0.2.2 • Published 1 year ago

@vcnkit/essentials v0.2.2

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1 year ago


@vcnkit/essentials contains essential utilities, decorators and theming for VCNKit.



$ npm install --save @vcnkit/essentials


$ yarn add @vcnkit/essentials



Simple void function to use as a default prop when your component expects a function.

import { noop } from '@vcnkit/essentials';

SomeComponent.defaultProps = {
    onClick: noop,

omit(props, prop, ... )

Omits the specified props from the given prop object

import { omit } from '@vcnkit/essentials';

const SomeComponent = (props) => (
    <div { ...omit(props, [ 'someProp', 'anotherProp' ]) } >
        'someProp' and 'anotherProp' have been omitted.

extract(props, prop, ... )

Extracts the specified props from the given prop object, basically the reverse of omit

import { extract } from '@vcnkit/essentials';

const SomeComponent = (props) => (
    <div { ...extract(props, [ 'role', 'id' ]) }>
        'role' and 'id' will have been attached to this div.


Internet Explorer compatible relatedTarget for blur events. This function will give you the node that will receive focus after the blur has occured.

import { getRelatedTarget } from '@vcnkit/essentials';

class SomeComponent extends React.Component {
    handleBlur = event => {
        // Will contain the Node that received focus.
        const relatedTarget = getRelatedTarget(event);

    render() {
        return (
            <input onBlur={ this.handleBlur } />

isTargetDescendantOf(root, target)

Checks if the given target Node is a descendant of root (but not the same node).

import { isTargetDescendantOf } from '@vcnkit/essentials';

function isBodyDescendantOfDocument() {
    return isTargetDescendantOf(document, document.body);

createHoC(Component, WrappedComponent)

Utility to reduce boilerplate when creating Higher-Order Components

It will provide the resulting HoC with a displayName that is a cobmination of Component and WrappedComponent. It will also take care of forwarding refs and hoisting the non-react statics.

import { createHoC } from '@vcnkit/essentials';

function myHoC(WrappedComponent) {
    class MyHoC extends React.Component {
        render() {
            const { forwardRef, ...rest } = this.props;

            return (
                    ref={ forwardRef }
                    { ...rest }

    MyHoC.displayName = 'MyHoC';
    return createHoC(MyHoC, WrappedComponent);



Passes a getId() function through props to the decorated component. This function will always return the same identifier for the same instance.

Optionally the getId() function takes a suffix-parameter, this will result in the given suffix being added to the identifier.

import { uniqueId } from '@vcnkit/essentials';

class SomeComponent extends React.Component {
    render() {
        const { getId } = this.props;

        return (
                <label htmlFor={ getId('input') }>Label</label>
                    id={ getId('input') }

Stateless components can use the decorator by wrappign itself.

import { uniqueId } from '@vcnkit/essentials';

const SomeComponent = ({ getId }) => (
        <label htmlFor={ getId('input') }>Label</label>
            id={ getId('input') }

export default uniqueId()(SomeComponent);


Provides decorated components with a hovering-prop. This props tells the component if the user is currently hovering over the element.

To make this work, this decorator provides the onMouseEnter and onMouseLeave props which should be attached to your component.

import { hoverable } from '@vcnkit/essentials';

class SomeComponent extends React.Component {
    render() {
        const { hovering, onMouseEnter, onMouseLeave, ...rest } = this.props;

        return (
                onMouseEnter={ onMouseEnter }
                onMouseLeave={ onMouseLeave }
                { ...rest }
                { hovering ? 'User is hovering over this div!' : 'User is not hovering over this div' }

Stateless components can use the decorator by wrapping itself.

import { hoverable } from '@vcnkit/essentials';

const SomeComponent = ({ hovering, onMouseEnter, onMouseLeave, ...rest ) => (
        onMouseEnter={ onMouseEnter }
        onMouseLeave={ onMouseLeave }
        { ...rest }
        { hovering ? 'User is hovering over this element!' : 'User is not hovering over this element' }

export default hoverable()(SomeComponent);    

focusable(focusOnChildFocus = false)

Provides decorated components with a focused-prop. This prop tells the component if the component currently has focus, or if focusOnChildFocus is true if a child component has focus.

