1.0.4 • Published 5 years ago

@trulyacerbic/hooks-react-login-google v1.0.4

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5 years ago

React Hooks: Login with Google

This little package provides React Hooks with functionality needed (browser-side) to use Google OAuth2 "Login with Google" feature. The Webserver Application authorization process is used.


You must have a google app created, with OAuth credentials type enabled.

After you call useGoogleLogin, it immediately checks if there's a previous user login data stored in local storage; if previous login token found, tokenValidationCb is used to check token validity (it should perform a call to the backend to check if session is still valid or is expired). The state object returned by useGoogleLogin can be used to track progress of this validation check and the general status of user login (logged in or not). Secondly, useGoogleLogin provides a URL link to start Google OAuth2 process.

After OAuth2 process finishes, after all redirects, the browser will land back on a "login success" page. That page should have useLoginSuccess invoked. useLoginSuccess will check result of the login process and update browser's local storage accordingly.

In general terms, the whole login process involves following redirections and data flow:

  • Frontend page (where useGoogleLogin-s authURL is used for a link)
  • When the authURL link is clicked, browser is redirected to Google's Auth process. Along with this redirection "redirectTo", "returnTo" and "csrfToken" are sent.
  • If user consented to Auth with Google, the browser is redirected to "redirectTo" URL, which is a application backend server endpoint, as per OAuth2 specification. "returnTo" and "csrfToken" fields are passed there as custom State Data.
  • On the backend, csrfToken is inspected, an authorized user session is opened and that session token is sent with the final redirect, to "returnTo" URL, which is the frontend's "login success" page.
  • On the "login success" page useLoginSuccess picks up authorized session token and updates frontend application status by storing it in local storage.


Called with a GoogleLoginOptions object, it returns a GoogleLoginState variable to track progress of user login.

export interface GoogleLoginOptions {
    // id of the app, as registered with google developers' console
    clientId: string;

    // Google API access scopes requested from the user. If omitted, the default
    // ones are used: ["email", "profile", "openid"]
    scopes?: string[];

    // URL of a page where user's browser should be returned after
    // authentication ("login success" page); that redirection will contain a
    // URL query parameter with the resulting authentication session token
    returnTo: string;

    // Endpoint of the backend to be redirected to by Google authentication
    // process after getting user's consent
    redirectTo: string;

    // name of local-storage field to store auth token in
    storageTokenName?: string;

    // call to backend to validate a token stored earlier
    tokenValidationCb: (token: string) => Promise<boolean>;
export interface GoogleLoginState {
    // This is true at the start. When this flag turns false, you may use
    // isLoggedIn to track current state of user login.
    loading: boolean;
    // is user properly logged in (with valid token).
    // If this is false, you may use authURL() to get a URL link to initiate
    // login process; if this is true you may use logout() to clear user login
    // token from browser local-storage.
    isLoggedIn: boolean;

    // URL of Google Auth screen (redirect browers there to start login process)
    // if csrfToken is provided, it is added to authUrl State parameter (will be
    // sent to the redirectTo target as part of Auth process)
    authURL: (csrfToken?: string) => string;

    // force state if local storage was cleared by current tab
    logout: () => void;


Place this hook on "login success" page to produce a boolean value that indicates if login was successful (if the value is true).

function useLoginSuccess(
    // Name of local storage field name, into which the authorized session token
    // will be stored, if the token present. IMPORTANT: if this argument is
    // provided, it should match EXACTLY value of "storageTokenName" of
    // `useGoogleLogin` configuration object
    storage_field_name: string = "login-with-google-token",

    // Name of parameter with the token in URL query string (of "login success"
    // page). This should be coordinated with backend server code.
    query_param_name: string = "authtoken"
): boolean;