0.0.1 • Published 3 years ago

@sunruse-pwa/npm-template v0.0.1

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Last release
3 years ago

@sunruse-pwa/npm-template Continuous Integration License Renovate enabled

A template repository for a publicly published NPM package written in TypeScript with linting, unit tests (including coverage) and publishing from a GitHub Action.

Creating a repository from this template repository

After clicking "Use this template" on this repository, there are some steps you need to take to make it your own.

First, search for and replace all references to @sunruse-pwa/npm-template, sunruse-pwa/npm-template and sunruse-pwa%2Fnpm-template.

Then, ensure that you have a NPM_TOKEN GitHub secret configured with automation access to the package to be published.


After cloning, run npm install to install dependencies. Run npm test to run ESLint, compile TypeScript and run tests. This can be started from Visual Studio Code by pressing (cmd/ctrl) + shift + B.

The expected file structure is that all code will be grouped into a directory per module, with an index.ts or index.tsx file containing the implementation, and a unit.ts or unit.tsx file containing tests. It is recommended to import from the root index.ts or index.tsx file as this will result in full coverage.


Create a GitHub release, and the GitHub Action will automatically publish to NPM using the GitHub release's tag name as the NPM package's version.


3 years ago


3 years ago