0.1.7 • Published 5 years ago

@teedmaker/cli v0.1.7

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5 years ago

Welcome to: Teed Maker CLI or just tmk

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let's start the party! :tada:

Initially I want to say that I'm really proud of with this project, because a long time I was tried to made some thing like this one. For various reasons I was fail, my programming skills was not good yet and a lot of things.

So, I will explain how it works.

For now have little methods that you can use.

And here they are:



tmk create methods

create controller name

This command will create a new controller. By default the path to controllers is src/controllers, but you can pass another with the flag: --path='path/to/controllers', or just: -p=path/to/controllers. You can pass a another flag too (--blank, or just -b) to create a blank file.


tmk create controller Home --path='new/path' --blank

This will create a blank controller (HomeController), inside of new/path/.

create service name

This command will create a new service. By default the path to services is src/services, you can change it with the flag --path='new/services' (or just -p=new/path). To create a new blank file, you need to pass the flag --blank (or -b).


tmk create service users

This will create a service Users in src/services/Users.php.

create view path/name

This command enables you to create a view file. The default path is src/views, and can be changed with the flag --path='new/path/to/views' (or just -p=new/path). The flag --blank (or -b) can be passed to, if you want to create a blank view file.


tmk create view users/index

This will create a view file in src/views/users/index.php.

For now, it's all!

Some features will be added. For now it's look like a experiment. So, if you want to contribute, fork and work in it! Or create a new issue! :+1:


5 years ago


5 years ago


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5 years ago


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5 years ago


5 years ago