0.9.4 • Published 7 years ago
@tulevaag/generator-web-app v0.9.4
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Public npm release |
This is a simple generator web app, that allows you to create a up to date app with the current full stack web development technologies.
Note: This project is used with GitHub and the new VSTS public projects features. Where GitHub is used for code and issues, but the complete build pipeline is hosted on VSTS.
- Build Definitions: https://tulevaag-public.visualstudio.com/generator-web-app/_build
- Release Definitions: https://tulevaag-public.visualstudio.com/generator-web-app/_release
Install Yeoman using npm (we assume you have pre-installed node.js). And also install the web app generator published on the public npm feed.
npm install -g yo
npm install -g @tulevaag/generator-web-app
And then generate your new project:
yo @tulevaag/web-app
The project includes the following frameworks / technologies that can be used:
- react (ui framework)
- webpack (for building)
- sass (for css)
- typescript (default language)
- office fabric ui for react
- mocha (unit testing)
- tslint (TypeScript style checks)
- eslint (JavaScript style checks)
For npm the following tasks
- build - building with optimized options
- build:debug - building with debug options
- build:prod - building with optionized options for production
- serve - start the webserver
- eslint - run style checks for JavaScript
- tslint - run style checks for TypeScript
- test - run unti test with mocha