0.1.1 • Published 4 years ago

@therobot/codegen-vue-apollo v0.1.1

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Last release
4 years ago

Vue Apollo Codegen

# src/allPosts.gql
query allPosts($id: ID!) {
  allPosts(categoryId: $id) {
# src/components/Post/addComment.gql
mutation addComment($postId: ID!, $content: String!) {
  addComment(postId: $postId)


  federation: true
  noSchemaStitching: true
    - 'npx prettier --write  "./src/generated/**/*" # ignore args'
  - ../packages/*-server/**/*.gql # server schema
      - ./src/apollo/clientSchema.gql
    documents: './src/**/*.gql'
      mixinComponents: false # default: true
      smartQueryDecorators: false # default: true

      useComposable: true # default: false
      partialVariablesOnComposableMutations: true # default: true

      # default: false - compatibility
      # should use typescript-graphql-files-modules
      noDeclareOperationModules: true

      noFragmentUtils: true # default: false
      noQueryUtils: true # default: false

      # from ClientSideBasePluginConfig
      noGraphQLTag: true # default: false
      - add: "import { DocumentNode } from 'graphql'"
      - time
      - add: '/* eslint-disable */'

      - typescript
      - typescript-operations
      - '@therobot/codegen-vue-apollo'

    documents: './src/**/*.gql'
      - typescript-graphql-files-modules

in case of Cannot use GraphQLScalarType "ID" from another module or realm run env NODE_ENV=production graphql-codegen

Composable Partial


TypeScript will scream at you when using useMutation without proper variables.

Since mutations, not called instantly, it should be possible to pass variables on mutate call. And this is where TypeScript should be concerned.

mutation learn($questionId: ID!, $answerId: ID) {
  learn(answerId: $answerId, questionId: $questionId) @client {
const { mutate } = useLearnMutation({
  // variables, not required
  variables: {
    questionId, // also not required
  // '{}' is not assignable
  // 'questionId' required in type 'LearnMutationVariables'.

Mixins and Decorators

This was my starting point for this plugin. As soon as composable got released, i stopped thinking about this. Was writing while learning typescript, on my first vue-typescript project.

Mixins should be usable in non-ts non-class based components.

import { AllPostsSmartQuery, AllPostsQuery, AddCommentMutationMixin } from '@generated'
import { Component, Mixins } from 'vue-property-decorator'

@Component({ name: 'PostList' })
export default class PostList extends Mixins(AddCommentMutationMixin) {
  // if you need proper 'this' inside hooks (result, update, skip)
  // add 'this type' - PostList
    variables() {
      return { id: 'DEADBEEF' }
  public allPosts: AllPostsQuery['allPosts']

  public addComment() {
      variables: {
        content: 'Hello World',


Copied from this readme, using comments as markers.

// vue-apollo-query:begin
export const $NAME$SmartQuery = <Component = any>(
  options?: Omit<VueApolloQueryDefinitionPatched<Component, $RESULT_TYPE$, $VARIABLES_TYPE$>, 'query'>
) =>
  SmartQuery<Component, $RESULT_TYPE$, $VARIABLES_TYPE$>({
    query: $DOCUMENT$,
// vue-apollo-query:end

// query-utils:begin
export const useCache$NAME$$OPERATION_TYPE$ = (
  options: Omit<ProxyQuery<$RESULT_TYPE$, $VARIABLES_TYPE$>, 'query'>
) => proxyQuery<$RESULT_TYPE$, $VARIABLES_TYPE$>({ query: $DOCUMENT$, ...options })
// query-utils:end
// vue-apollo-mutation-mixin:begin
@Component({ name: '$NAME$MutationMixin' })
export class $NAME$MutationMixin extends Vue {
  public $OPERATION_NAME$Mutation(
    options: Omit<VueApolloMutationOptions<$RESULT_TYPE$, $VARIABLES_TYPE$>, 'mutation'>
  ): Promise<FetchResult<$RESULT_TYPE$>> {
    return this.$apollo.mutate<$RESULT_TYPE$, $VARIABLES_TYPE$>({
      mutation: $DOCUMENT$,
// vue-apollo-mutation-mixin:end

// fragment-utils:begin
export const fragment$NAME$ = (
  options: Omit<FragmentResolver<$TYPE$>, 'type' | 'fragment' | 'fragmentName'>
) =>
    fragment: $DOCUMENT$,
    type: '$ON_TYPE$',
    fragmentName: '$NAME$',
// fragment-utils:end