This decorator will not provide a tabIndex prop, the component itself is responsible for giving itself or it's children a tabIndex prop.

import { focusable } from '@vcnkit/essentials';

class SomeComponent extends React.Component {
    render() {
        const { focused, onFocus, onBlur, ...rest } = this.props;

        return (
                onFocus={ onFocus }
                onBlur={ onBlur }
                tabIndex={ 0 }
                { ...rest }
                { focused ? 'Element has focus' : 'Element does not have focus' }

Stateless components can use the decorator by wrapping itself.

import { focusable } from '@vcnkit/essentials';

const SomeComponent = ({ hovering, onMouseEnter, onMouseOut, ...rest ) => (
        onFocus={ onFocus }
        onBlur={ onBlur }
        tabIndex={ 0 }
        { ...rest }
        { focused ? 'Element has focus' : 'Element does not have focus' }

export default focusable()(SomeComponent);    


Provides decorated components with a expanded-prop. The expansion state can either be controlled from another component by passing your own expanded-prop to the decorated component. When it changes, an attached onChange(currentExpandedState: bool) will be triggered.

It is also possible to let the decorator keep the state internal, you can set the default state by passing initialExpanded.

import { expandable } from '@vcnkit/essentials';

class SomeComponent extends React.Component {
    render() {
        const { expanded, onChange } = this.props;

        return (
                <h1 onClick={ onChange }>Click here to toggle</h1>
                { expanded && (
                ) }

// Using internal state (starts expanded)
const SomeOtherComponent = () => (
    <SomeComponent initialExpanded/>

// Controlling state from another component
class ExpandController extends React.Component {
    state = {
        expanded: false,

    handleChange = (currentExpandedState) => {
            expanded: !currentExpandedState,

    render() {
        const { expanded } = this.state;

        return (
                expanded={ expanded }
                onChange={ this.handleChange }

Decorating a class or stateless component with multiple decorators

If you want a component to have both the hoverable and focusable decorators, you can simply chain them.

import * as React from 'react';
import { hoverable, focusable } from '@vcnkit/essentials';

class SomeClassComponent extends React.Component {
    render() {
        const { hovering, focused, ...rest } = this.props;

        return (
                tabIndex={ 0 }
                { ...rest }
                { hovering ? 'User is hovering over this element!' : 'User is not hovering over this element' }
                { focused ? 'Element has focus' : 'Element does not have focus' }

And for stateless components

import { hoverable, focusable } from '@vcnkit/essentials';

 * ...rest will contain all the necessary event handlers. onMouseEnter, onMouseLeave, onFocus and onBlur
const SomeComponent = ({ hovering, focused, ...rest }) => (
        tabIndex={ 0 }
        { ...rest }
        { hovering ? 'User is hovering over this element!' : 'User is not hovering over this element' }
        { focused ? 'Element has focus' : 'Element does not have focus' }

export default focusable()(hoverable()(SomeComponent))

Attaching refs to decorated components

The decorators in @vcnkit/essentials utilize React's forwardRef API to pass refs to the decorated components.

Using React's createRef API:

import * as React from 'react';
import { hoverable } from '@vcnkit/essentials';

class MyDecoratedComponent extends React.Component {

class MyComponent extends React.Component {
    constructor(props) {

        // This will hold a ref to 'MyDecoratedComponent' instead of the decorator itself.
        this.ref = React.createRef();

    render() {
        return (
                ref={ this.ref }

Or, using a callback ref:

import * as React from 'react';
import { hoverable } from '@vcnkit/essentials';

class MyDecoratedComponent extends React.Component {

class MyComponent extends React.Component {
    render() {
        return (
                ref={ ref => { this.ref = ref; } }