2.2.0 • Published 2 years ago

@teplovs/lexer v2.2.0

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2 years ago


JavaScript library for tokenizing strings with regular expressions


npm install @teplovs/lexer
# or, if you prefer yarn:
yarn add @teplovs/lexer


Code example

import { Lexer } from "@teplovs/lexer"

// Lexer input
const code = "print '👋'"

class MyLexer extends Lexer {
  // Lexer rules
  static rules = {
    print: /\b(print)\b/,
    string: /'([^'\\]|\\.)*'/,
    space: /( |\t)+/

// Initialize a lexer
const lexer = new MyLexer(code)

// Run the lexer and save tokens as an array
const tokens = lexer.tokenize()

Defining rules

Basic rules

To tell the lexer how to tokenize a string, we need to define rules. To do that, we use an object, where each key corresponds to a token type, and each value corresponds to a regular expression for parsing a token value.

For example, our input string is a space-separated list of integers. Then one of possible ways to define rules is this:

const rules = {
  integer: /[0-9]+/,
  space: /( )+/

Let's go a bit deeper and add support for hexadecimal integers. We have a few ways to do that. Let's start with the easiest one: add another token type.

const rules = {
  decimal: /[0-9]+/,
  hexadecimal: /0x[0-9a-fA-F]+/,
  space: /( )+/

But in this rules definition there is a problem: order of rules. Lexer goes in the order we specify the rules in the object. So when trying to tokenize a string 0x9, we'll get a LexerError. The reason is that the lexer 'ate' the 0 character, because it matches the decimal rule, and then it saw the x character that didn't match any rule.

So, the way to fix is to reorder these rules:

const rules = {
  hexadecimal: /0x[0-9a-fA-F]+/,
  decimal: /[0-9]+/,
  space: /( )+/

But what if we want both hexadecimal and decimal be tokenized as an integer? We can combine these rules:

const rules = {
  integer: /0x[0-9a-fA-F]+|[0-9]+/,
  space: /( )+/

It works, but looks a bit harder to understand. What if we want to make a more difficult rule? For example, a string:

const rules = {
  string: /"([^"\\]|\\.)*"|'([^'\\]|\\.)*'/

It looks even more difficult to understand. So that's the point where we can use arrays:

const rules = {
  string: [

And for our example with integers:

const rules = {
  integer: [
  space: /( )+/

Here, the order of regular expressions matters too!

More advanced rules

Now let's make more advanced rules! For example, we want to tokenize a string but we don't want quotes to get into the token's value. For this we have a tokenValue function:

const rules = {
  string: {
    pattern: /'(([^'\\]|\\.)*)'/,
    tokenValue: (match) => match[1]

tokenValue function takes a value that is returned when calling regularExpression.exec(string) as an argument. tokenValue has to return a string. The returned string will become the token's value.

Changing rules of a certain lexer instance

Sometimes we might need to change lexer rules only for one object (instance) without touching all the others. This can be achieved by changing the rules property on that object:

const lexer = new CustomLexer("...")

lexer.rules = {
  // ...

Working with tokens

There are three ways to work with tokens: 1. Call Lexer#tokenize() and get an array of tokens 2. Call Lexer#nextToken() to get the next token (returns undefined if reached the end of input) 3. Use for-of loop and iterate over tokens: for (const token of lexer)

Checkout API for more in-depth understanding of how these methods work.

Overriding default lexer properties

If there are no options provided, a lexer will use default values. If you can change those default values for your class, then here's an example how to do it:

class MyLexer extends Lexer {
  static get defaultOptions() {
    return {
      endOfFileTokenType: "EndOfFile"



static rules: Rules

An object with rules

constructor(input: string, options?: LexerOptions)

new Lexer(inputString, rules)


  • inputString - a string to tokenize
  • options - an object with lexer options
    • skip - an array of token types that should be skipped (default: [])
    • endOfFileTokenType - type of token that will be returned when reaching end of file (default: "endOfFile")
    • filePath - path to the source file (default: undefined)

get rules

Returns rules of the current lexer instance. These can be overridden without touching the prototype of a class. This is particularly useful if you need to extend a lexer only inside a certain function, but without impact on other functions.

set rules

Replaces rules of the current lexer instance with the passed ones. This won't impact all other lexer instances.



You can use this method to reset current lexer's position

nextToken(): Token | undefined


Returns undefined when reached end of input

tokenize(): Token[]


Returns an array of tokens.

Note: lexer does not reset current position when calling this function.

lexer.tokenize() // [...] (array with tokens)
lexer.tokenize() // [] (empty array)

But if you prepend lexer.reset() before the second call, then you probably won't get an empty array.


type Rule = RegExp | {
  pattern: RegExp,
  tokenValue?: (match: RegExpMatchArray) => string


type Rules = {
  [ruleName: string]: Rule | Rule[]


class Token {
  type: string
  value: string
  position: {
    start: Position,
    end: Position


class Position {
  line: number
  column: number
  index: number
  filePath?: string

add(line: number, column: number, index: number)

Creates a new Position instance, where line, column, and index have new values, calculated by adding the current corresponding values to passed arguments.

clone(): Position

Creates a new Position instance with the same properties.

toString(): string

Creates a string with information about position in the source code. If file path is not provided when creating a Position instance, then the resulting string will look like line:column. Otherwise, the string will look like line:column (in filepath).


new Position(1, 2, 1).toString() // 1:2
new Position(1, 2, 1, "source-file.js") // 1:2 (in source-file.js)


Exception thrown by the lexer when the input doesn't match any rule.

class LexerError extends Error {
  position: Position

position: Position

Position in the input where the error occurred.

ruleMatches(input: string, rule: Rule | Rule[]): [RegExpMatchArray, string] | undefined

Function used by the lexer for checking if there is a match in the input string to a rule.

In the returned array, the first argument is the result of calling a regularExpression.exec(inputString) function, and the second argument is the resulting token's value.


ruleMatches("10 11", /[0-9]+/) // returns ["10", "10"]

ruleMatches("10 11", {
  pattern: /[0-9]+/,
  // convert value to a number
  tokenValue: match => +match[0]
}) // returns ["10", 10]

ruleMatches("0xF 0b101", [
]) // returns ["0xF", "0xF"]



  • Node.js and npm


  1. Clone the repository
git clone https://github.com/teplovs/lexer
  1. Navigate to the project folder
cd lexer
  1. Install dependencies
npm install
# or, if you prefer yarn:
yarn install
  1. To run tests:
npm test
# or:
yarn test
  1. To build the library:
npm run build
# or:
yarn build
  1. Happy hacking! 🎉

2 years ago


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