// vue-apollo-query-mixin:begin

@Component({ name: '$NAME$QueryMixin' })
export class $NAME$QueryMixin extends Vue {
  public $OPERATION_NAME$Query(
    options: Omit<VueQueryOptions<$VARIABLES_TYPE$>, 'query'>
  ): Promise<FetchResult<$RESULT_TYPE$>> {
    return this.$apollo.query<$RESULT_TYPE$, $VARIABLES_TYPE$>({
      query: $DOCUMENT$,

// vue-apollo-query-mixin:end

Vue-Apollo v4 composable

// vue-apollo-query-composable:begin

export const use$NAME$$OPERATION_TYPE$ = (
  variables: $VARIABLES_TYPE$ | Ref<$VARIABLES_TYPE$> | ReactiveFunction<$VARIABLES_TYPE$> = {},
    | UseQueryOptions<$RESULT_TYPE$, $VARIABLES_TYPE$>
    | Ref<UseQueryOptions<$RESULT_TYPE$, $VARIABLES_TYPE$>>
    | ReactiveFunction<UseQueryOptions<$RESULT_TYPE$, $VARIABLES_TYPE$>> = {}
) => useQuery<$RESULT_TYPE$, $VARIABLES_TYPE$>($DOCUMENT$, variables, options)

// vue-apollo-query-composable:end
// vue-apollo-query-composable-require-variables:begin

export const use$NAME$$OPERATION_TYPE$ = (
  variables: $VARIABLES_TYPE$ | Ref<$VARIABLES_TYPE$> | ReactiveFunction<$VARIABLES_TYPE$>,
    | UseQueryOptions<$RESULT_TYPE$, $VARIABLES_TYPE$>
    | Ref<UseQueryOptions<$RESULT_TYPE$, $VARIABLES_TYPE$>>
    | ReactiveFunction<UseQueryOptions<$RESULT_TYPE$, $VARIABLES_TYPE$>> = {}
) => useQuery<$RESULT_TYPE$, $VARIABLES_TYPE$>($DOCUMENT$, variables, options)

// vue-apollo-query-composable-require-variables:end
// composable-mutation-partial-variables:begin
export const use$NAME$$OPERATION_TYPE$ = (
    | UseMutationOptions<$RESULT_TYPE$, Partial<$VARIABLES_TYPE$>>
    | ReactiveFunction<UseMutationOptions<$RESULT_TYPE$, Partial<$VARIABLES_TYPE$>>> = { variables: {} }
): UseMutationReturn<$RESULT_TYPE$, $VARIABLES_TYPE$> =>
  useMutation<$RESULT_TYPE$, Partial<$VARIABLES_TYPE$>>($DOCUMENT$, { variables: {}, ...options })
// composable-mutation-partial-variables:end

// vue-apollo-mutation-composable:begin
export const use$NAME$$OPERATION_TYPE$ = (
    | UseMutationOptions<$RESULT_TYPE$, $VARIABLES_TYPE$>
    | ReactiveFunction<UseMutationOptions<$RESULT_TYPE$, $VARIABLES_TYPE$>> = {}
) => useMutation<$RESULT_TYPE$, $VARIABLES_TYPE$>($DOCUMENT$, options)

// vue-apollo-mutation-composable:end

Bunch of common definitions

// vue-apollo-common-composable:begin
import { Ref, PropType } from '@vue/composition-api'

// Maybe is generated by graphql-codegen, and can be overridden in codegen.yml
export type MaybeProp<T> = PropType<Maybe<T>>

// prettier-ignore
import { useQuery, useMutation, UseQueryOptions, UseMutationReturn, UseMutationOptions } from '@vue/apollo-composable'
type ReactiveFunction<TParam> = () => TParam

// vue-apollo-common-composable:end
// vue-apollo-common-class:begin
import Vue from 'vue'
import { MutationOptions, QueryOptions } from 'apollo-client'

import { VueApolloQueryDefinition, VueApolloSubscribeToMoreOptions } from 'vue-apollo/types/options'
import Component, { createDecorator, VueDecorator } from 'vue-class-component'

interface ClientOptions {
  client?: string
type VueApolloMutationOptions<R, V> = MutationOptions<R, V> & ClientOptions

function SmartQuery<C = any, R = any, V = any>(
  options: VueApolloQueryDefinitionPatched<C, R, V>
): VueDecorator {
  return createDecorator((componentOptions: any, k: string) => {
    componentOptions.apollo = componentOptions.apollo || {}
    componentOptions.apollo[k] = options

