0.1.1-alpha.0 • Published 3 years ago
@talesoft/frame-loop v0.1.1-alpha.0
A simple functional wrapper for a try-catch statement.
Makes it easier to handle exceptions immutably.
import tryCatch from '@talesoft/try-catch'
function somethingThatCanThrow() {
if (amIWrong()) {
throw new Error('I\'m wrong!')
return 'Some result'
const result = tryCatch(somethingThatCanThrow)
// result is of type `string | Error`
const alwaysResult = tryCatch(somethingThatCanThrow, () => 'Other result')
// alwaysResult is of type `string` ('Some result' or 'Other result')
const alwaysResult = tryCatch(somethingThatCanThrow, error => error.message)
// alwaysResult is of type `string` ('Some result' or 'I\'m wrong!')
3 years ago