0.0.4 • Published 5 years ago

@trevthedev/http2communicator v0.0.4

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Last release
5 years ago


JSON and stream messaging over HTTP2.

How To Use


npm install @trevthedev/http2communicator

Basic Usage

On the Client

const response = await client.ask({ whatever: 'question or resource request' })

On the Server

server.on('question', async (serverResponse)=>{
  serverResponse.reply({ response: 'what ever' })        

More Advanced Example

On The Server

import ServerNode from '@trevthedev/http2communicator'

const server = new ServerNode()

server.on('question', async (serverResponse) => {
  console.log(`LOG STEP 1: ${JSON.stringify(serverResponse.json)}`)
  // handles any messages sent by client of type 'message' to this serverResponse
  serverResponse.on('message', (msg) => console.log(`LOG STEP 4: ${JSON.stringify(msg)}`))
  // sends 'hello' JSON message to client's question
  serverResponse.say({ first: 'your', name: 'please', step: 2 }, 'hello')
  // asks a question of client's question
  const question = serverResponse.ask({
    do: 'you', like: 'your', name: ['yes', 'no'], step: 3,
  // handles any messages sent by client of type 'message' to this question
  question.on('message', (msg) => {
    console.log(`LOG STEP 5: ${JSON.stringify(msg)}`)
    question.say({ and: 'I', say: 'more', step: 6 }, 'more')
  // waits for client to respond to question
  console.log(`LOG STEP 7: ${JSON.stringify(await question)}`)

  // establishes a new stream from client to server (opposite of Push Stream)
  // streams can also stream objects - known as Speaker
  const incomingStream = await serverResponse.createListener('uploadFile', 'raw')

  // stream file to client - Push Stream
  // streams can also stream objects - known as Speaker
  const fileSpeaker = await serverResponse.createSpeaker('downloadFile', 'raw')

  // after file has been streamed, reply to the original question
  fileSpeaker.on('finish', () => serverResponse.reply({ my: 'name', is: 'server' }))


On the Client

import ClientNode from '@trevthedev/http2communicator/client'

const client = new ClientNode()

// ask for something from the server (question)
const question = client.ask({ what: 'is', your: 'name', step: 1 })

// handles any messages sent by server of type 'hello' to this question
question.on('hello', (msg) => {
  console.log(`LOG STEP 2: ${JSON.stringify(msg)}`)
  // sends message to server of type 'message' to this question
  question.say({ i: 'say', stuff: true, step: 4 })

// handles any questions from the  server to this question
// Response object is provided
question.on('question', (response) => {
  console.log(`LOG STEP 3: ${JSON.stringify(response.json)}`)
  // handles any messages sent by server of type 'more' to this response
  response.on('more', (msg) => {
    console.log(`LOG STEP 6: ${JSON.stringify(msg)}`)
    // reply to servers question
      answer: 'yes', i: 'like', my: 'name', step: 7,
  // sends message to server of type 'message' to this response
  response.say({ i: 'also', say: 'stuff', step: 5 })

// stream established by server.createListener
question.on('uploadFile', (stream) => {

// stream established by server.createSpeaker
question.on('downloadFile', (stream) => {

(async () => {
  // await response to question
  const response = await question
  console.log(`LOG STEP 1 ANSWER: ${JSON.stringify(response)}`)

API Reference


The host of the http2 server.


import ServerNode from '@TrevTheDev/http2Communicator'

const server = new ServerNode(http2Server, settings)
  • http2Server \<http2Server> optional http2Server - if one is not provide a new http2SecureServer instance is created based on settings.
  • settings \<object> settings:
    • serverPort: 8443,
    • serverHostName: '',
    • serverPath: '/http2Communicator'
    • listenerPath: '/http2Stream'
    • keyFile: './dev certificate/selfsigned.key'
    • certFile: './dev certificate/selfsigned.crt'
    • certArgs: '/C=US/ST=Denial/L=Springfield/O=Dis/CN=www.example.com'
    • log: true

serverNode.listen(port, hostname)

starts server listening

  • port \<number> optional - see settings
  • hostname \<string> optional - see settings serverHostName


