1.0.0 • Published 1 year ago

@turtle-pog/simple-calc v1.0.0

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1 year ago


Simple-Calc is a simple calculator for JavaScript that can help with math either in the console or on your websites! Simple-Calc can also be used for discord!


Run npm install @turtle-pog/simple-calc in your console


Keep in mind that you have to have a space between your numbers and the operator

Example Usage:

const math = require('@turtle-pog/simple-calc')

let answer = math.calculate(4, '*', 2)


Example for discord.js

const math = require('@turtle-pog/simple-calc')
let args = message.content.trim().split(/ +/g)

try {
    let num1 = Number(args[1])
    let operator = args[2]
    let num2 = Number(args[3])

    if (!num1) return message.channel.send('Please provide the first number!')
    if (!operator) return message.channel.send('Please provide an operator! Example: (+ - * / ^ %)')
    if (!num2) return message.channel.send('Please provide the second number!')
    message.channel.send(`Problem: ${num1}${operator}${num2}\n\nAnswer: ${math.calculate(num1, operator, num2)}`)
} catch (e) {
Example discord command usage (Please note you do not have to have the same prefix and command name as me)

!calculate 1 + 2

The output for that command is below

Problem: 1+2
Answer: 3

Thanks to drait for the baseplate of this package his package is discord-math I just decided to make an updated version with more operators