0.0.11 • Published 12 months ago
@suroc1/graphql v0.0.11
Package is a wrap around fastify
, graphql-http
and various @graphql-tools
to simplify development of graphql applications
npm i @suroc1/graphql
How to use
import surocShema from "@suroc1/graphql/schema";
import surocServer from "@suroc1/graphql/server";
const resolvers = {
Mutation: {
hello: () => {}
Query: {
world: () => {}
YourType: {
resolver: () => {}
const schema = surocShema({
dir: '/path/to/your/gql/files/folder',
const app = surocServer({
app.listen({ host: config.appHost, port: parseInt(config.appPort) }, async (err, address) => {
if (err) {
console.log(`🚀 Server ready at: ${address}`);
Server Options
// combination of two types bellow and fastifyHttpOptions
type Suroc1ServerOptions = Suroc1ServerConfig & FastifyHttpOptions<http.Server, FastifyBaseLogger> & Suroc1HandlerOptions;
interface Suroc1HandlerOptions extends HandlerOptions<GraphQLContext> {
schema: GraphQLSchema; // schema is required to run the server
type Suroc1ServerConfig = {
graphiql?: boolean | false; // enables visual representation of schema using https://www.npmjs.com/package/graphiql
prefix?: string; // default is /graphql
middlewaresOnRequest?: []; // fastify OnRequest function, order of middlewares matters,
middlewaresPreHandler?: []; // fastify Prehandler function, order of middlewares matters
Schema options
type Suroc1SchemaOptions = {
dir: string; // location of .gql files
// Typically contains of object containing resolvers for each type
resolvers: unknown; // Query, Mutation, Subscription + custom types
directives?: GraphQLAppliedDirective[]; // Examples can be found at: https://the-guild.dev/graphql/tools/docs/schema-directives
resolverMiddlewares?: ResolverMiddleware[]; // Examples can be found at: https://the-guild.dev/graphql/tools/docs/resolvers-composition
schemaMiddlewares?: SchemaTransformer[]; // Examples can be found at: https://the-guild.dev/graphql/tools/docs/schema-transformers
* auth enables authentication middleware and @auth directive
* Example:
* type Helloworld {
* hello: String! @auth // gonna throw auth error if `user` field is not present in context
* world: String!
* }
* @default false
auth?: boolean;
* Enabled when `extract` is true or `auth` is true
fields?: Suroc1FieldsConfig; // fields for specific resolver