6.16.9 • Published 6 months ago

@types/babylon v6.16.9

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This package contains type definitions for babylon (https://github.com/babel/babylon).


Files were exported from https://github.com/DefinitelyTyped/DefinitelyTyped/tree/master/types/babylon.


// Type definitions for babylon 6.16
// Project: https://github.com/babel/babylon, https://babeljs.io
// Definitions by: Troy Gerwien <https://github.com/yortus>
//                 Marvin Hagemeister <https://github.com/marvinhagemeister>
// Definitions: https://github.com/DefinitelyTyped/DefinitelyTyped
// TypeScript Version: 2.8

import { File, Expression } from 'babel-types';

export function parse(code: string, opts?: BabylonOptions): File;

export function parseExpression(input: string, options?: BabylonOptions): Expression;

export interface BabylonOptions {
     * By default, import and export declarations can only appear at a program's top level.
     * Setting this option to true allows them anywhere where a statement is allowed.
    allowImportExportEverywhere?: boolean | undefined;

     * By default, a return statement at the top level raises an error. Set this to true to accept such code.
    allowReturnOutsideFunction?: boolean | undefined;

    allowSuperOutsideMethod?: boolean | undefined;

     * Indicate the mode the code should be parsed in. Can be either "script" or "module".
    sourceType?: 'script' | 'module' | undefined;

     * Correlate output AST nodes with their source filename. Useful when
     * generating code and source maps from the ASTs of multiple input files.
    sourceFilename?: string | undefined;

     * Array containing the plugins that you want to enable.
    plugins?: PluginName[] | undefined;

export type PluginName =
    'estree' |
    'jsx' |
    'flow' |
    'typescript' |
    'classConstructorCall' |
    'doExpressions' |
    'objectRestSpread' |
    'decorators' |
    'classProperties' |
    'exportExtensions' |
    'asyncGenerators' |
    'functionBind' |
    'functionSent' |

Additional Details

  • Last updated: Tue, 06 Jul 2021 18:05:41 GMT
  • Dependencies: @types/babel-types
  • Global values: none


These definitions were written by Troy Gerwien, and Marvin Hagemeister.