1.0.1 • Published 2 years ago

@sumotto/wordpress-js-css-dependency-extraction-webpack-plugin v1.0.1

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Last release
2 years ago

WordPress CSS & JS Dependency Extraction Webpack Plugin

This plugin is based on WordPress Dependency Extraction Webpack Plugin

But it's different enough from him:

1) Removed settings, this is how they relate to this plugin:

  • outputFormat - always generates PHP
  • combineAssets - always combines dependencies
  • combinedOutputFile - creates assets.php in the folder from webpack output.path settings
  • useDefaults - always true
  • requestToExternal - not supported
  • requestToHandle - not supported

2) CSS files have been added to the assets output.

3) The format of assets output has been changed:

return array(
	'js'  => array(
		'main' => array(
			'src'       => 'js/main-e365333869a288cf482d.js',
			'deps'      => array( 'wp-polyfill' ), // if option injectPolyfill true
			'ver'       => 'e365333869a288cf482d', // content hash
			'gzip_size' => 12345,
			'in_footer' => true, // always true
	'css' => array(
		'main' => array(
			'src'   => 'css/main-498365b8a8869c337582.css',
			'deps'  => array(), // always empty array for css 
			'ver'   => '498365b8a8869c337582', // chunk hash
			'gzip_size' => 12345,
			'media' => 'all', // always 'all'

4) In default request and default script handle transformation added @wordpress/password-strength-meter


You can install the package as follows:

npm install @sumotto/wordpress-js-css-dependency-extraction-webpack-plugin --save-dev

# or

yarn add @sumotto/wordpress-js-css-dependency-extraction-webpack-plugin --dev


Require the plugin in your Webpack config:

const WordpressJsCssDependencyExtractionWebpackPlugin = require( '@sumotto/wordpress-js-css-dependency-extraction-webpack-plugin' );

// or

import WordpressJsCssDependencyExtractionWebpackPlugin from '@sumotto/wordpress-js-css-dependency-extraction-webpack-plugin';

Add the plugin to your webpack configuration's plugins array. As a rule, it should be the last plugin, or rather after those plugins that generate dependencies.

module.exports = {
	plugins: [
		new WordpressJsCssDependencyExtractionWebpackPlugin( { injectPolyfill: true /* default false */ } ),

You can include dependencies for example in functions.php of your theme or in your plugin:

define( 'THEME_OR_PLUGIN_DIST_PATH', plugin_dir_path( __FILE__ ) . 'dist/' );
define( 'THEME_OR_PLUGIN_DIST_URL', plugin_dir_url( __FILE__ ) . 'dist/' );

// or

define( 'THEME_OR_PLUGIN_DIST_PATH', get_stylesheet_directory() . '/dist/' );
define( 'THEME_OR_PLUGIN_DIST_URL', get_stylesheet_directory_uri() . '/dist/' );

	static function () {
		$assets_path = THEME_OR_PLUGIN_DIST_PATH . 'assets.php';
		if ( file_exists( $assets_path ) ) {
			$all_assets = include $assets_path;
			foreach ( $all_assets as $type => $assets ) {
				foreach ( $assets as $handle => $asset ) {
					if ( 'js' === $type ) {
							THEME_OR_PLUGIN_DIST_URL . $asset['src'],
					} else {
						if ( 14950 < $asset['gzip_size'] ) {
								THEME_OR_PLUGIN_DIST_URL . $asset['src'],
						} else {
							// This is where we output styles, I don't know if we can properly escape them.
							// phpcs:disabled WordPress.Security.EscapeOutput.OutputNotEscaped
								'<style id="%s" media="%s">%s</style>',
								file_get_contents( THEME_OR_PLUGIN_DIST_PATH . $asset['src'] )
							// phpcs:enabled WordPress.Security.EscapeOutput.OutputNotEscaped


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