1.0.1 ā€¢ Published 2 years ago

@thermopylae/lib.jwt-user-session v1.0.1

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2 years ago

Stateless user session implementation based on JsonWebTokens.


npm install @thermopylae/lib.jwt-user-session


This is a simple example of how this package can be used.

First, you need to implement storage for user sessions. In this example we will build an in-memory storage, although it's recommended to implement a persistent storage (e.g. by using Redis).

// storage.ts

import {
} from '@thermopylae/lib.cache';
import type { Seconds } from '@thermopylae/core.declarations';
import type { DeviceBase, UserSessionMetaData, UserSessionStorage } from '@thermopylae/lib.user-session.commons';

class InMemoryRefreshTokensStorage implements UserSessionStorage<DeviceBase, string> {
    private readonly cache: PolicyBasedCache<string, UserSessionMetaData<DeviceBase, string>, AbsoluteExpirationPolicyArgumentsBundle>;

    private readonly userSessions: Map<string, Set<string>>;

    public constructor() {
        const backend = new EsMapCacheBackend<string, UserSessionMetaData<DeviceBase, string>>();
        const policies = [new ProactiveExpirationPolicy<string, UserSessionMetaData<DeviceBase, string>>(new BucketGarbageCollector())];
        this.cache = new PolicyBasedCache(backend, policies);

        this.userSessions = new Map<string, Set<string>>();

        this.cache.on(CacheEvent.DELETE, (key) => {
            const [user, token] = key.split('@');
            const sessions = this.userSessions.get(user)!;

            if (sessions.size === 0) {

    public async insert(subject: string, refreshToken: string, metaData: UserSessionMetaData<DeviceBase, string>, ttl: Seconds): Promise<void> {
        let sessions = this.userSessions.get(subject);
        if (sessions == null) {
            sessions = new Set<string>();
            this.userSessions.set(subject, sessions);

        this.cache.set(`${subject}@${refreshToken}`, metaData, { expiresAfter: ttl });

    public async read(subject: string, refreshToken: string): Promise<UserSessionMetaData<DeviceBase, string> | undefined> {
        return this.cache.get(`${subject}@${refreshToken}`);

    public async readAll(subject: string): Promise<ReadonlyMap<string, UserSessionMetaData<DeviceBase, string>>> {
        const refreshTokenToSession = new Map();

        const sessions = this.userSessions.get(subject);
        if (sessions == null) {
            return refreshTokenToSession;

        for (const refreshToken of sessions) {
            refreshTokenToSession.set(refreshToken, this.cache.get(`${subject}@${refreshToken}`)!);

        return refreshTokenToSession;

    public async delete(subject: string, refreshToken: string): Promise<void> {

    public async deleteAll(subject: string): Promise<number> {
        const sessions = Array.from(this.userSessions.get(subject) || new Set());

        for (const session of sessions) {

        return sessions.length;

export { InMemoryRefreshTokensStorage };

Next, we need to implement cache where access tokens that were forcibly invalidated have to be stored.

// cache.ts

import { AbsoluteExpirationPolicyArgumentsBundle, EsMapCacheBackend, PolicyBasedCache, ProactiveExpirationPolicy } from '@thermopylae/lib.cache';
import type { Seconds, UnixTimestamp } from '@thermopylae/core.declarations';
import type { InvalidAccessTokensCache } from '@thermopylae/lib.jwt-user-session';

class InMemoryInvalidAccessTokensCache implements InvalidAccessTokensCache {
    private readonly cache: PolicyBasedCache<string, UnixTimestamp | null, AbsoluteExpirationPolicyArgumentsBundle>;

    public constructor() {
        const backend = new EsMapCacheBackend<string, UnixTimestamp | null>();
        const policies = [new ProactiveExpirationPolicy<string, UnixTimestamp | null>()];
        this.cache = new PolicyBasedCache(backend, policies);

    public get(refreshTokenAnchor: string): UnixTimestamp | null | undefined {
        return this.cache.get(refreshTokenAnchor);

    public has(refreshTokenAnchor: string): boolean {
        return this.cache.has(refreshTokenAnchor);

    public upset(refreshTokenAnchor: string, invalidatedAt: UnixTimestamp | null, ttl: Seconds): void {
        this.cache.set(refreshTokenAnchor, invalidatedAt, { expiresAfter: ttl });

export { InMemoryInvalidAccessTokensCache };

Then, we can instantiate JwtUserSessionManager and manage user sessions.

// session.ts

import { JwtUserSessionManager, JwtUserSessionManagerEvent } from '@thermopylae/lib.jwt-user-session';
import { InMemoryRefreshTokensStorage } from './storage';
import { InMemoryInvalidAccessTokensCache } from './cache';

(async function main() {
    /* Create manager instance */
    const manager = new JwtUserSessionManager({
        secret: '99afj9aujf907;LKOP/][;kgopj',
        signOptions: {
            algorithm: 'HS384',
            issuer: 'auth-server.com',
            audience: ['auth-server.com', 'rest-server.com'],
            expiresIn: 900 // 15 min
        verifyOptions: {
            algorithms: ['HS384'],
            issuer: 'auth-server.com',
            audience: 'rest-server.com'
        invalidationOptions: {
            refreshTokenTtl: 86_400, // 24h
            refreshTokenLength: 15,
            invalidAccessTokensCache: new InMemoryInvalidAccessTokensCache(),
            refreshTokensStorage: new InMemoryRefreshTokensStorage()

    /* Attach listeners */
    manager.on(JwtUserSessionManagerEvent.SESSION_INVALIDATED, (jwtAccessToken) => {
            'If you have multiple instances of app (i.e. cluster mode), you need to broadcast this token to them, ' +
            'so that they can invalidate it too via JwtUserSessionManager::restrictOne'
    manager.on(JwtUserSessionManagerEvent.ALL_SESSIONS_INVALIDATED, (subject, accessTokenTtl) => {
            'If you have multiple instances of app (i.e. cluster mode), you need to broadcast these arguments to them, ' +
            'so that they can invalidate it too via JwtUserSessionManager::restrictAll'

    /* Create session */
    const sessionTokens = await manager.create({ name: 'John' }, { subject: 'uid1' }, { ip: '' });

    /* Validate it */
    const sessionMetaData = await manager.read(sessionTokens.accessToken);

    /* Read active sessions */
    const activeSessions = await manager.readAll('uid1');
    console.info(`User with id 'uid1' has ${activeSessions.size} active sessions.`);

    /* Update access token */
    const refreshedAccessToken = await manager.update(sessionTokens.refreshToken, { name: 'John' }, { subject: 'uid1' }, { ip: '' });

    /* Delete session */
    await manager.deleteOne('uid1', sessionTokens.refreshToken, await manager.read(refreshedAccessToken));

    /* Delete all sessions */
    const deletedSessionsNo = await manager.deleteAll('uid1');
    console.log(`Deleted ${deletedSessionsNo} active sessions of user with id 'uid1'.`);

API Reference

API documentation is available here.

It can also be generated by issuing the following commands:

git clone git@github.com:marinrusu1997/thermopylae.git
cd thermopylae
yarn install
yarn workspace @thermopylae/lib.jwt-user-session run doc


šŸ‘¤ Rusu Marin

šŸ“ License

Copyright Ā© 2021 Rusu Marin. This project is MIT licensed.