3.0.0 • Published 6 months ago

@tsparticles/react v3.0.0

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Last release
6 months ago



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npm install @tsparticles/react


yarn add @tsparticles/react

TypeScript Installation

npm install @tsparticles/react @tsparticles/engine


yarn add @tsparticles/react @tsparticles/engine

@tsparticles/engine is the core package for tsParticles, it contains useful types like ISourceOptions, Engine or Container.


Starting from version 1.17.0 there are two official create-react-app templates:

  • cra-template-particles: Simple ReactJS template with full screen particles, using JavaScript
  • cra-template-particles-typescript: Simple ReactJS template with full screen particles, using TypeScript

You can simply install them using the create-react-app command like this:

$ create-react-app your_app --template particles


$ create-react-app your_app --template particles-typescript

How to use



Options object

JavaScript support - object
import { useCallback, useEffect, useState } from "react";
import Particles, { initParticlesEngine } from "@tsparticles/react";
// import { loadAll } from "@/tsparticles/all"; // if you are going to use `loadAll`, install the "@tsparticles/all" package too.
// import { loadFull } from "tsparticles"; // if you are going to use `loadFull`, install the "tsparticles" package too.
import { loadSlim } from "@tsparticles/slim"; // if you are going to use `loadSlim`, install the "@tsparticles/slim" package too.
// import { loadBasic } from "@tsparticles/basic"; // if you are going to use `loadBasic`, install the "@tsparticles/basic" package too.

const App = () => {
    const [ init, setInit ] = useState(false);

    // this should be run only once per application lifetime
    useEffect(() => {
        initParticlesEngine(async (engine) => {
            // you can initiate the tsParticles instance (engine) here, adding custom shapes or presets
            // this loads the tsparticles package bundle, it's the easiest method for getting everything ready
            // starting from v2 you can add only the features you need reducing the bundle size
            //await loadAll(engine);
            //await loadFull(engine);
            await loadSlim(engine);
            //await loadBasic(engine);
        }).then(() => {
    }, []);

    const particlesLoaded = (container) => {

    return (
        { init && <Particles
                background: {
                    color: {
                        value: "#0d47a1",
                fpsLimit: 120,
                interactivity: {
                    events: {
                        onClick: {
                            enable: true,
                            mode: "push",
                        onHover: {
                            enable: true,
                            mode: "repulse",
                        resize: true,
                    modes: {
                        push: {
                            quantity: 4,
                        repulse: {
                            distance: 200,
                            duration: 0.4,
                particles: {
                    color: {
                        value: "#ffffff",
                    links: {
                        color: "#ffffff",
                        distance: 150,
                        enable: true,
                        opacity: 0.5,
                        width: 1,
                    move: {
                        direction: "none",
                        enable: true,
                        outModes: {
                            default: "bounce",
                        random: false,
                        speed: 6,
                        straight: false,
                    number: {
                        density: {
                            enable: true,
                            area: 800,
                        value: 80,
                    opacity: {
                        value: 0.5,
                    shape: {
                        type: "circle",
                    size: {
                        value: { min: 1, max: 5 },
                detectRetina: true,
TypeScript support - object
import { useCallback, useEffect, useState } from "react";
import Particles, { initParticlesEngine } from "@tsparticles/react";
import type { Container, Engine } from "@tsparticles/engine";
// import { loadAll } from "@/tsparticles/all"; // if you are going to use `loadAll`, install the "@tsparticles/all" package too.
// import { loadFull } from "tsparticles"; // if you are going to use `loadFull`, install the "tsparticles" package too.
import { loadSlim } from "@tsparticles/slim"; // if you are going to use `loadSlim`, install the "@tsparticles/slim" package too.
// import { loadBasic } from "@tsparticles/basic"; // if you are going to use `loadBasic`, install the "@tsparticles/basic" package too.

const App = () => {
    const [ init, setInit ] = useState(false);

