0.0.0-development • Published 4 years ago

@subs/honeycomb v0.0.0-development

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Last release
4 years ago

Honeycomb is a collection of reusable UI components based on React and styled-components.

Getting started

Install this library as a dependency with yarn add @binance-chain/honeycomb and start using our components. That's it!

Customizing components

We export the inner pieces that our components are composed of as static properties. You can use those to easily customize internal parts of those components.

For example, in the code below we use TextInput.Label and TextInput.Input to overwrite TextInput's internal styles.

import React from 'react';
import styled from 'styled-components';
import { TextInput } from '@binance-chain/honeycomb';

const CustomTextInput = styled(TextInput)`
  ${TextInput.Label} {
    color: #f8bbd0;

  ${TextInput.Input} {
    background: #e8f5e9;
    color: #64b5f6;

    ::placeholder {
      color: #7e57c2;

export const MyComponent = () => (
  <CustomTextInput placeholder="Some placeholder…" label="A label" />


You may use the prop data-testid for testing. The components in this library will automatically assign data-testids to their inner components using the value you passed as a prefix.

For example, <Checkbox data-testid="MyCheckbox" label="A value" /> would render something like the following:

<input data-testid="MyCheckbox-native-input" id="…" type="checkbox" class="…" value="false" />
<label data-testid="MyCheckbox-label" for="…" class="…">
  <span data-testid="MyCheckbox-label-content" class="…">A value</span>


  1. Clone this repo.
  2. yarn
  3. yarn dev