1.0.0 • Published 3 years ago

@tejaskumar/netlify-plugin-cypress v1.0.0

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3 years ago

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Runs Cypress end-to-end tests after Netlify builds the site but before it is deployed

Note: currently the built site is served statically and tested without proxying redirects.

Install and use

You can install this plugin in the Netlify UI from this direct in-app installation link or from the Plugins directory.

For file based installation, add netlify-plugin-cypress NPM package as a dev dependency to your repository.

npm install --save-dev netlify-plugin-cypress
# or
yarn add -D netlify-plugin-cypress

And then add the plugin's name to the list of build plugins in netlify.toml file as shown in the examples below.

note: this plugin assumes you have already installed Cypress as a dev NPM dependency.

How does it work

When Netlify Build runs, it "knows" the output folder name and calls the netlify-plugin-cypress after the build has finished with that folder. Then the plugin runs Cypress tests using its NPM module API. If the tests pass, the plugin finishes and the Netlify deploy starts.



Here is the most basic Netlify config file netlify.toml with just the Cypress plugin

  # local Cypress plugin will test our site after it is built
  package = "netlify-plugin-cypress"

The example file above should be enough to run Cypress tests in any existing Netlify project.


We strongly recommend setting CYPRESS_CACHE_FOLDER to place the Cypress binary inside the node_modules folder to cache it between builds

# explicit commands for building the site
# and the folder to publish
command = "npm run build"
publish = "build"

# cache Cypress binary in local "node_modules" folder
# so Netlify caches it
CYPRESS_CACHE_FOLDER = "./node_modules/CypressBinary"
# set TERM variable for terminal output
TERM = "xterm"

# local Cypress plugin will test our site after it is built
package = "netlify-plugin-cypress"

See netlify-plugin-cypress-example repo.

Typescript users may need to add a install before the build command. For a yarn user with a typescript app, the build section of the Netlify configuration might look like this:

command = "yarn install && yarn build"
publish = "build"

# ...remaining configuration...


To record test results and artifacts on Cypress Dashboard, set record: true plugin input and set CYPRESS_RECORD_KEY as an environment variable via Netlify Deploy settings.

command = "npm run build"
publish = "build"
  # cache Cypress binary in local "node_modules" folder
  # so Netlify caches it
  CYPRESS_CACHE_FOLDER = "./node_modules/CypressBinary"
  # set TERM variable for terminal output
  TERM = "xterm"

# local Cypress plugin will test our site after it is built
package = "netlify-plugin-cypress"
  record = true

See cypress-example-kitchensink and recorded results at Cypress Dashboard netlify-plugin-cypress

Security note 🔐: you should keep your CYPRESS_RECORD_KEY secret. You can control how Netlify builds external pull requests, see the doc - you never want to expose sensitive environment variables to outside builds.

status checks

If you are recording test results to Cypress Dashboard, you should also install Cypress GitHub Integration App to see status checks from individual groups or from individual specs per commit. See netlify-plugin-prebuild-example PR #8 pull request for an example.

Netlify to Cypress Dashboard to GH Integration checks


You can change the group name for the recorded run using group parameter

# local Cypress plugin will test our site after it is built
package = "netlify-plugin-cypress"
  record = true
  group = "built site"


You can give recorded run tags using a comma-separated string. If the tag is not specified, Netlify context will be used (production, deploy-preview or branch-deploy)

# local Cypress plugin will test our site after it is built
package = "netlify-plugin-cypress"
  record = true
  group = "built site"
  tag = "nightly,production"


Run only a single spec or specs matching a wildcard

command = "npm run build"
publish = "build"
  # cache Cypress binary in local "node_modules" folder
  # so Netlify caches it
  CYPRESS_CACHE_FOLDER = "./node_modules/CypressBinary"
  # set TERM variable for terminal output
  TERM = "xterm"

# local Cypress plugin will test our site after it is built
package = "netlify-plugin-cypress"
  spec = "cypress/integration/smoke*.js"

See cypress-example-kitchensink for instance.

testing SPA routes

SPAs need catch-all redirect setup to make non-root paths accesssible by tests. You can enable this with spa parameter.

# local Cypress plugin will test our site after it is built
package = "netlify-plugin-cypress"
  # can also use "spa = true" to use "index.html" by default
  spa = "index.html"

See lws-spa for more options and tests/routing example.

testing the site before build

By default this plugin tests static site after build. But maybe you want to run end-to-end tests against the local development server. You can start local server, wait for it to respond and then run Cypress tests by passing parameters to this plugin. Here is a sample config file

  package = "netlify-plugin-cypress"
  # let's run tests against development server
  # before building it (and testing the built site)
    start = 'npm start'
    wait-on = 'http://localhost:5000'
    wait-on-timeout = '30' # seconds

Parameters you can place into preBuild inputs: start, wait-on, wait-on-timeout, spec, record, group, and tag. If there is preBuild and postBuild testing with different tags, the first one wins :)

See netlify-plugin-prebuild-example repo


Running tests in parallel is not supported because Netlify plugin system runs on a single machine. Thus you can record the tests on Cypress Dashboard, but not run tests in parallel. If Netlify expands its build offering by allowing multiple build machines, we could take advantage of it and run tests in parallel.

Example repos

netlify-plugin-cypress-exampleRuns Cypress tests on Netlify and records their results to Cypress Dashboard
netlify-plugin-prebuild-exampleRuns tests twice, first using the development version of the site, then after Netlify builds the production bundles, runs the tests again
cypress-example-kitchensinkRuns only a subset of all tests before publishing the folder to Netlify


Set environment variable DEBUG=netlify-plugin-cypress to see the debug logs. To see even more information, set DEBUG=netlify-plugin-cypress,netlify-plugin-cypress:verbose

Common problems


This project is licensed under the terms of the MIT license.


Read the contributing guide