    // this should be run only once per application lifetime
    useEffect(() => {
        initParticlesEngine(async (engine) => {
            // you can initiate the tsParticles instance (engine) here, adding custom shapes or presets
            // this loads the tsparticles package bundle, it's the easiest method for getting everything ready
            // starting from v2 you can add only the features you need reducing the bundle size
            //await loadAll(engine);
            //await loadFull(engine);
            await loadSlim(engine);
            //await loadBasic(engine);
        }).then(() => {
    }, []);

    const particlesLoaded = (container) => {

    return (
        { init && <Particles
                background: {
                    color: {
                        value: "#0d47a1",
                fpsLimit: 120,
                interactivity: {
                    events: {
                        onClick: {
                            enable: true,
                            mode: "push",
                        onHover: {
                            enable: true,
                            mode: "repulse",
                        resize: true,
                    modes: {
                        push: {
                            quantity: 4,
                        repulse: {
                            distance: 200,
                            duration: 0.4,
                particles: {
                    color: {
                        value: "#ffffff",
                    links: {
                        color: "#ffffff",
                        distance: 150,
                        enable: true,
                        opacity: 0.5,
                        width: 1,
                    move: {
                        direction: "none",
                        enable: true,
                        outModes: {
                            default: "bounce",
                        random: false,
                        speed: 6,
                        straight: false,
                    number: {
                        density: {
                            enable: true,
                            area: 800,
                        value: 80,
                    opacity: {
                        value: 0.5,
                    shape: {
                        type: "circle",
                    size: {
                        value: { min: 1, max: 5 },
                detectRetina: true,

Remote url

JavaScript support - url
import { useCallback, useEffect, useState } from "react";
import Particles, { initParticlesEngine } from "@tsparticles/react";
// import { loadAll } from "@/tsparticles/all"; // if you are going to use `loadAll`, install the "@tsparticles/all" package too.
// import { loadFull } from "tsparticles"; // if you are going to use `loadFull`, install the "tsparticles" package too.
import { loadSlim } from "@tsparticles/slim"; // if you are going to use `loadSlim`, install the "@tsparticles/slim" package too.
// import { loadBasic } from "@tsparticles/basic"; // if you are going to use `loadBasic`, install the "@tsparticles/basic" package too.

const App = () => {
    const [ init, setInit ] = useState(false);

    // this should be run only once per application lifetime
    useEffect(() => {
        initParticlesEngine(async (engine) => {
            // you can initiate the tsParticles instance (engine) here, adding custom shapes or presets
            // this loads the tsparticles package bundle, it's the easiest method for getting everything ready
            // starting from v2 you can add only the features you need reducing the bundle size
            //await loadAll(engine);
            //await loadFull(engine);
            await loadSlim(engine);
            //await loadBasic(engine);
        }).then(() => {
    }, []);

    const particlesLoaded = (container) => {

    return (
        { init && <Particles id="tsparticles" url="http://foo.bar/particles.json" particlesLoaded={particlesLoaded}/>
TypeScript support - url
import { useCallback, useEffect, useState } from "react";
import Particles, { initParticlesEngine } from "@tsparticles/react";
import type { Container, Engine } from "@tsparticles/engine";
// import { loadAll } from "@/tsparticles/all"; // if you are going to use `loadAll`, install the "@tsparticles/all" package too.
// import { loadFull } from "tsparticles"; // if you are going to use `loadFull`, install the "tsparticles" package too.
import { loadSlim } from "@tsparticles/slim"; // if you are going to use `loadSlim`, install the "@tsparticles/slim" package too.
// import { loadBasic } from "@tsparticles/basic"; // if you are going to use `loadBasic`, install the "@tsparticles/basic" package too.

const App = () => {
    const [ init, setInit ] = useState(false);

    // this should be run only once per application lifetime
    useEffect(() => {
        initParticlesEngine(async (engine) => {
            // you can initiate the tsParticles instance (engine) here, adding custom shapes or presets
            // this loads the tsparticles package bundle, it's the easiest method for getting everything ready
            // starting from v2 you can add only the features you need reducing the bundle size
            //await loadAll(engine);
            //await loadFull(engine);
            await loadSlim(engine);
            //await loadBasic(engine);
        }).then(() => {
    }, []);

    const particlesLoaded = (container) => {

    return (
        { init && <Particles id="tsparticles" url="http://foo.bar/particles.json" particlesLoaded={particlesLoaded}/>


idstringThe id of the element.
widthstringThe width of the canvas.
heightstringThe height of the canvas.
optionsobjectThe options of the particles instance.
urlstringThe remote options url, called using an AJAX request
styleobjectThe style of the canvas element.
classNamestringThe class name of the canvas wrapper.


Find all configuration options here.

You can find sample configurations here 📖


Preset demos can be found here

There's also a CodePen collection actively maintained and updated here

Report bugs and issues here

tsParticle Website