0.0.9 • Published 4 months ago
@useparagon/opentelemetry-instrumentation-bull v0.0.9
OpenTelemetry Bull Instrumentation
This module provides automatic tracing instrumentation for Bull.
npm install --save @useparagon/opentelemetry-instrumentation-bull
OpenTelemetry Bullmq Instrumentation allows the user to automatically collect trace data from Bullmq jobs and workers and export them to the backend of choice.
To load the instrumentation, specify it in the instrumentations list to registerInstrumentations
. There is currently no configuration option.
const { NodeTracerProvider } = require('@opentelemetry/sdk-trace-node');
const { registerInstrumentations } = require('@opentelemetry/instrumentation');
const { BullInstrumentation } = require('@useparagon/opentelemetry-instrumentation-bull');
const provider = new NodeTracerProvider();
instrumentations: [
new BullInstrumentation(),
Emitted Spans
Name | BullMQ method | Description |
{QueueName.JobName} Queue.add | Queue.add | A new job is added to the queue |
{QueueName} Queue.addBulk | Queue.addBulk | New jobs are added to the queue in bulk |
{QueueName} Queue.getNextJob | Queue.getNextJob | getting next job from queue |
{QueueName} Queue.clean | Queue.clean | Cleaning jobs from queue |
{QueueName} Queue.processJob | Queue.processJob | Job processing |