@teamteanpm2024/incidunt-quam-est v1.0.5
A JavaScript Application Builder
available for front-end ( browsers or applications like electron.atom.io, or another cool stuff )
bower install app-prototype
and available as a NodeJS package @teamteanpm2024/incidunt-quam-est
sudo npm install -g @teamteanpm2024/incidunt-quam-est
Present Objects
- ApplicationPrototype - a builder for application design pattern ; Documentation here
- ApplicationBuilder - a builder for application design pattern that requires a lot of custom dependencies ; Documentation here
Present modules / libraries
- lib - a
that register in Application all default sub-modules async - a module for executing asynchronous a list of operations in flow or waterfall
js-template - a library for emulating Two-Way Data Binding
custom-elements - a library for implementing webComponents
browser-session - a cross browser function implemented with Promises and indexed-db ;
- browser-session/strategy/indexed-db - IndexedDb strategy
browser-session/strategy/local-storage - Local Storage strategy
extensions/prototype - rich library for cross browsing ; documentation @TODO
- request - a XmlHttprequest Wrapper
- request/params-parser - documentation @TODO
uri-load - a script for loading async a list of stylesheets or scripts
canvas-draw - documentation @TODO
- graphic - a function that quickly loads all
sub-modules - graphic/convert - library, set of modules
- graphic/convert/blob-to-imagedata - conversion of Blob to ImageData
- graphic/convert/imagedata-to-blob - conversion of ImageData to Blob
- graphic/filters - library, set of modules
- graphic/filters/blur - adding Blur filter over an ImageData
- graphic/filters/contrast - adding Contrast filter over an ImageData
- graphic/filters/saturation - adding Saturation filter over an ImageData
- graphic/polyfill - contains Commons Browsers polyfills
- graphic/recognition - library, set of modules
- graphic/recognition/edge-detection - module for edge recognition
- graphic/utils - library, set of modules
- graphic/utils/imagedata-clone - module for ImageData Clone
if you find code interesting you may participate by updating documentation using pull request or mail messages to sergiu.gordienco@gmail.com
Typedarray polyfill
Used typedarray polyfill from inexorabletash/polyfill
Creative Commons License Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License
JS Application Builder by JavaScript Application Builder is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License. Based on a work at http://sgapps.io. Permissions beyond the scope of this license may be available at https://sgapps.io.