1.0.0 • Published 3 years ago

@vexcited/dynamic-dns v1.0.0

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Last release
3 years ago

dynamic-dns WakaTime

API and CLI to dynamically update your DNS for Cloudflare, Namecheap, Netlify, Vercel, and maybe more in the future.


You can install this module globally or in a specific project.

Install globally

# With Yarn
yarn global add @vexcited/dynamic-dns

# With NPM
npm install --global @vexcited/dynamic-dns

Install in a specific project

# With Yarn
yarn add @vexcited/dynamic-dns

# With NPM
npm install --save @vexcited/dynamic-dns



You can get the default help message when executing this command.

$ dynamic-dns help

Execute a command on a provider using the following command.

$ dynamic-dns [provider] [command] [...arguments]

Supported providers

You can show the help message for each providers.

  • Cloudflare: $ dynamic-dns cloudflare
  • Namecheap: $ dynamic-dns namecheap
  • Netlify: $ dynamic-dns netlify
  • Vercel: $ dynamic-dns vercel

Their documentation is the help message given on the help command provided on each providers.

This is an example help message.

Help: [provider] Provider - CLI
Usage: dynamic-dns [provider] [command] [--required-example-token XXXXXXXXX]
Informations about the commands:
  * The "--required-example-token" flag is required to authenticate.

  * help => Shows this help message.
  * update [DNS_RECORD_ID] => Update a DNS record.
    - [--ip X.X.X.X] => Optional: DNS record IP. Defaults to your public IPv4.
    - [--dns-type A|AAAA] => Optional: DNS record type. Defaults to A (IPv4). 


dynamic-dns has built-in types so you can also use it with TypeScript.

You can see the API documentation for each providers.