1.2.1 • Published 2 months ago

@trustvc/w3c-issuer v1.2.1

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2 months ago

TrustVC W3C Issuer

A library to facilitate the creation of Decentralized Identifiers DIDs v1, specifically did:web, for the signing of Verifiable Credentials v1.1.


To install the package, use:

npm install @trustvc/w3c-issuer


  • Create private key pairs for specific Signature Suites used for signing Verifiable Credentials (e.g., BBS).
  • Generate DID private key pairs and DID documents.


1. Create Private Key

generateKeyPair function helps to generate a signature Key Pair.

import { generateKeyPair, VerificationType } from '@trustvc/w3c-issuer';

 * Parameters:
 * - options (GenerateKeyPairOptions)
 * - options.type (VerificationType): Key Pair algo type for Signature
 * - options.seedBase58? (string): 32 byte base58 encoded seed (e.g. FVj12jBiBUqYFaEUkTuwAD73p9Hx5NzCJBge74nTguQN) (optional)
 * - options.privateKeyBase58? (string): private key value (optional)
 * - options.publicKeyBase58? (string): public key value (optional)
 * Returns:
 * - A Promise that resolves to:
 *   - generatedKeyPair.type (VerificationType): Key Pair algo.
 *   - generatedKeyPair.seedBase58 (string): 32 byte base58 encoded seed
 *   - generatedKeyPair.privateKeyBase58 (string): Derieve private key from seed
 *   - generatedKeyPair.publicKeyBase58 (string): Detrieve public key from seed

const options = {
  type: VerificationType.Bls12381G2Key2020,
  seedBase58: undefined

const generatedKeyPair = await generateKeyPair(options);
console.log('generatedKeyPair: ', generatedKeyPair)
generatedKeyPair: {
  type: 'Bls12381G2Key2020',
  seedBase58: '<seedBase58>',
  privateKeyBase58: '<privateKeyBase58',
  publicKeyBase58: 'oRfEeWFresvhRtXCkihZbxyoi2JER7gHTJ5psXhHsdCoU1MttRMi3Yp9b9fpjmKh7bMgfWKLESiK2YovRd8KGzJsGuamoAXfqDDVhckxuc9nmsJ84skCSTijKeU4pfAcxeJ'

2. Generate DID Key Pair and DID Document

issueDID function helps to generate did:web DID Document, together with the DID Private Key Pair.

(wellKnownDid) did:web DID Document needs to be hosted. \ Read here for more instructions. \ \ (didKeyPairs) DID Private Key Pair needs to be kept securely. Required for signing Verifiable Credential. \ Read here for more signing instructions.

import { VerificationType, issueDID } from '@trustvc/w3c-issuer';

 * Parameters:
 * - options (IssuedDIDOption)
 * - options.domain (string): URL where the DID Document will be located
 * - options.type (VerificationType): Key Pair algo.
 * - options.seedBase58? (string): 32 byte base58 encoded seed (optional)
 * - options.privateKeyBase58? (string): Derieved private key from seed (optional)
 * - options.publicKeyBase58? (string): Detrieved public key from seed (optional)
 * Returns:
 * - A Promise that resolves to:
 *   - issuedDID.wellKnownDid (DidWellKnownDocument): DID Document generated for the specified domain
 *   - issuedDID.didKeyPairs (PrivateKeyPair): DID Key Pair containing key id and controller

const options = {
  domain: 'https://example.com/.well-known/did.json',
  type: VerificationType.Bls12381G2Key2020,
  seedBase58: '<seedBase58>',
  privateKeyBase58: '<privateKeyBase58>',
  publicKeyBase58: 'oRfEeWFresvhRtXCkihZbxyoi2JER7gHTJ5psXhHsdCoU1MttRMi3Yp9b9fpjmKh7bMgfWKLESiK2YovRd8KGzJsGuamoAXfqDDVhckxuc9nmsJ84skCSTijKeU4pfAcxeJ'

const issuedDID = await issueDID(options);

const { wellKnownDid, didKeyPairs } = issuedDID;
console.log("wellKnownDid:", wellKnownDid)
console.log("didKeyPairs:", didKeyPairs)
wellKnownDid: {
  id: 'did:web:example.com',
  verificationMethod: [
      type: 'Bls12381G2Key2020',
      id: 'did:web:example.com#keys-1',
      controller: 'did:web:example.com',
      publicKeyBase58: 'oRfEeWFresvhRtXCkihZbxyoi2JER7gHTJ5psXhHsdCoU1MttRMi3Yp9b9fpjmKh7bMgfWKLESiK2YovRd8KGzJsGuamoAXfqDDVhckxuc9nmsJ84skCSTijKeU4pfAcxeJ'
  '@context': [
  authentication: [ 'did:web:example.com#keys-1' ],
  assertionMethod: [ 'did:web:example.com#keys-1' ],
  capabilityInvocation: [ 'did:web:example.com#keys-1' ],
  capabilityDelegation: [ 'did:web:example.com#keys-1' ]
didKeyPairs: {
  id: 'did:web:example.com#keys-1',
  type: 'Bls12381G2Key2020',
  controller: 'did:web:example.com',
  seedBase58: '<seedBase58>',
  privateKeyBase58: '<privateKeyBase58>',
  publicKeyBase58: 'oRfEeWFresvhRtXCkihZbxyoi2JER7gHTJ5psXhHsdCoU1MttRMi3Yp9b9fpjmKh7bMgfWKLESiK2YovRd8KGzJsGuamoAXfqDDVhckxuc9nmsJ84skCSTijKeU4pfAcxeJ'