1.1.2 • Published 6 years ago

@sugarcoated/fondant-key v1.1.2

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6 years ago

Key is a wrapper for the common concept of a Key Value Pair, or a KVP as will be referenced many times in the Fondant library. It is designed around managing every change to a Key and the associated Value, where just accessing the collection of revisions and interactions manually, or handling each one individual by subscribing to the actions. When a change is made to the data, the change is understood -- the old version is cached, and the new version persists.

API Reference

Instance Methods

new Key(name, value, [date])

Creates a new Key instance.

  • name is expected as a String, used to identify the Key.
  • value is expected as an Object.
  • date is an optional parameter, expected as a Date, identifying a creation date if the Key is not new.

    new Key('myKey')

Upon construction, you will have access to the following properties:

  • name is the name of the Key ("Key" from "Key Value Pair").
  • value is the value of the Key ("Value" from the "Key Value Pair").


Evaluate the current age of the Key in seconds.

myKey.age() // 23


Save a brand new revision of the Key. Mostly called within the Key methods, but is useful when having to restructure Key instances, or when modifying values via the constructor's actual properties -- not via setters, because those call this method anyway.



Pairs the Key into a conceptually traditional KVP with the format of a single-dimension Array.<String, Object>.

myKey.pair() // 'myKey', {context}

Returns the derived KVP as an Array.<String, Object> that can be easily used with Maps, or other Collection types.

Static Methods

  • Nothing to see here.


  • Renamed is called whenever the Key instance is given a new name via the .name custom setter. Changing the .keyName property will not fire this action.
  • Revalued is called whenever the Key instance is given a new value via the .value custom setter. Changing the .keyValue property will not fired this action.
  • Revised is called whenever a new revision of the Key instance is saved. This occurs whenever a the Key is renamed or revalued (however Revised fires afterwards).
  • Cloned is called whenever the Key instance is directly copied via the cloning method.
  • Paired is called whenever the Key instance is directly paired via the pairing method.