0.1.1 • Published 4 years ago

@unified-doc/processor v0.1.1

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4 years ago


unified processor for processing content and annotations in unified-doc.


yarn add @unified-doc/processor


unified-doc uses a unified/unified processor to map content into hast trees. It provides a single entry point to define content (e.g. text, HTML, markdown) and converts it into a common syntax tree where an ecosytem of hast plugins can operate on it.


import { createProcessor } from '@unified-doc/processor';

const defaultProcessor = createProcessor();
const textProcessor = createProcessor('text'); // same as defaultProcessor
const markdownProcessor = createProcessor('markdown');
const htmlProcessor = createProcessor('html');

textProcessor.parse('a to the b to the c');
markdownProcessor.parse('# heading');
htmlProcessor.parse('\na to the \nb to the \n\nc to the d');

Yields hast trees. To compile the hast tree, please use a relevant unified compiler that works with hast, e.g.

import { createProcessor } from '@unified-doc/processor';
import { createElement } from 'react';
import rehype2react from 'rehype-react';
import rehype2string from 'rehype-stringify';

const toStringProcessor = createProcessor();
const toReactProcessor = createProcessor().use(rehype2react, { createElement });


function createProcessor(
	contentType?: ContentType,
	sanitizeSchema?: {
		[key: string]: any;
): Processor;;

Returns a unified Processor which operates on hast trees.

Provide a valid sanitize-schema to apply custom HTML sanitization. Improper use of this schema can open you up to a cross-site scripting (XSS) attack. The defaults are safe, but deviating from them is likely unsafe.


export type ContentType = 'html' | 'markdown' | 'text';

export default ({ children }) => children