1.0.7 • Published 1 year ago

@syngenta-digital/pdt v1.0.7

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Last release
1 year ago

Quality Gate Status CircleCI

Postman Documentation Tester (pdt)

The postman documentation tester is simple tool to test your openapi or swagger docs to ensure your APIs do what you say they do.



  • Will work with both OpenAPI and Swagger docs
  • Able to push changes up to remote collection
  • Able to work with multiple collections and openapi/swagger files
  • Don't need to go searching for collection ids and environment ids, just use the names
  • Able to invoke newman directly from this script

Installation & Usage

npx @syngenta-digital/pdt --workspace-name "Some Workspace" --collection-name "Some Collection" --environment-name "some environment" --doc-path openapi.yml --api-key $POSTMAN_API_KEY --push --clean-up --run-newman --bail

# or if you have a specific collection id already

$ npx @syngenta-digital/pdt --collection-id  some-collection-id --doc-path test/mock/openapi.yml --api-key $POSTMAN_API_KEY --push -clean-up

# or if you have the collection locally exported

$ npx @syngenta-digital/pdt --collection-file test/mock/mock.postman_collection.json --doc-path test/mock/openapi.yml

# then use postman cli tool (newman) to test your collection
newman run "https://api.getpostman.com/collections/$POSTMAN_COLLECTION_ID?apikey=$POSTMAN_API_KEY" -e "https://api.getpostman.com/environments/$POSTMAN_ENVIRONMENT_ID?apikey=$POSTMAN_API_KEY"
Flag NameShortRequiredDescription
workspace-namewnnoThe name of the workspace (case sensitive)
environment-nameenif run-newman providedThe name of the environment (case sensitive)
collection-namecnif workspace providedThe name of collection (case sensitive)
collection-idciif no file providedThe collection uid from Postman
collection-filecfif no id providedFile path to the collection json
doc-pathdyesFile path to swagger or openapi doc
api-keykif id providedPostman API Key
proxy-serverpsnoProxy-Server URL (protocol and port required)
pushpnoPush updated collection back to postman cloud
clean-upcnoDelete artifacts created during process; only works with push and collection id
run-newmanrnnoWill run newman right after up applying tests
bailbuse with run newmanWill fail if newman tests fail