2.0.0 • Published 3 years ago

@tongtian/jest-config-preset v2.0.0

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Last release
3 years ago



jest 的基础、可共享配置。


npm i --save-dev @tongtian/jest-config-preset


module.exports = {
  preset: '@tongtian/jest-config-preset',


  • 业务代码在根目录的 src 文件下
  • 测试代码在根目录的 test 文件夹下。


1.配置 jest 时,你觉得配置没问题,但是测试就是失败。

可能是缓存的问题。运行测试可以加上 --no-cache 。配置好 jest 后,记得将 --no-cache 去掉,因为这会影响测试性能。如果想要删除缓存,可以参考--clearCache

2.SyntaxError: Cannot use import statement outside a module

Jest encountered an unexpected token
This usually means that you are trying to import a file which Jest cannot parse, e.g. it's not plain JavaScript.

By default, if Jest sees a Babel config, it will use that to transform your files, ignoring "node_modules".

Here's what you can do:
 • If you are trying to use ECMAScript Modules, see https://jestjs.io/docs/en/ecmascript-modules for how to enable it.
 • To have some of your "node_modules" files transformed, you can specify a custom "transformIgnorePatterns" in your config.
 • If you need a custom transformation specify a "transform" option in your config.
 • If you simply want to mock your non-JS modules (e.g. binary assets) you can stub them out with the "moduleNameMapper" config option.


  • 将 @babel/preset-env 的 modules 选项删除或设置为 'auto'。
  • 测试时,将 babel 的 targets 设置为 {node:'current'}。注意,babel 7.13.0 开始,targets 作为了 babel 的顶级配置选项,低于 7.13.0 版本,targets 是 @babel/preset-env 的配置选项。
const isTestEnv = process.env.NODE_ENV === 'test';
module.exports = {
  targets: isTestEnv
    ? { node: 'current' }
    : {
        browsers: ['last 2 versions', '> 1%', 'ie >= 9'],

3.如何让 jest 使用单独的 babel 配置

// jest.transform.js
module.exports = require('babel-jest').createTransformer({
  presets: [...],
  plugins: [...]
const jestPreset = require('@tongtian/jest-config-preset');
// 修改jest 的 transform 选项
module.exports = {
  preset: '@tongtian/jest-config-preset',
  transform: {
    '^.+\\.(js|jsx|ts|tsx)$': '<rootDir>/jest.transform.js',