1.1.0 • Published 4 years ago

@talkyjs/core v1.1.0

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4 years ago


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Simply Alexa skill framework with ask-sdk.

Getting started


$ npm i -S @talkyjs/core

Create lambda handler

import { SkillFactory } from '@talkyjs/core'

export const handler = SkillFactory.launch()
    canHandle(input) {
        return input.requestEnvelope.request.type === 'LaunchRequest'
    handle(input) {
        return input.responseBuilder.speak('Hello').getResponse()

Skill Configuration

We can easy to set up a several skill configuration.

import { SkillFactory, TalkyJSSkillConfig } from '@talkyjs/core'

const config: TalkyJSSkillConfig = {
    stage: 'production',                  // [Optional] Skill Stage
    logLevel: 'error',                    // [Optional] Log level
    database: {                           // [Optional] Database configuration
        type: 's3',                       // [Optional] Database type (none / s3 / dynamodb)
        tableName: 'example-bucket-name', // [Optional] Database table name
        s3PathPrefix: 'path-prefix'       // [Optional] [Only S3] S3 path prefix
    apiClient: {                            // SMAPI and Alexa API Client configuration
        useDefault: true,                   // Use DefaultApiClient
        // client: new DefaultApiClient()   // If you have own ApiClient, put here
    skillId: 'ask.your.skill.id',         // [Optional] Skill ID
    errorHandler: {                       // [Optional] error handler configurations
        usePreset: true,                  // [Optional] Use preset error handler
        sentry: {                         // [Optional] Error tracker configuration (sentry)
            dsn: process.env.SENTRY.DSN   // [Optional] Sentry dsn

export const handler = SkillFactory.launch(config)
    canHandle(input) {
        return input.requestEnvelope.request.type === 'LaunchRequest'
    handle(input) {
        return input.responseBuilder.speak('Hello').getResponse()


Fully Compatible to ask-sdk

@talkyjs has a various utility classes and function. But almost feature has a compatibility to ask-sdk.

Easy to setup, easty to customize.

Stage Handling

We can choose these stage to run the skill

developmentAdd devleopment helper handler (IntentReflector)
productionIgnore development utilties

Preset Handlers

SessionEndedRequest-Record the ended reason
IntentRequestAMAZON.RepeatIntentRepeat the last response (Only in session)
AlexaSkillEvent.SkillDisabled-Delete the user data from the persistent attributes
ErrorHandler-Log the Error and return the error resposne (Supported lang: Japanese / English)


Automatically log these props.

  • Request
  • Response

Optimizing the Database request

TalkyJS has a extended persistentAttributesManager.

import { PersistentAttributesManager, SkillFactory } from '@talkyjs/core';
  database: {
    type: 's3', // or 'dynamodb'. When select 'none', it does not work!
    tableName: 'example-bucket'
  canHandle(input) {
    return input.requestEnvelope.request.type === 'LaunchRequest'
  async handle(input) {
    // Create manager
    const persistenceManager = new PersistentAttributesManager(input.attributesManager)

    // Get saved data with default value
    const { name } = await persistenceManager.getPersistentAttributes({
      name: 'sir'

    // Update parameter with merging exists attributes
    await persistenceManager.updatePersistentAttributes({
      now: new Date().toISOString()
    return input.responseBuilder.speak(`Hello ${name}`).getResponse()

And all persistent attributes using the manager will saved at the ResponseInterceptor automatically. So, the database connection has been optimized.

Own attributes management

We can define attributes for your own Skill

type MySkillData = {
  name: string;
  favoritesCities: string[];
  preferedLevel: 'easy' | 'normal' | 'hard'
class MySkillPersistentAttributesManager extends PersistentAttributesManager<MySkillData> {
  protected readonly defaultAttributes = {
    name: '',
    favoritesCities: [],
    preferedLevel: 'normal' as const

And use own class intead of default class.

  database: {
    type: 's3',
    tableName: 'example-bucket'
  canHandle(input) {
    return input.requestEnvelope.request.type === 'LaunchRequest'
  async handle(input) {
    const persistenceAdapter = new MySkillPersistentAttributesManager(input.attributesManager)
    const { name } = await persistenceAdapter.getPersistentAttributes()
    await persistenceAdapter.updatePersistentAttributes({
      preferedLevel: 'hard'
    await persistenceAdapter.save()
    return input.responseBuilder.speak(`Hello ${name}`).getResponse()

Save immediately

We can save it to execute await persistenceAdapter.save() method. And the method is checking is the attributes updated.

// Update attributes
await persistenceManager.updatePersistentAttributes({
  now: new Date().toISOString()

// Save now!
await persistenceAdapter.save()

// Nothing to do (Because no attributes has been updated)
await persistenceAdapter.save()

// Update attributes second time
await persistenceManager.updatePersistentAttributes({
  now: new Date().toISOString()

// Save!
await persistenceAdapter.save()