1.0.1 • Published 1 year ago

@unique.vc/udm.js v1.0.1

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Unique Delegation Manager (UDM) Javascript SDK

Unique Delegation Manager (UDM) is a toolset built for managing a "master-delegate" relationship between 1-to-many wallets. Use UDM SDK to interact with UDM Solana program and accounts.

The main account to interact with is the delegation account. The delegation account is essentialy an on chain statement which confirms that the representative has the authority to execute smart contract actions that are otherwise reserved for the master. This account can also be used by projects to display asset ownership by proxy and give other logical priviledges. The two parties involved in the delegation proccess are master and representative. The master is the one who initiated the delegation account. The representative is the one who was invited to represent the master.


For use in Node.js or a web application

$ npm install --save @unique.vc/udm.js

Main features

Check if delegation between master and representative exists

checkIfDelegationExists - This SDK function checks if the delegation account for passed master and representative public keys exists and if it is confirmed.

Get delegation address

getDelegationAddress - This SDK function returns address of the delegation PDA for specific master and representative public keys.

Get all masters for specific representative

getMastersForPublicKey - This SDK function returns all delegation accounts with master addresses that are confirmed and related to the passed representative public key.

Get all representatives for specific master

getRepresentativeForPublicKey - This SDK function returns all delegation accounts with representative addresses that are confirmed and related to the passed master public key.


import { useAnchorWallet } from "@solana/wallet-adapter-react";
import { Connection } from "@solana/web3.js";
import { getMastersForPublicKey, IDelegation } from "@unique.vc/udm.js";
import { FC, useEffect, useState } from "react";

export const SOLANA_ENDPOINT = "https://api.devnet.solana.com";
export const RPC_CONNECTION = new Connection(SOLANA_ENDPOINT, "confirmed");

const UdmExample: FC = () => {
  const [allDelegations, setAllDelegations] = useState<IDelegation[]>();
  const wallet = useAnchorWallet();

  useEffect(() => {
    void getAllDelegationsForRepresentative();
  }, [wallet]);

  const getAllDelegationsForRepresentative = async () => {
    if (wallet) {
      const allDelegationsForRepresentativeFromSDK =
        await getMastersForPublicKey(wallet.publicKey, RPC_CONNECTION);

  return (
      <p>Representative: {wallet?.publicKey.toString()}</p>
      {allDelegations?.map((item) => (

export default UdmExample;

Live demo - UDM dapp

Unique delegation manager Dapp