1.1.0 • Published 6 years ago

@vcnkit/decorators v1.1.0

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6 years ago


@vcnkit/decorators provides decorators for common functionality, like generating unique id='s and managing hover, focused and collapsed state.



$ npm install --save @vcnkit/decorators


$ yarn add @vcnkit/decorators



Passes a getId function through props to the decorated component.
getId(identifier: string) returns the provided argument concatenated with a unique identifier for the component instance.

Subsequent calls to getId() with the same identifier within the same component instance will return the same generated id.

import * as React from 'react';
import { uniqueId } from '@vcnkit/decorators';

class SomeClassComponent extends React.Component {
    render() {
        const { getId, ...rest } = this.props;

        return (
            <div { ...rest }>
                <label htmlFor={ getId('input') }>Label</label>
                    id={ getId('input') }

Stateless components can use the decorator by wrapping itself.

import { uniqueId } from '@vcnkit/decorators';

const SomeComponent = ({ getId, ...rest ) => (
    <div { ...rest }>
        <label htmlFor={ getId('input') }>Label</label>
            id={ getId('input') }

export default uniqueId()(SomeComponent);


Provides decorated components with a hovering-prop. This prop tells the component if the user is currently hovering over the element.

import * as React from 'react';
import { hoverable } from '@vcnkit/decorators';

class SomeClassComponent extends React.Component {
    render() {
        const { hovering, onMouseEnter, onMouseOut, ...rest } = this.props;

        return (
                onMouseEnter={ onMouseEnter }
                onMouseOut={ onMouseOut }
                { ...rest }
                { hovering ? 'User is hovering over this div!' : 'User is not hovering over this div' }

Stateless components can use the decorator by wrapping itself.

import { hoverable } from '@vcnkit/decorators';

const SomeComponent = ({ hovering, onMouseEnter, onMouseOut, ...rest ) => (
        onMouseEnter={ onMouseEnter }
        onMouseOut={ onMouseOut }
        { ...rest }
        { hovering ? 'User is hovering over this element!' : 'User is not hovering over this element' }

export default hoverable()(SomeComponent);    


Provides decorated components with a focused-prop. This prop tells the component if the component currently has focus, or if focusOnChildFocus is true if a child component has focus.

focusable(focusOnChildFocus: bool)

This decorator will not provide a tabIndex prop, the component itself is responsible for giving itself or it's children a tabIndex prop.

import * as React from 'react';
import { focusable } from '@vcnkit/decorators';

class SomeClassComponent extends React.Component {
    render() {
        const { focused, onFocus, onBlur, ...rest } = this.props;

        return (
                onFocus={ onFocus }
                onBlur={ onBlur }
                tabIndex={ 0 }
                { ...rest }
                { focused ? 'Element has focus' : 'Element does not have focus' }

Stateless components can use the decorator by wrapping itself.

import { focusable } from '@vcnkit/decorators';

const SomeComponent = ({ hovering, onMouseEnter, onMouseOut, ...rest ) => (
        onFocus={ onFocus }
        onBlur={ onBlur }
        tabIndex={ 0 }
        { ...rest }
        { focused ? 'Element has focus' : 'Element does not have focus' }

export default focusable()(SomeComponent);    


Provides decorated components with a collapsed-prop. This can either by controlled by internal state or managed by parent components by attaching an onChange-prop to the decorated component. The current and initial state can be defined by attaching an collapsed-prop to the decorated component.

import * as React from 'react';
import { expandable } from '@vcnkit/decorators';

class SomeClassComponent extends React.Component {
    render() {
        const { collapsed, onChange, ...rest } = this.props;

        return (
                { ...rest }
                <h1 onClick={ onChange }>Click here to toggle</h1>
                { !collapsed && <p>Expanded</p> }

Stateless components can use the decorator by wrapping itself.

import { expandable } from '@vcnkit/decorators';

const SomeComponent = ({ collapsed, onChange, ...rest ) => (
        { ...rest }
        <h1 onClick={ onChange }>Click here to toggle</h1>
        { !collapsed && <p>Expanded</p> }

export default expandable()(SomeComponent);    

Decorating a class or stateless component with multiple decorators

If you want a component to have both the hoverable and focusable decorators, you can simply chain them.

import * as React from 'react';
import { hoverable, focusable } from '@vcnkit/decorators';

class SomeClassComponent extends React.Component {
    render() {
        const { hovering, focused, ...rest } = this.props;

        return (
                tabIndex={ 0 }
                { ...rest }
                { hovering ? 'User is hovering over this element!' : 'User is not hovering over this element' }
                { focused ? 'Element has focus' : 'Element does not have focus' }

And for stateless components

import { hoverable, focusable } from '@vcnkit/decorators';

 * ...rest will contain all the necessary event handlers. onMouseEnter, onMouseOut, onFocus and onBlur
const SomeComponent = ({ hovering, focused, ...rest }) => (
        tabIndex={ 0 }
        { ...rest }
        { hovering ? 'User is hovering over this element!' : 'User is not hovering over this element' }
        { focused ? 'Element has focus' : 'Element does not have focus' }

export default focusable()(hoverable()(SomeComponent))

Attaching refs to decorated components

The decorators in @vcnkit/decorators utilize React's forwardRef API to pass refs to the decorated components.

Using React's createRef API:

import * as React from 'react';
import { hoverable } from '@vcnkit/decorators';

class MyDecoratedComponent extends React.Component {

class MyComponent extends React.Component {
    constructor(props) {

        // This will hold a ref to 'MyDecoratedComponent' instead of the decorator itself.
        this.ref = React.createRef();

    render() {
        return (
                ref={ this.ref }

Or, using a callback ref:

import * as React from 'react';
import { hoverable } from '@vcnkit/decorators';

class MyDecoratedComponent extends React.Component {

class MyComponent extends React.Component {
    render() {
        return (
                ref={ ref => { this.ref = ref; } }

6 years ago


6 years ago


6 years ago


6 years ago


6 years ago