  • returns \<Promise> Promise that gracefully closes all streams


A client the connects to a ServerNode.


import ClientNode from '@TrevTheDev/http2Communicator/client'

const client = new ClientNode(settings)
  • settings \<object> settings:
    • serverAddress: 'https://localhost:8443'
    • http2ConnectionOptions: { rejectUnauthorized: false, enablePush: true, }
    • serverPath: '/http2Communicator'
    • listenerPath: '/http2Stream'
    • log: true


Asks a new Question of the ServerNode

  • json \<object> question to ask
  • returns \<Question> a Question promise that resolves after the response is received


  • returns \<Promise> Promise that gracefully closes all streams


Extends EventEmitter




A Question is a request json Promise that awaits a response json. On await the Question is sent.

  • returns \<Question> a promise that resolves to the the response json


  • id \<string> a Unique Identifier
  • objectStream \<ObjectStream> ObjectStream used for communications
  • json \<Object> Json of question
  • response \<Response> Response object if any
  • speakers \<Object[]> Array of active Speakers
  • response \<Response=> if the Question is related to a particular Response - a "sub" question

Messages Handled

  • reply on receipt this resolves the Question Promise. It will throw if there are any open Speakers
  • cancelled on receipt this rejects the Question Promise with cancelled message. It will throw if there are any open Speakers
  • question emits a question event with a new Response object
  • listening emits a speakerType event with a Speaker|Stream object
  • any messages not of the above type are emited as their message type

question.say(json, type)

Sends a json object of type via the ObjectStream. Say will only work after question has been sent to server via await.


Extends Response


serverNode.on('question', (serverResponse) => {


  • speakers \<Speaker[]> array of connected Speakers|Streams
  • Listeners \<Speaker[]> array of connected listening Speakers|Streams

serverResponse.createSpeaker(speakerName, speakerType, optional)

Creates a new Speaker|Stream that the serverReponse can send either Objects on or anything else.

  • speakerName \<string> event that will be emitted on the client
  • speakerType \<string='object'> speaker will be a Speaker if 'object' or a Stream if 'raw'
  • optional \<boolean=false> if true then no promise is returned, rather returned Speaker will emit speakerType event on stream
  • returns \<Promise->Speaker |Speaker > a promise that resolves to a Speaker or a Speaker

serverResponse.createListener(speakerName, speakerType)

Creates a new listening Speaker|Stream that the serverReponse can receive either Objects on or anything else.

  • speakerName \<string> event that will be emitted on the client
  • speakerType \<string='object'> speaker will be a Speaker if 'object' or a Stream if 'raw'
  • returns \Speaker |Promise->Stream> a promise that resolves to a Speaker or a Stream


Extends EventEmitter


question.on('question', (response) => {


  • id \<string> a unique identifier
  • objectStream \<ObjectStream> ObjectStream used for communications
  • json \<Object> Json of received Question
  • questions \<Object[]> Array of Questions asked by this Response awaiting answers

Messages Handling

  • any messages received are emited as their message type

response.reply(json, type)

Sends json response to this Question and resolves promise. Type can also be cancelled to reject the Question. Throws if any Questions, Speakers or Listeners remain connected.

  • json \<object> json response to question
  • type \<string='reply'>

Only one reply should be sent.


Asks a new Question related to this Response

  • json \<object> question to ask
  • returns \<Question> a Question promise that resolves after the response is received

response.say(json, type)

Sends a json object of type via the ObjectStream


An object stream converts a stream of bytes into a stream of JSON objects. It emits a new event object for each object received

  • stream \<stream.Readable|stream.Duplex> stream to become object stream
  • eventTarget \ optional target that will emit the object, end, finish, closed events


Instantiation via serverResponse.createSpeaker and serverResponse.createListener

Sends JSON objects in one direction using an ObjectStream


sends json over ObjectStream


sends json over ObjectStream and ends ObjectStream