0.4.1 • Published 4 years ago

@ticket721/e712 v0.4.1

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4 years ago

Pure Typescript/Javascript implementation of the Ethereum Improvement Proposal 712

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Have a complete library to issue EIP712 signature, verify them, or simply encode payloads or verify their format. Also provide a pure TS/JS implementation that can be used inside the browser or in restricted JS environments (React Native / Expo ...).


npm install --save @ticket721/e712


You can find the documentation for the modules here:

  • EIP712Signer, the base class to generate signatures
  • ERC2280Signer, extension of the EIP712Signer base class to make a ERC2280 helper


For a live usage, take a look at the last test.


This is an example showcasing how you can integrate the provided class into your own extension of it. You can of course directly use the main methods without having to create wrapping ones, they are just here to illustrate e712.

import { EIP712Signer, EIP712Payload } from '@ticket721/e712';

const User = [
        name: 'firstName',
        type: 'string'
        name: 'lastName',
        type: 'string'
        name: 'age',
        type: 'uint256'

const domain = {
    name: 'User Infos',
    version: '1',
    chainId: 1,
    verifyingContract: '0xe4937b3fead67f09f5f15b0a1991a588f7be54ca'

class UserInfos extends EIP712Signer {

    private firstName: string = null;
    private lastName: string = null;
    private age: number = null;

    constructor() {
            ['User', User]

    * Helper function to set values before doing any signature or building any payload
    * @param firstName
    * @param lastName
    * @param age
    setUserInfos(firstName: string, lastName: string, age: number): void {
        if (!firstName || !lastName || age <= 0) throw new Error('Invalid User Information');

        this.firstName = firstName;
        this.lastName = lastName;
        this.age = age;

    getPayload(): EIP712Payload {
        const message_paylaod = {
            firstName: this.firstName,
            lastName: this.lastName,
            age: this.age

        return this.generatePayload(message_paylaod, 'User');

    * Generate a signature from the values previously given by the user
    * @param privateKey
    getSignature(privateKey: string): Promise<string> {

        const payload = this.getPayload();

        return this.sign(privateKey, payload)


    * Verifies a given signature and retrieves the signer address
    * @param firstName
    * @param lastName
    * @param age
    * @param signature
    async getSignerAddress(firstName: string, lastName: string, age: number, signature: string): Promise<string> {
        if (!firstName || !lastName || age <= 0) throw new Error('Invalid User Information');

        const message_paylaod = {
            firstName: this.firstName,
            lastName: this.lastName,
            age: this.age

        const original_payload = this.generatePayload(message_paylaod, 'User');

        return this.verify(original_payload, signature);

User end usage

This is what should happen on client side when you want a user to sign something with its private key or with a third party provider.

const user_infos = new UserInfos();

user_infos.setUserInfos('John', 'Doe', 22);

// Generate the signature in place

// We are using the 'ethers' package to generate the wallets
const my_user_wallet = Wallet.createRandom();

const signature = await user_infos.getSignature(my_user_wallet.privateKey);

console.log('Signed by ', my_user_wallet.address);

// If user uses a web3 browser able to sign the payloads itself, provide the following data as argument

const ready_to_sign_with_third_party_wallet_provider = user_infos.getPayload();

Verification end usage

// Pretend this has been provided in some way to the verification end
const firstName = 'John';
const lastName = 'Doe';
const age = 22;

const signer = await user_infos.getSignerAddress(firstName, lastName, age, signature);

console.log('Signature signed by ', signer);

Third party signature

To sign with a third party wallet provider (let's say metamask), just run the following

const ready_to_sign_with_third_party_wallet_provider = user_infos.getPayload();
const user_ethereum_address = '0x...';

        method: 'eth_signTypedData_v3',
        params: [
        from: user_ethereum_address},
    (error, result) => {
        // do your stuff, signature is in result.result (if no errors)


A helper class documented here. It generates signatures for the three main methods signedTransfer, signedApprove and signedTransferFrom and provides signature verifiers.

Example: with private key available

import { ERC2280Signer, EIP712Signature }    from '@ticket721/e712';
import { Wallet }                         from 'ethers';
import { BN }                             from 'bn.js';

const domain_name = 'my ERC2280';
const domain_version = '1';
const domain_chain_id = 1;
const domain_contract = '0xd0a21D06befee2C5851EbafbcB1131d35B135e87';

const transfer_recipient = '0x19C8239E04ceA1B1C0342E6da5cF3a5Ca54874e1';
const address_zero = '0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000';

// Build helper class
const ERC2280 = new ERC2280Signer(domain_name, domain_version, domain_chain_id, domain_contract);

// Use your own private keys
const wallet = Wallet.createRandom();

// Generate proof
const sig: EIP712Signature = await ERC2280.transfer(transfer_recipient, new BN(1000), {
    signer: wallet.address,
    relayer: address_zero
}, {
    nonce: new BN(0),
    gasLimit: new BN(1000000),
    gasPrice: 1000000,
    reward: 500
}, wallet.privateKey) as EIP712Signature;

// Verify proofs
const verification = await ERC2280.verifyTransfer(transfer_recipient, new BN(1000), {
    signer: wallet.address,
    relayer: address_zero
}, {
    nonce: new BN(0),
    gasLimit: new BN(1000000),
    gasPrice: 1000000,
    reward: 500
}, sig.hex);

Example: sign with web3 browser

import { ERC2280Signer, EIP712Payload }    from '@ticket721/e712';
import { BN }                             from 'bn.js';

const domain_name = 'my ERC2280';
const domain_version = '1';
const domain_chain_id = 1;
const domain_contract = '0xd0a21D06befee2C5851EbafbcB1131d35B135e87';

const transfer_recipient = '0x19C8239E04ceA1B1C0342E6da5cF3a5Ca54874e1';
const address_zero = '0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000';

const my_web3_browser_address = '0x19C8239E04ceA1B1C0342E6da5cF3a5Ca54874e1';

// Build helper class
const ERC2280 = new ERC2280Signer(domain_name, domain_version, domain_chain_id, domain_contract);

// Generate ready-to-sign payload
const payload: EIP712Payload = await ERC2280.transfer(transfer_recipient, new BN(1000), {
    signer: my_web3_browser_address,
    relayer: address_zero
}, {
    nonce: new BN(0),
    gasLimit: new BN(1000000),
    gasPrice: 1000000,
    reward: 500
}) as EIP712Payload;

// Sign with web3
        method: 'eth_signTypedData_v3',
        params: [
        from: my_web3_browser_address},
    (error, result) => {
        // do your stuff, signature is in result.result (if no errors)

4 years ago


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