14.0.0 • Published 1 year ago

@tkey-singularity/share-transfer v14.0.0

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1 year ago

tKey Share Transfer Module

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The Share Transfer Module helps you add or remove the and password as a share for tkey. This module is the part of the tKey SDK.


npm install --save @tkey/share-transfer


Import the ShareTransferModule class from @tkey/share-transfer

import ShareTransferModule from "@tkey/share-transfer";

Assign the ShareTransferModule class to a variable

const shareTransferModule = new ShareTransferModule();


The ShareTransferModule class returns an object with the following properties:

declare class ShareTransferModule implements IModule {
  moduleName: string;
  tbSDK: ITKeyApi;
  currentEncKey: BN;
  requestStatusCheckId: number;
  requestStatusCheckInterval: number;
  static refreshShareTransferMiddleware(
    generalStore: unknown,
    oldShareStores: ShareStoreMap,
    newShareStores: ShareStoreMap
  ): ShareTransferStorePointer;
  setModuleReferences(tbSDK: ITKeyApi): void;
  setRequestStatusCheckInterval(interval: number): void;
  initialize(): Promise<void>;
    userAgent: string,
    availableShareIndexes: Array<string>,
    callback?: (err?: ITkeyError, shareStore?: ShareStore) => void
  ): Promise<string>;
  addCustomInfoToShareRequest(encPubKeyX: string, customInfo: string): Promise<void>;
  lookForRequests(): Promise<Array<string>>;
  approveRequest(encPubKeyX: string, shareStore?: ShareStore): Promise<void>;
  approveRequestWithShareIndex(encPubKeyX: string, shareIndex: string): Promise<void>;
  getShareTransferStore(): Promise<ShareTransferStore>;
  setShareTransferStore(shareTransferStore: ShareTransferStore): Promise<void>;
  startRequestStatusCheck(encPubKeyX: string, deleteRequestAfterCompletion: boolean): Promise<ShareStore>;
  cancelRequestStatusCheck(): Promise<void>;
  deleteShareTransferStore(encPubKey: string): Promise<void>;
  resetShareTransferStore(): Promise<void>;
  private _cleanUpCurrentRequest;


With the ShareTransferModule, you've access to the following functions:

Request a new share

requestNewShare(userAgent: string, availableShareIndexes: Array<string>, callback?: (err?: ITkeyError, shareStore?: ShareStore) => void)

  • userAgent: The user agent of the client that is requesting a new share.
  • availableShareIndexes: An array of share indexes that are available for the client.
  • callback: A callback function that is called when the request is complete.


  • Promise<string>: Share index of the new share.

Add custom info to share request

addCustomInfoToShareRequest(encPubKeyX: string, customInfo: string)

  • encPubKeyX: The public key of the share that is being requested.
  • customInfo: The custom info that is being added to the share request.

Look for requests



  • Promise<Array<string>>: An array of indexes of pending requests

Approve request

approveRequest(encPubKeyX: string, shareStore?: ShareStore)

  • encPubKeyX: The public key of the share that is being approved.
  • shareStore: The share store that is being approved.

Approve request with share index

approveRequestWithShareIndex(encPubKeyX: string, shareIndex: string)

  • encPubKeyX: The public key of the share that is being approved.
  • shareIndex: The share index that is being approved.

Get share transfer store



  • Promise<ShareTransferStore>: The share transfer store.

Set share transfer store

setShareTransferStore(shareTransferStore: ShareTransferStore)

  • shareTransferStore: The share transfer store.

Start request status check

startRequestStatusCheck(encPubKeyX: string, deleteRequestAfterCompletion: boolean)

  • encPubKeyX: The public key of the share that is being checked.
  • deleteRequestAfterCompletion: Whether or not to delete the request after it is completed.


  • Promise<ShareStore>: The share store.

Cancel request status check


Delete share transfer store

deleteShareTransferStore(encPubKey: string)

  • encPubKey: The public key of the share that is being deleted.

Reset share transfer store
