1.0.0 • Published 5 years ago

@tailored-apps/dedition v1.0.0

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5 years ago



import validator from 'dedition'


const valid = validator({ ajvOptions = {}, logger = createDefaultLogger()} = {})
  • ajvOptions are all the options which are normally passed to ajv (https://www.npmjs.com/package/ajv#options)
  • logger can be passed optionally (i.e.: a winston instance), if not passed a default logger is created

There are two ajv-options set at any time:

  • allErrors = true
  • jsonPointers = true

These are mandatory and CANNOT be overwritten, since ajv-errors needs these two options to function

After initializing validator you have access to several functions


addSchema(schemaName: string, schemaObj: object)

Adds a given schema to the ajv instance using the passed schemaName as identifier

Returns: void

async addSchemaFromFile(filePath: string)

Adds the schema from the given filePath (must be a valid .json file) to the ajv instance.

The identifier is the fileName without the .json-extension

i.e.: Person.json -> Identifier: Person

  • filePath is the path to the .json file

Returns: void

async addSchemaFromFolder(folderPath: string)

Adds all the schemas from the given folderPath (only files inside this folder with extension .json are recognized) to the ajv instance.

The identifier is the file name without the .json-extenision

i.e.: Person.json -> Identifier: Person

  • folderPath is the path to the folder where the schema files are located

Returns: void

validate(schemaName: string, obj: object)

Validates an Object with the given schema which is identified by the schema identifier string

  • schemaName: Name of the schema
  • obj: Object to validate

Returns: true if valid, otherwise 400: BadRequestError (from package http-errors)


Removes all the schemas from the ajv instance

Returns: void

schemaExists(schemaName: string)

Checks wheter an schema exists or not

  • schemaName: Name of the schema

Returns: True or False wheter the schema exists or not

getSchema(schemaName: string)

Returns the schema for a given schemaName

  • schemaName: Name of the schema

Returns: Validation Schema object or 500: InternalServerError (from package http-errors)


5 years ago