type VueQueryOptions<V> = QueryOptions<V> & ClientOptions
type OverrideThis<F, T> = F extends (...args: infer A) => infer B ? (this: T, ...args: A) => B : F
type OverrideAllThis<O, T> = {
  [key in keyof O]: OverrideThis<O[key], T>
type VueApolloQueryDefinitionWithoutVariablesAndSubscribeToMore<R = any, V = any> = Omit<
  VueApolloQueryDefinition<R, V>,
  'subscribeToMore' | 'variables'
type SubscribeToMoreOptionsPatched<C, R, V> = OverrideAllThis<
  Omit<VueApolloSubscribeToMoreOptions<R, V>, 'updateQuery' | 'variables'>,
> & {
  variables?: (this: C) => any
  updateQuery?: UpdateQueryFn<C, R, any, any>
type UpdateQueryFn<C = any, R = any, TSubscriptionVariables = any, TSubscriptionData = any> = (
  this: C,
  previousQueryResult: R,
  options: {
    subscriptionData: { data: TSubscriptionData }
    variables?: TSubscriptionVariables
) => R

export interface VueApolloQueryDefinitionPatched<C = any, R = any, V = any>
  extends OverrideAllThis<VueApolloQueryDefinitionWithoutVariablesAndSubscribeToMore<R, V>, C> {
  variables?: (this: C) => V | V
  subscribeToMore?: SubscribeToMoreOptionsPatched<C, R, V> | Array<SubscribeToMoreOptionsPatched<C, R, V>>

// vue-apollo-common-class:end
// vue-apollo-common:begin
import { DataProxy } from 'apollo-cache'
import { FetchResult } from 'apollo-link'
// vue-apollo-common:end

// query-utils-common:begin

interface ProxyQuery<R = any, V = any> {
  cache: DataProxy
  query: DocumentNode
  variables?: V
  reducer?: (source: R) => R
  patch?: Partial<R>
export const proxyQuery = <R, V>(o: ProxyQuery<R, V>): R | null => {
  const old = o.cache.readQuery<R, V>({
    query: o.query,
    variables: o.variables,
  const result = o.patch && old ? { ...old, ...o.patch } : old
  const data = o.reducer && result ? o.reducer(result) : result
    query: o.query,
    variables: o.variables,
  return data
// query-utils-common:end

// fragment-utils-common:begin
interface FragmentResolver<T> {
  fragment: DocumentNode
  fragmentName?: string

  /** convenience alias for {source.__typename} */
  type?: string

  source: Partial<T>
  patch?: Partial<T>

  reducer?: (source: Partial<T> | T) => T
  context: {
    getCacheKey?: (result: any) => string | null
    cache: DataProxy
  onError?: (error: Error) => void

export const fragmentResolver = <T extends { id?: string; _id?: string; __typename?: string }>({
  context: { getCacheKey, cache },
}: FragmentResolver<T>): Partial<T> | null => {
  const fragmentSource = { __typename: type, ...source } as Partial<T>
  const id = getCacheKey
    ? getCacheKey(fragmentSource)
    : `${fragmentSource.__typename}:${fragmentSource.id || fragmentSource._id}`
  if (id) {
    let oldData = null
    try {
      oldData = cache.readFragment<T>({ id, fragment, fragmentName })
    } catch (e) {
      if (onError) {
    const patched =
      oldData && patch
        ? { ...oldData, ...patch }
        : patch
        ? { ...fragmentSource, ...patch }
        : oldData || fragmentSource
    const data = reducer ? reducer(patched) : patched
    if (data !== null) {
      cache.writeFragment<Partial<T>>({ fragment, fragmentName, data, id })
    return data && type ? { __typename: type, ...data } : data
  return null
// fragment-utils-common:end

MAYBE: Mutation Decorator

export function Mutate<C = any, R = any, V = any>(options: VueApolloMutationOptionsPatched<C, R, V>) {
  // tslint:disable-next-line
  return function(_target: Vue, _key: string, descriptor: any) {
    const original = descriptor.value
    descriptor.value = function apolloMutator(variables?: any) {
      const mutationOptions = !variables
        ? options
        : typeof options.variables === 'function'
        ? {
            variables: options.variables.apply(this, [variables]),
        : { ...options, variables }

      return this.$apollo
        .then((result: FetchResult<R>) => original.apply(this, [variables, result]))
        .catch((networkError: Error) => original.apply(this, [variables, { networkError }]))

type VueApolloMutationOptionsWithoutVariables<R = any, V = any> = Omit<
  VueApolloMutationOptions<R, V>,

interface VueApolloMutationOptionsPatched<C = any, R = any, V = any>
  extends OverrideAllThis<VueApolloMutationOptionsWithoutVariables<R, V>, C> {
  variables?: (this: C, ...args: any) => V | V