0.0.4 • Published 8 months ago

@suey/rocketry v0.0.4

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Last release
8 months ago



Rocketry's output file is used to build your own application in the framework, and this package uses a lot of new syntax. If you want to be compatible with more browsers, please add Babel and Polyfill yourself, and ensure that the build tool helps you to be compatible with lower versions of browsers.

Edge ≥ 79Firefox ≥ 78Chrome ≥ 64Safari ≥ 12


Rocketry is currently a personal component library that handles development iterations.

Using Package Management Tools

I recommend using the package management tool (NPM, YARN)( https://classic.yarnpkg.com/lang/en/ ), PNPMhttps://pnpm.io/ ))Go install Rocketry

This way, you can use the build tool Vitehttps://vitejs.dev )And webpackhttps://webpack.js.org/ )Or more.

# Choose your favorite build tool

$ npm install @suey/rocketry --save

# Yarn
$ yarn add @suey/rocketry

# pnpm
$ pnpm install @suey/rocketry

If your network environment is not good, it is recommended to use the image source cnpmhttps://github.com/cnpm/cnpm )Or Alibabahttps://registry.npmmirror.com/ ).

The component is ready for normal use, and currently only one usage example is provided


// main.ts
import '@suey/rocketry/index.css';
    <template #main>Dfffff</template>

    <template #default>
      <template v-for="(src, index) in list" :key="index"><RMacDockerItem :src="src" /></template>

    <template #control>
      <RMacDockerItem src="https://tse3-mm.cn.bing.net/th/id/OIP-C.HKngSDiahYfSyociRrS4KwAAAA?w=143&h=150&c=7&r=0&o=5&pid=1.7" />

<script lang="ts" setup>
import { onMounted } from 'vue';
import { RMacDocker, RMacDockerItem } from '@suey/rocketry';

const list = [