1.2.1 • Published 9 years ago

@thebearingedge/mini-core v1.2.1

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9 years ago


A small application core with dependency resolution.


import miniCore from '@thebearingedge/mini-core';

const core = miniCore();
const foo = { bar: 'baz' };

core.value('foo', foo);

const resolved = core.resolve('foo');

assert.equal(resolved, foo);


Invoking miniCore returns a container object. Optionally, an object can be passed during creation. The object's values with be registered by key.

const core = miniCore({ foo: 'bar' });

assert.equal(core.resolve('foo'), 'bar');


value(id, someValue)

A string id and value may be passed to store an asset. Multiple id/value pairs can be registered at once using an object.

core.value('foo', 'bar'); 
core.value({ baz: 'qux', quux: 'grault' });


Passing an id to resolve retrieves the corresponding value from core;

core.value('marco', () => console.log('polo'));

const marco = core.resolve('marco');

marco(); // "polo"

install(id, fn)

A function can be used to register a dynamic value via install. The function argument is invoked and its return value is registered.

core.install('four', () => {
  return 2 + 2;

console.log(core.resolve('four')); // 4

factory(id, fn)

A factory function can be registered with factory. Calling resolve invokes the function and its return value is produced.

function makeFoo() {
  return { bar: 'baz' };

core.factory('foo', makeFoo);

const foo1 = core.resolve('foo');
const foo2 = core.resolve('foo');

assert.equal(foo1.bar, 'baz');
assert.equal(foo2.bar, 'baz');
assert.notEqual(foo1, foo2);

class(id, Class)

Classes can be instantiated on demand after being registered with class.

class Foo {
  constructor() {
    this.name = 'fooInstance';

core.class('foo', Foo);

const foo1 = core.resolve('foo');
const foo2 = core.resolve('foo');

assert(foo1 instanceof Foo);
assert.notEqual(foo1, foo2);

singleton(id, Class)

If a single instance of a class should be resolved, the class can be registered with singleton.

class Foo {
  constructor() {
    this.name = 'fooInstance';

core.singleton('foo', Foo);

const foo1 = core.resolve('foo');
const foo2 = core.resolve('foo');

assert.equal(foo1.name, 'fooInstance');
assert.equal(foo1, foo2);

Dependency Resolution

miniCore offers basic dependency resolution. This allows individual assets to be written in a testable manner. The below Friends repository is plain, decoupled, and easy to test.

// Friends.js
class Friends {
  constructor(ajax, logger) {
    this._ajax = ajax;
    this._logger = logger;
    this._endpoint = '/friends'
  fetchAll() {
    return this._ajax
      .then(response => response.body)
      .catch(err => logger.log(err.message));

export default Friends;

Once Friends is sufficiently tested in isolation, it can be registered to the application core. An array of dependency id's must be added to Friends as a simple _inject = [] property.

Friends._inject = ['ajax', 'logger'];

This allows miniCore to look up dependencies during resolution.

import miniCore from '@thebearingedge/mini-core';
import ajax from './lib/ajax';
import logger from './lib/logger';
import Friends from './data/Friends';

const core = miniCore({ ajax, logger });

core.singleton('friends', Friends);

const friends = core.resolve('friends'); // Friends is instantiated


wrap(id, fn)

A function can be stored in a core as a value. But if this function has dependencies it needs to be wrapped. The stored function's dependencies are not immediately resolved on resolution, but instead on invokation.

const makeFoo = () => 'foo';
core.factory('makeFoo', makeFoo);

const delayed = dep => dep.toUppercase();
delayed._inject = ['makeFoo'];
core.wrap('delayed', delayed);

const wrapped = core.resolve('delayed'); // makeFoo has not been called
console.log(wrapped()); // "FOO"

Core Building

Using dependency resolution as explained above, it is possible to access registered assets for composition.

The config method is supplied purely to access and manipulate objects in core. Functions passed to core can be written as separate modules, tagged with _inject and imported into the core wiring.

import FancyRouter from 'fancy-router';
import FancyView from 'fancy-view';
import EventEmitter from 'events';
import miniCore from '@thebearingedge/mini-core';

const core = miniCore({ FancyView })
    .singleton('emitter', EventEmitter)
    .value('router', new FancyRouter({ /* router config */}));

// myComponent could be a separate, testable module.
function myComponent(FancyView, emitter) {
  return FancyView.extend({
    onClick() {
myComponent._inject = ['FancyView', 'emitter'];

core.install('MyComponent', myComponent);

// friendsRoute could be a separate module too
// `config` simply pulls dependencies and invokes a function on them
function friendsRoute(router, friends, MyComponent) {
    path: '/friends',
    data: {
      friends() { return friends.fetchAll(); }
    component: MyComponent
friendsRoute._inject = ['router', 'friends', 'MyComponent'];




In a time of "modular apps" and "reusable components", implicit dependencies are all over the place. If a component is reusable, it can just be plugged into your core so a bunch of requires and imports are eliminated. CommonJS and ES6 Modules are totally sweet for library authoring and distribution, but often they feel weird for application authoring.

miniCore is not special. This problem has been solved on other platforms and they do it using libraries. In JS land this has been territory for full-blown frameworks, but the general technique and benefits are not confined to them.

IoC is not new. DI is not new. miniCore is pretty simplistic and can be used however you like, given the methods described above. Ideally, the only intrusion on your code is that _inject declarations are required for function dependency resolution (not needed for values or functions with no arguments). Otherwise your code can exist as you would have (hopefully) written it without miniCore; modular, composable, and testable.

miniCore aims to be a plumbing library only. The entire object graph is left to the developer while lines and lines of manual object creation are taken care of.

If you stumble upon miniCore and are interested in collaborating, please don't hesitate to file an issue or peruse the todo :).


  • Document merge feature
  • Detect circular dependencies
  • Add more distribution formats

9 years ago


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9 years ago