeSync(input: Buffer, options?: PngQuantOptions | undefined | null): Buffer

Optimize JPEG

Lossy and Lossless JPEG compression powered by mozjpeg.


export interface JpegCompressOptions {
  /** Output quality, default is 100 (lossless) */
  quality?: number | undefined | null
   * If true, it will use MozJPEG’s scan optimization. Makes progressive image files smaller.
   * Default is `true`
  optimizeScans?: boolean | undefined | null
export function compressJpeg(
  input: Buffer,
  options?: JpegCompressOptions | undefined | null,
  signal?: AbortSignal | undefined | null,
): Promise<Buffer>
export function compressJpegSync(input: Buffer, options?: JpegCompressOptions | undefined | null): Buffer


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