0.0.2 • Published 3 years ago
@tarikfp/react-native-tabs-sidebar v0.0.2
React Navigation Side Bar
Wrapper library over the @react-navigation/bottom-tabs. The main purpose of this library is to support displaying tabbar on side.
If you wanted to use sidebar in your tablet/mobile apps, but haven't found a way to achieve it, then this library might be the one that you are looking for.
- Make sure to install required packages as stated in the https://reactnavigation.org/docs/getting-started/ docs.
- Instead of using
you can now instead install this library in order to achieve displaying tabs on the sidebar !
Provide tabBarPosition
prop with the desired value to the screenOptions object. That's it! 🎉
screenOptions={({route}) => ({
tabBarPosition: "left",
<TabBar.Screen name={RouteNames.Home} component={HomeScreen} />