1.0.1 • Published 5 years ago

@unplugstudio/lory-a11y v1.0.1

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Last release
5 years ago

Lory Accessibility

Accessibility enhancements for lory.js based on W3 Carousels.

  • Reads Lory config from data attribute: <div class="slider" data-lory='{ "infinite": 1 }'>
  • Support auto-play by passing an "autoPlay": 5000 option (in milliseconds)
  • Auto-play stops when the slider receives focus or the mouse enters
  • Inactive slides have focus events disabled and aria-hidden set to true
  • A Live Region is added to announce slide changes to screen readers (only when auto-play is disabled)


  • As an NPM package: npm install @unplugstudio/lory-a11y
  • OR directly in the browser <script src="https://unpkg.com/@unplugstudio/lory-a11y">


If installing via npm, you can consume as an ES6 or CommonJS package:

// ES6 module
import { initLory } from 'lory-a11y'

// CommonJS
loryA11y = require('lory-a11y')

If using directly in the browser you can access the global object loryA11y.

After calling initLory() all elements with a data-lory attribute will be initialized. Each will have its configuration parsed as JSON directly from the data attribute.

You can also instantiate the LoryA11y class and pass a DOM element to initialize the sliders programmatically:

import { LoryA11y } form 'lory-a11y'

new LoryA11y(document.querySelector('...'))