3.0.3 • Published 3 years ago

@typescord/form-data v3.0.3

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3 years ago


Powerful FormData implementation for Node.js. Built over stream.Readable stream and async generators.

Continuous Integration


You can install this package:

npm install @typescord/form-data
# or with Yarn
yarn add @typescord/form-data


Each FormData instance allows you to read its data from stream.Readable stream, just use FormData#stream property for that.

You can send queries via HTTP clients that supports headers setting stream.Readable stream as body.

Let's take a look at minimal example with got:

import FormData from '@typescord/form-data';
import got from 'got';

const fd = new FormData();
fd.set('greeting', 'Hello, World!');

const options = {
	body: fd.stream, // set internal stream as request body
	headers: fd.headers, // set headers of the current FormData instance

got.post('https://example.com', options).text().then(console.log).catch(console.error);


constructor FormData([entries])

Initialize new FormData instance

  • {array} entries = undefined – an optional FormData initial entries. Each initial field should be passed as a collection of the objects with "name", "value" and "filename" props. See the FormData#append() for more info about the available format.

Instance properties

boundary -> {string}

Returns a boundary string of the current FormData instance.

stream -> {stream.Readable}

Returns an internal stream.Readable stream. Use it to send queries, but don't push anything into it.

headers -> {object}

Returns frozen object with content-type header

Instance methods

set(name, value[, filename, options]) -> {void}

Set a new value for an existing key inside FormData, or add the new field if it does not already exist.

append(name, value[, filename, options]) -> {void}

Appends a new value onto an existing key inside a FormData object, or adds the key if it does not already exist.

get<T>(name) -> {string | stream.Readable | fs.ReadStream | File}

Returns the first value associated with the given name. If the field has Buffer or any stream.Readable and fs.ReadStream (and when options.size is set for this stream) value, the File object will be returned.

  • {string} name – A name of the value you want to retrieve.

getAll<T>(name) -> {Array<string | stream.Readable | fs.ReadStream | Buffer | File>}

Returns all the values associated with a given key from within a FormData object. If the field has Buffer or any stream.Readable and fs.ReadStream (and when options.size is set for this stream) value, the File object will be returned.

  • {string} name – A name of the value you want to retrieve.

has(name) -> {boolean}

Check if a field with the given name exists inside FormData.

  • {string} – A name of the field you want to test for.

delete(name) -> {void}

Deletes a key and its value(s) from a FormData object.

  • {string} name – The name of the key you want to delete.

getComputedLength() -> {Promise<number | undefined>}

Returns computed length of the FormData content. If FormData instance contains a stream value with unknown length, the method will always return undefined.

keys() -> {IterableIterator<string>}

Returns an iterator allowing to go through the FormData keys

values() -> {IterableIterator<any>}

Returns an iterator allowing to go through the FormData values

entries() -> {IterableIterator<[string, any]>}

Returns an iterator allowing to go through the FormData key/value pairs

[Symbol.iterator]() -> {IterableIterator<[string, any]>}

An alias of FormData#entries

[Symbol.asyncIterator]() -> {AsyncIterableIterator<Buffer>}

Returns an async iterator allowing to read a data from internal stream.Readable stream using for-await syntax. Read the async iteration proposal to get more info about async iterators.

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