0.0.2 ā€¢ Published 1 month ago

@three.ez/interaction v0.0.2

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three.ez - Interaction

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Simplify your three.js application development with three.ez!

Enhance 3D scene interactions with events, drag & drop, and focus management. Simplify three.js development with ease.

Example using three.ez/main

import { Scene, Mesh, BoxGeometry, MeshNormalMaterial } from 'three';
import { Main, PerspectiveCameraAuto } from '@three.ez/main';

const box = new Mesh(new BoxGeometry(), new MeshNormalMaterial());
box.draggable = true; // make it draggable
box.on('animate', (e) => box.rotateX(e.delta).rotateY(e.delta * 2)); // animate it every frame
box.on(['pointerover', 'pointerout'], (e) => box.scale.setScalar(e.type === 'pointerover' ? 1.5 : 1));

const scene = new Scene().add(box);
const main = new Main(); // init inside the renderer, and handle events, resize, etc
main.createView({ scene, camera: new PerspectiveCameraAuto(70).translateZ(1) }); // create the view to be rendered

Example using three.js vanilla

import { BoxGeometry, Mesh, MeshBasicMaterial, PerspectiveCamera, Scene, WebGLRenderer } from 'three';
import { InteractionManager } from '@three.ez/interaction';

const camera = new PerspectiveCamera(70, window.innerWidth / window.innerHeight, 0.1, 100);
camera.position.z = 2;

const scene = new Scene();

const renderer = new WebGLRenderer({ antialias: true });
renderer.setSize(window.innerWidth, window.innerHeight);

// Add interactionManager to the scene
const interactionManager = new InteractionManager(renderer, scene, camera);

camera.on('viewportresize', (e) => {
  camera.aspect = e.width / e.height;

window.addEventListener('resize', () => {
  renderer.setSize(window.innerWidth, window.innerHeight);

const mesh = new Mesh(new BoxGeometry(), new MeshBasicMaterial({ color: 'white' }));

mesh.draggable = true;

mesh.on('animate', (e) => {
  if (mesh.hovered) return;
  mesh.rotation.z += e.delta;

renderer.setAnimationLoop((time) => {
  // Update interactions

  renderer.render(scene, camera);

This library has two dependency:

  • three.js r123+
  • @three.ez/view-manager

šŸ”‘ Key Features

āœØ Event Programming

Add interactions to Object3D through programmable events, similar to DOM events, including a propagation system. See events list here: Interaction, Miscellaneous, Update.

const box = new Mesh(geometry, material);
box.on('click', (e) => e.stopPropagation());
box.on('animate', (e) => console.log('animate'));
box.on('positionchange', () => console.log('position changed'));

šŸ”„ Drag and Drop

Integrate drag and drop functionality. The drag is cancelled by pressing ESC.

const box = new Mesh(geometry, material);
box.draggable = true;
box.findDropTarget = true;
box.on('drag', (e) => console.log(`new position: ${e.position}`));

const plane = new Mesh(geometry, material);
plane.on('drop', (e) => console.log(`obj dropped on this: ${e.relatedTarget}`));

šŸš€ Focus and Blur

Enhance interactivity with focus and blur events.

const box = new Mesh(geometry, material);
box.focusable = true; // default is true
box.on('focus', (e) => console.log('focused'));
box.on('blur', (e) => console.log('focus lost'));

āœ‚ļø Resize Handling

Utilize the viewportResize event to easily set the resolution for custom shaders.

const line = new Line2(geometry, material);
line.on('viewportresize', (e) => material.resolution.set(e.width, e.height));

āš™ļø Raycasting Customisable

Choose between continuous or mouse movement-based raycasting, optimizing intersection operations. Set which objects to intersect from the main raycasting.

const scene = new Scene();
scene.continuousRaycasting = true; // default is false

const box = new Mesh(geometry, material);
box.interceptByRaycaster = false; // default is true

šŸŽÆ Hitbox Functionality

Leverage hitboxes for customized intersections or simplified calculations.

const ring = new Mesh(new RingGeometry(1, 1.5), new MeshBasicMaterial());
ring.hitboxes = [new Hitbox(new CircleGeometry(1.5))]; // intercept also inside the ring

ā¬‡ļø Installation

You can install it via npm using the following command:

npm install @three.ez/interaction

Or can import it from CDN:

<script type="importmap">
  "imports": {
    "three": "https://unpkg.com/three@0.162.0/build/three.module.js",
    "three/examples/jsm": "https://unpkg.com/three@0.162.0/examples/jsm/",
    "@three.ez/view-manager": "https://unpkg.com/@three.ez/view-manager@0.0.2/bundle.js",
    "@three.ez/interaction": "https://unpkg.com/@three.ez/interaction@0.0.2/bundle.js"

šŸ§‘ā€šŸ’» Live Examples

These examples use vite, and some mobile devices may run out of memory. However, there is one example without it.

Three.js vanilla


Examples Collection

šŸ“š Documentation

The tutorial is available here (work in progress). The API documentation is available here.

šŸ¤ Contributing

Any help is highly appreciated. If you would like to contribute to this package or report problems, feel free to open a bug or pull request.

ā” Questions?

If you have questions or need assistance, you can ask on our discord server.

šŸ‘€ Future Work

  • Evaluate if pointerup event needs rework.
  • Raycasting optimization on static scene.
  • Raycasting optimization if there are no events on pointer movement.

ā­ Like it?

If you find this project helpful, I would greatly appreciate it if you could leave a star on this repository! This helps me know that you appreciate my work and encourages me to continue improving it. Thank you so much for your support! šŸŒŸ