0.4.0 • Published 4 years ago
@terrestris/vectortiles v0.4.0
terrestris vectortiles
A simple library that makes use of free available world-wide terrestris vectortiles in MapBox MVT format from OpenStreetMap data.
The main method getOSMLayer
creates an openlayers VectorTile Layer, which you
can use straight in your openlayers application.
A simple demonstration application can be found here:
how to use
Install the module e.g. by
npm i @terrestris/vectortiles
Then, in your code, import as follows:
import terrestrisVectorTiles from '@terrestris/vectortiles';
Then you can create the OSM-VectorTile layer by calling
const layer = new terrestrisVectorTiles();
or with custom configuration and style:
const layer = new terrestrisVectorTiles({
declutter: false,
usePlacesLabels: false,
style_roads: [{